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Shortest ever job?


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I quit my job today after just 16 days, with my noticed period I would have been in the job for only 4 weeks and on this was a permie role! I got a better offer, one I couldn't really refuse.


Conversely the longest I've spent in a single job (well single company really) was 11 years.


What's the shortest and longest time you've ever spent in a job?

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I did some outbound telesales in Sydney some years ago and just didnt come back after the coffee break on day 1. Mind you I dont think I was the only person to do this !!

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I had summer jobs each year I was at Uni, I guess they would be my shortest jobs at about 12 weeks each, but then they were never going to be any longer and I stuck each one out for the whole holiday. Even the one that involved me working for a pittance 12 hours a day Monday to Friday and 3 hours on a Saturday morning, before the days of the minimum wage.


My longest job was really the only job I had since leaving Uni before I left the UK. I worked for the same company for nearly 15 years. To be fair I did a whole load of different jobs while I was there, but the last 10 years of that I was pretty much doing the same job the whole time.

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My longest is 7 years, my shortest is about 2 weeks. The 2 weeks was when I took a contract (unusual for me, I am usually an employee and I think it suits me better). I left because I got my first pay packet and found they were not paying me the rate I had signed up for and also because they were a bunch of arrogant tosspots. To be honest the pay thing was just an excuse for me, I rang the agent that placed me and said I was not going back in, didn't care if they decided to go back to what we agreed re pay, it was too late, I wasn't going back

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Guest guest30085

Longest 8 years. I've never worked anywhere for less than two years other than one job was a year, but . .


I took a sales job once, leaving a company I had worked at for 3 years. I lasted two weeks and then rung in sick on the third week and never went back. What a bunch of tosspots they were. A couple of the blokes were ex car salesmen (no offence to anyone intended, just referring to the ones I worked with) what a couple of self-important, arrogant, pushy t****. Enough said, you get the picture ;). I hated the job from day one.

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I once walked out of a crappy waiter job after an hour. The owners were complete ar se wipes and deserved every drop of soup that was thrown in their general direction.


Needless to say I didn't get paid for that. Nor did i go back to that town to find out what they thought about it. He he !!

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shortest one day and longest 14 months....Hopefully I'll be in this job longer, i've only ever left the previous job for a better job!

This is my 5th job in 5 years (not including the job i left after a day or the cleaning job in brissie)... I've had 2 retail jobs and now this is my 3rd care assistant job

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I had a typist temp come in to help me out about a year back. She left after an hour.


Her excuse was that I showed her where the kitchen was, but didn't offer to make her a cup of tea. She didn't think she could work with someone with such a lack of manners. BAHA!

It may have been something to do with the fact that she seemed like a bit of a princess and she walked smack-bang into a typical construction site office where everyone was looking at her, trying to figure out why she was wearing 6" heels.

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I did start a cleaning job in November that was incredibly tiring and hard work, back breaking actually, but I had no choice and needed the money. One girl I started with left after her first day, she went for a ciggie and management told her it wasn't allowed, so she left!

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Shortest 1 day - first job in Oz after only 8 days in the country, guy they wanted me to work for spent the whole time telling me how lucky I was to work for him & how the drinks were on me because I was earning so much more than I would've done in England (I wasn't, I took a temp PA role as I was on a WHV - I'm a qualified professional & was earning much more in England!)


called the agent the next morning & said I wouldn't be returning - they weren't impressed!


longest 3 years and 4 months - only left to have a bit of adventure in Oz!

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shortest for me was when I moved to spain for a summer job.... The lady arranged accomadation and work for me. When I arrived I went to visit the place I was working at and introduced myself to the owner.... Well that wasn't as good as I was told it was to be, so didn't even turn up on my first day:cool:, went and found somewhere else to work, and live :frown:...... Longest job is what I'm doing now, self-employed, been doing it for 7 yrs now... before that, 2 yrs was my record, so don't think I'm doing to bad. Although I will only get to the 10yrs and will have to start all over again.... but at least it'll be for a good cause, OZ!!!!

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Shortest for me was 2 nights.Got a job as a Nursing Assistant in a residential home,doing night shifts,caring for 15 people,on my own at night!!!!! First night I had someone to show me the ropes,second night in,manager told me I'd be working alone.I quit that night!Longest is my current job,been there 6 yrs this coming May.

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