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How old is everyone?


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Hey, dont let that put you off. Im 41, for the last 2 years I did a one day a week Access Course, can take you into nursing, social work etc. I got into OT and am now a 1st year, if we get in it will be by the skin of our teeth but we are going for it.

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I'm 24 and my husband is 29 (near 30 :P) and he is the main applicant. My current job isn't skilled at all so doing an open university course at the minute to try and get some qualifications before we come out. I have A levels but just didn't bother with university at the time, wish I had now thou! We where planning on coming out on a WHV about 4 years ago but decided on buying a house as family kept saying that was the best thing to do! Doh!! Starting the Visa process now thou and hoping to be out in Oz by the end of 2014 or start of 2015! Well that's the plan will see if it works out like that!

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I'm 39 n my wife is 48,I'm a HGV Driver who is desperate to move to Oz,my wife is the sister in her Dept at the hospital she works in and is a tad more sceptical about goin.....


we're no too late/too old are we? An if not how do I convince her this is defo a great idea?


Any suggestions/advice welcome



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I'm 39 n my wife is 48,I'm a HGV Driver who is desperate to move to Oz,my wife is the sister in her Dept at the hospital she works in and is a tad more sceptical about goin.....


we're no too late/too old are we? An if not how do I convince her this is defo a great idea?


Any suggestions/advice welcome



Hi Willie G. I take it your depending on your wife as the main visa applicant?

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Well possibly....I work with Veolia over here and I've looked into a possible transfer over to Oz and I've spoke to HR in Oz as well as previously asking out of curiosity if they'd be interested in me going over to work , of which they said yeah they would be, the only thing they couldn't do Is sponsor me is what the lass said....


i'm well aware that even at the age my wife is at she'd probably still walk it into Oz...that's the bit I need to help persuade her with....she might think its all too much of an upheaval but if I knew she was keen on goin I'd do my utmost to make it happen....I've said for the last year I'm pig sick of this place now, it's too cold-wet,too expensive for a lotta things, the weather dictates your life, by the time you get home it's too cauld or wet etc to motivate yourself to do anything....if you catch my drift?

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Nope not as yet, my best mate n his wife are in Kinross, just outside Perth n have invited us across for a holiday, and one of my other mates n his family are moving to Melbourne the start of April, they too have invited us over once they're settled, as well as that he's said anything he can do once he's over there to help us get across he would, as in information etc.


The fact I work for Veolia, who are massive worldwide has to be a good thing as well I'm sure..

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Sounds like you have a good solid starting point mate, take up your friends offer and take a few weeks out there. try live like you would normally i.e. go food shopping , weigh up how much the cost of living is there. As its all not that cheap. Funny cuz i looked at a job being a mechanic for Veolia in melbourne,

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