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Everything posted by StevieF8

  1. They do it in WA at Caversham Wildlife Park and in QLD at Australia Zoo Due to NSW government regulations holding Koalas is not permitted in NSW
  2. Really? You don't see how an 'innocent' text message asking what school you go to is not giving out information...let's say you are at school and answer the question Reply:.....I go to ABC School in Sydney..... Analysis...I now know the phone is active, I know what area you are from, what school you go to, what age range you are, and where you'll be Monday to Friday between 9 and 3 I have opened up a dialogue with you and knowing you have replied to that message and given out more information than you realise, it's almost certain that you will reply to more questions.... Harsh reality is, these texts could be from someone trying to groom you (or your kids)
  3. Same answer as last time.....Unless you have run these statistics through a Chi-squared test to determine the significance of them, then you can't possibly comment on whether the sample size is too small or not to draw any real conclusions from... and just becasue she 'claims' that was the response, doesn't mean it was Again you would have to analayse a sample to determine the significance of them, before drawing a conclusion
  4. Everyone is different, some go and never come back, some come back after 5 minutes You will get the full spectrum of opinion on here, some are worth taking note of, some aren't You will get some good advice on here about suburbs, houses, jobs, schools.....but no-one can tell you how you will feel when you get there....you'll have to suck it and see.
  5. immi http://www.immi.gov.au/managing-australias-borders/border-security/travel/passenger-cards/_pdf/english-ipc-sample.pdf
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20442666
  7. Do you mean going to Oz or to UK? If you mean coming to UK: You can bring in other goods worth up to £390 without having to pay tax and/or duty If you mean going to Oz, you only have to declare goods obtained overseas with a combined total price of more than AUD$900, including gifts
  8. Try this, it might give you a better idea of the average salary in your line of work http://content.mycareer.com.au/salary-centre/
  9. Unless you have run these statistics through a Chi-squared test to determine the significance of them, then you can't possibly comment on whether the sample size is too small or not to draw any real conclusions from.
  10. Did I say it showed anything? I said they were interesting stats. They probably show as much as the stats in the IPSOS MORI poll.... it's called Sampling and is done to estimate the response across the UK or do you expect them to contact 60m people and ask them all one-by-one
  11. There is no need to have 20 threads on the same subject all running at the same time or starting a new one every time you find an article about how bad Thatcher was.... Post a link that shows me on here 24/7...been asking for it for a week now...but it isnt going to happen
  12. I've seen it, you posted the same thing in here as you have in there....do you really need to start a new thread every 5 minutes..... You should have a limit set on the number of threads you can start in a day. Anyway in that IPSOS MORI Poll: Who was asked...how many were asked, was it working people, was it welsh mining villages, was it English mining villages.....
  13. ICM Research interviewed a random sample of 965 adults aged 18+ As usual, No doubt you'll know better...
  14. 50% thought she was good for the country and only 34% saying she wasn't.....interesting stats!
  15. The average salary is $69,170 So take-home pay from that would be $54,104 p.a. - $4,508 per month
  16. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/apr/09/opinion-sharply-divide-margaret-thatcher
  17. You never did anything stupid when you were younger?
  18. Im not Osborne,he could of said a number of things....If you want to question my opinion on this then I'll just paste the link from last week, I gave my views on his answer last then, I'm not doing it again this week as I haven't changed my mind.
  19. and I answered the question....you have taken it the wrong way....
  20. Yeah we already had 2days of opinion on this last week....asked a loaded question, he said we need a debate...that's when the figures will be discussed regarding benefits & killing kids.....
  21. Old enough.....Bang out of order, if she was told SYP had lied in their evidence, which we know she had been, she should have opened an immediate enquiry and sacked the lot of them....in fact given that it was perverting the course of justice, they should have been dragged through the courts and jailed.
  22. Amazing that the some of the ones celebrating Thatchers death are too young to know what happened..............but are able to spout about things that they are too young to really know about either
  23. Yes and I said the real figure is probably 1 in 6/7 then.....
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