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New Visa Application Charges from 1st of July 2013

Alan Collett

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for EOI only the skill assessment reference number from vetassess was needed which I have mentioned as I had lodged my skill assessment on 24th may...when applying my WA state sponsership my skill assessment results were not needed and my EOI states that it has been submitted successfully with 60 points and also reviewed by CO...if I am invited to apply for my Visa by WA I need to attach all documents then..so skill assessment results are needed when I have a positive invitation by WA....

The point is you do not hold a positive skills assessment therefore your EOI is invalid, regardless if it has been reviewed by a CO or have 60 points. The VETASSESS ref no you need in EOI is from the positive outcome not the number you have after application is lodged. We needed to provide evidence to WA that we had positive skills assessment but this was before EOI. If WA was to approve SS and then automatically invited and you skills assessment arrives after - your application will be declined as the pre-requested is that the skills assessment/IELTS must be dated before the invitation is received. Many applications were refused because of this before EOI. also you would lose your application fee.

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This is really disappointing news, we are so close to being able to apply but there's no chance of making it before 1st of July, looks like we will be out by only a few weeks.


One thing though, it says "proposed" new charges, that indicates it has yet to be finalised right? Is there a small chance they may decide not to go with ahead with these new charges?



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This is really disappointing news, we are so close to being able to apply but there's no chance of making it before 1st of July, looks like we will be out by only a few weeks.


One thing though, it says "proposed" new charges, that indicates it has yet to be finalised right? Is there a small chance they may decide not to go with ahead with these new charges?




Fingers crossed for you that they do or at least lower the visa charges......


I recall they reduced the 65 point passmark they were going to introduce for SkillSelect to 60 when everyone thought it was set in stone.



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It is always possible that the base charges will increase - as others have posted the pdf is of proposed fees only.


Alternatively, DIAC might have decided that recovery of their costs need not be accompanied by an increase in base charges.


An updated form 990i confirming fees from 1st July 2013 should be available in the next fortnight.


Best regards.

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Hi Alan,


Thanks for the heads up. However, i have a question.


I have already applied for my PR VISA through EOI and also have the State Sponsored VISA. However, due to the unavailability of the quota i am expecting my invitation to come after July 1st. Does this mean i will fall under the same category of application after July and will the charges come into affect for me as well ?



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Hi Alan,


Thanks for the heads up. However, i have a question.


I have already applied for my PR VISA through EOI and also have the State Sponsored VISA. However, due to the unavailability of the quota i am expecting my invitation to come after July 1st. Does this mean i will fall under the same category of application after July and will the charges come into affect for me as well ?




Sorry - I can't make sense of your question. Have you received an invitation to apply for a visa, and have you accepted the invitation to apply for a visa?


If yes to both: you aren't affected by the new basis of charging.


If no to either: I anticipate that you will be affected, if you don't accept the invitation before the end of this month.


Best regards.

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It is always possible that the base charges will increase - as others have posted the pdf is of proposed fees only.


Alternatively, DIAC might have decided that recovery of their costs need not be accompanied by an increase in base charges.


An updated form 990i confirming fees from 1st July 2013 should be available in the next fortnight.


Best regards.

Don't say that! I'm already depressed about the extra grand! Now my only aim is to apply before july 2014 so it doesn't go up even more :twitcy:

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A few more quick words.

GSM applicants with a partner or spouse and two children under the age of 18 are now looking at a doubling of the DIAC VAC.

As many will know, the Migration Regulations require that a DIAC case officer must refuse to grant a visa to any visa applicant who is identified as having overclaimed points at EoI stage when the application is assessed following the issue and acceptance of a visa invitation.

This means that a claim for (say) skilled work employment that is incorrect will lead to a refusal of the application, and the loss of a sizeable VAC - for those who wish to safeguard their investment in a Visa Application Charge advice on strategy from a competent firm of migration advisors will be even more relevant from the 1st of July than it was before.

Best regards.

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cant believe how much it is costing! Waiting on skills assessment(avoided the pay rise for that one at least) and ielts not till Sat 22nd so would not get the results back in time to even send EOI.

Wonder what other costs have gone up that they are not making us aware of yet.


How much do medicals cost??? Husband and myself with our 2 girls; 3 and 10 months.

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More observations from team Go Matilda!


One of the GM team has noted these comments:



The additional applicant charge will only be for people who are applying for the visa with you. Some visa applications will ask you to list everyone in your family unit, even if they are not migrating with you. You will not have to pay the additional charge for non-migrating family members.









The charge will not be paid for newborns that are born after you lodge you application but before we have made a decision on the application.


=> For those with a baby on the way it will be best to apply before baby is born, as once baby has arrived it will cost more to apply for a visa! Particularly so if an applicant is expecting twins (or more)!


Best regards.



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Thats the only part of the form I get confused about on the partner visa....asking to name all your family, who is dependent on you who isn't, it'd be easier to say i've got no family lol then they definitely won't think i have family dependent on me!

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If its the 189 visa you are too late to apply before 1 July, last round of invitations are Monday 17th Australian time. If 190 your state would need to sponsor very fast, to get invitation by 30 June which would be unlikely.


Oh no! Ok thanks so much for letting us know. Is it worth waiting until the 1st July to put our EOI in then so we are at the top of the pile for the next visa invites? Does it work like that? Thanks :)

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I think the program name should change from "skilled migration program" to "rich migration program", because in a third-world country if you have around 6,000 $ as a fees (my case), 450$ (ACS assessment), 400$ (IELTS for me and my wife), and around 15,000 $ at least to start a life in Australia until you find a job, you can live a nice life in your country.


This way they will not attract the skilled people, they will attract the rich people only.

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When there is high demand for a product or service one way of rationing that demand is through increasing the price.


'tis the law of the free market, I'm afraid ... rightly or wrongly ...


I dare say that if demand drops and Australia wants to maintain the migration numbers there'll be an easing in the requirements - whether its through a drop in the Visa Application Charges or a relaxation in visa requirements.


Best regards.

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Maybe have a read through DIAC's SkillSelect blog.


Best regards.



Thanks, I have had a look and now I think...


1. Visa invitations are only granted on 1st and 3rd Monday of the month - therefore all June invotes have been issued, so if I lodge EOI now I won't be invited til 01/07/13 and may sink down the pile.


2. The next invitation round will be 1st July - so I should submit my EOI before then in order to be in with a chance of getting an invite on the first round. However, the skillselect ICT system will be down from 28/06/13 - 01/07/13 to deal with new pricing - so I am still unsure, do I submit before the ICT system goes down!?!!?


This is why agents are useful I guess!!

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It is always possible that the base charges will increase - as others have posted the pdf is of proposed fees only.


Alternatively, DIAC might have decided that recovery of their costs need not be accompanied by an increase in base charges.


An updated form 990i confirming fees from 1st July 2013 should be available in the next fortnight.


Best regards.



Hi Alan, can you advise me if I can lodge my RSMS 187 application before my company have lodged the nomination? They have agreed to sponsor me through the agreement stream and are currrently getting everything in place for the application. Someone at work's agent has told them you can lodge the application before the employer lodges but I have just seen this on the DIAC website -

Please ensure your visa application is lodged after your employer nomination has been lodged and you select the correct stream. Failure to do so may result in an invalid visa application.

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