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1 in 5 chance of recession in Australia next year


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Might be time for the Sunrise (morning TV) show to bust out its 'Reject the Recession' choir. When this last happened in 2010 the only logical response was to unplug the TV and throw it out. Life has been much better since. But hey, Australia avoided the worst of the GFC and who's to say it wasn't Koshie's choir. :no:

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whatever you want to call it there are a lot less jobs and wages are dropping. I reckon a lot will leave back to their own countries as its getting much better in the countries which suffered as a result of the GFC

Oz is very much a new country with booms and busts and why they allow you to have a 2nd passport so when it hits the fan people can run and it helps the government to pay out less in benefits etc...

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From what I've been reading on the news in Oz in the last few weeks,they already are in a recession!Or are they in denial?


A recession means negative growth, so you can't deny it - it's a fact one way or the other. Job losses and falling wages do not by themselves define a recession.

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From what I've been reading on the news in Oz in the last few weeks,they already are in a recession!Or are they in denial?


Unemployment and jobs figures out today Melza. All the "experts" were predicting an increase in unemployment and jobs decline. Wrong on both counts. WA unemployment down to 4.9%. Overall unemployment still 5.5%.



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But drill down through the figures and it seems that the total hours has reduced. Meaning that a that of part time jobs have been created at the expense of full time.


Although I'm not too happy about it, and I'd prefer him to be in full time employment, my lad is quite happy filling two part-time jobs. With his "autistic logic" and in his words, "if I lose one job, I've still got the other to tick over on, till I get another."

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Although I'm not too happy about it, and I'd prefer him to be in full time employment, my lad is quite happy filling two part-time jobs. With his "autistic logic" and in his words, "if I lose one job, I've still got the other to tick over on, till I get another."


Good lad, glass half full.

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Roads seem pretty busy to me here, some of the main roads are absolutely chocca block at certain times it does remind me of London congestion.


For what my opinions worth, construction seems pretty busy, loads of subbies seem to think we are through the worst of it, they know more than me. Plus our pipeline is looking good.


So its six of one and half a dozen of the other, I think a few people on here look for any negative stories and pounce on them (in both countries) ad not just economic ones...


Peeps, its best to focus on where you live right now, if there is a recession here I'm sure the British Broadcasting Corporation will find out before you.


If your retort is to say "but I am looking to move here in the next 6/12 months and I want to know what I am going to face" then I say to you, I can easily find just as much negativity about the UK as over here. What some people fail to understand is that the coast (WA wise) is still very much an untapped resource (by that I don't mean natural, though there are areas of natural resource) I mean by way of population, WA will mirror the East coast over the next few decades.


Build it and they will come.


These threads were around when we moved over 6 months ago and 6 months before that....


here's a real positive story over commercial rates in London.... If someone can find me a comparable in Perth I will eat my hat.



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Although I'm not too happy about it, and I'd prefer him to be in full time employment, my lad is quite happy filling two part-time jobs. With his "autistic logic" and in his words, "if I lose one job, I've still got the other to tick over on, till I get another."


We're still looking for a job for our youngest JD. He has autism too and is with an agency who are looking round for something for him. He gets a disablement payment from Centrelink and is most dischuffed that he gets money for doing nothing, as he sees it. He did a day with one of our friends a couple of weeks ago who is a self employed surveyor. He had a meeting at centrelink a couple of days after and insisted that he had to declare that our friend was going to give him some money for working the one day.


He would love a job but it's difficult to find something. He could get a job in the local IGA but he refuses to work on the till, he would get all flustered and panic. Something will turn up though, I'm hoping he will do his pool bronze and try and get a job at a leisure centre or pool. Unfortunately he can't drive yet and doesn't want to learn yet either. We've found that it's no good pushing him to try something he's not ready for.

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We're still looking for a job for our youngest JD. He has autism too and is with an agency who are looking round for something for him. He gets a disablement payment from Centrelink and is most dischuffed that he gets money for doing nothing, as he sees it. He did a day with one of our friends a couple of weeks ago who is a self employed surveyor. He had a meeting at centrelink a couple of days after and insisted that he had to declare that our friend was going to give him some money for working the one day.


He would love a job but it's difficult to find something. He could get a job in the local IGA but he refuses to work on the till, he would get all flustered and panic. Something will turn up though, I'm hoping he will do his pool bronze and try and get a job at a leisure centre or pool. Unfortunately he can't drive yet and doesn't want to learn yet either. We've found that it's no good pushing him to try something he's not ready for.


He'll find his way Paul......................they're just a bit later than NT kids. Hope you find something for him.


I dread to think what Jake would have done had the school not kept him on for 3 days a week. The only reason he's working at Maccas the other two, is because he went for work experience (from school), so was familiar with it............won't work on the till though and only cleans...........the best they've ever had apparently, due to his OCD :laugh:..........."familiarity" counts for a lot...............he hates anything new, so I guess he's been very lucky. He really wants to be a limo driver but at his age nobody would employ him due to the insurance rates so he's saving in the hope of buying his own eventually...............likes the idea of ferrying rock stars around :rolleyes:................as with most teenagers, that could all change tomorrow!

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We tried the school he went to JD, they were really helpful but didn't have anything for him at the time. He's going to go to the local Salvo's at the weekend to see if he can volunteer some time with them. He gets bored being at home. Goes out on bike rides and stuff but would love to have a job.

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Guest chris955
But drill down through the figures and it seems that the total hours has reduced. Meaning that a that of part time jobs have been created at the expense of full time.


Yes that is the problem, the majority of jobs being 'created' are part time.

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We tried the school he went to JD, they were really helpful but didn't have anything for him at the time. He's going to go to the local Salvo's at the weekend to see if he can volunteer some time with them. He gets bored being at home. Goes out on bike rides and stuff but would love to have a job.


Wishing him luck mate.

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