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Anyone been snubbed for work by applying from the UK?

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Hi pomsinoz lovelies,


I've only very recently been granted a visa to work in Aus & spotted a job that matched my skills and experience perfectly and in my industry. I put in an application and had contact by the company filtering on behalf of HR to say that my application was a strong one (why thank you): but that they noticed I was still based in the UK and when was I arriving in Aus.


I replied that I hoped to be in Australia ASAP and that my notice period in my current job was 3 months - but I'd talked to my boss who said it could be negotiated down and that I could start in July.


No reply.


So I sent a little nudge and they replied with:


"Dear Annie,


A shortlist has been submitted comprising of local candidates as there was a solid group of applicants. In the event that the position is not filled I will be happy to revert back to you."


Seriously! Can they do that? I don't think I'd get away with that when recruiting here in the UK.


I'm in a job, I have a notice period, I'll start as soon as I can, and my experience is pukka! Hmmph.


Disgruntled of Bath

PS I haven't applied for other jobs yet - but applied for this one because it was such a close match to what I do now. :biggrin:

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Annie - put yourself in the employers shoes. Would you want to go through the recruitment process with someone that was in the UK but didn't have a definate date for moving out to Australia and could change their mind about moving? And July is still quite a way off so maybe they were hoping to recruit someone sooner. Also they may prefer to do face to face interviews rather than interview over the phone or skype.


Yes it sucks and yes it seems really unfair, but it's not really surprising. Especially if they have some good candidates who are actually in the country. Although it is possible to get a job from the UK I think generally it is advised to wait until you get to Aus before applying. You would certainly be in a better position once you have a definate date for leaving.


Good luck with everything.


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Yes unfortunately for you they can and have done that to you. As the poster above has said, put yourself in their shoes, why would they recruit from overseas when they obviously have the candidates in Aus?


I would wait until you have a definate arrival date. Same thing happened to me going to Aus and I didn't even get any replies to jobs when we were coming bcd to the UK.

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Whilst it is annoying that this happens we are British people resident in the UK who have visas. We do not have any rights in Australia and nor will we have any until we live in Australia as residents.


Although Australian employers do offer jobs to overseas residents, and the lucky ones get help with relocation, they are not under any obligation to offer employment to overseas residents, it's their choice, even if the job is advertised overseas as well as locally.


UK law does not apply in Australia the same as Australian law does not apply in the UK.

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Hi pomsinoz lovelies,


I've only very recently been granted a visa to work in Aus & spotted a job that matched my skills and experience perfectly and in my industry. I put in an application and had contact by the company filtering on behalf of HR to say that my application was a strong one (why thank you): but that they noticed I was still based in the UK and when was I arriving in Aus.


I replied that I hoped to be in Australia ASAP and that my notice period in my current job was 3 months - but I'd talked to my boss who said it could be negotiated down and that I could start in July.


No reply.


So I sent a little nudge and they replied with:


"Dear Annie,


A shortlist has been submitted comprising of local candidates as there was a solid group of applicants. In the event that the position is not filled I will be happy to revert back to you."


Seriously! Can they do that? I don't think I'd get away with that when recruiting here in the UK.


I'm in a job, I have a notice period, I'll start as soon as I can, and my experience is pukka! Hmmph.


Disgruntled of Bath

PS I haven't applied for other jobs yet - but applied for this one because it was such a close match to what I do now. :biggrin:


Really what have they done wrong?


They indicated that they have a shortlist of suitable candidates and you are not on it.


Not sure why you would think that doesn't happen in the UK? There are loads of people who don't make the shortlist every day in UK, that's why it's called a shortlist otherwise it would just called a list of everyone who applied.


Sounds like sour grapes

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don't be too disgruntled, i applied for a few jobs from the uk and didn't get much feedback, i arrived in Perth on a Friday arvo and had a look on seek, Monday morning i phoned the company got an interview on the Wednesday and they offered me the job. I think they want to see the person and get a feel for you, which is quite understandable. i wouldn't give someone i had never met a job in my company. by the way i'm loving it lol.

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Hi pomsinoz lovelies,


I've only very recently been granted a visa to work in Aus & spotted a job that matched my skills and experience perfectly and in my industry. I put in an application and had contact by the company filtering on behalf of HR to say that my application was a strong one (why thank you): but that they noticed I was still based in the UK and when was I arriving in Aus.


I replied that I hoped to be in Australia ASAP and that my notice period in my current job was 3 months - but I'd talked to my boss who said it could be negotiated down and that I could start in July.


No reply.


So I sent a little nudge and they replied with:


"Dear Annie,


A shortlist has been submitted comprising of local candidates as there was a solid group of applicants. In the event that the position is not filled I will be happy to revert back to you."


Seriously! Can they do that? I don't think I'd get away with that when recruiting here in the UK.


I'm in a job, I have a notice period, I'll start as soon as I can, and my experience is pukka! Hmmph.


Disgruntled of Bath

PS I haven't applied for other jobs yet - but applied for this one because it was such a close match to what I do now. :biggrin:


Can they do what exactly?


Can an employer tell you that you have not been selected? Of course they can!


I really don't know what issue you are seeing here.



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Thanks gang. It's good to hear different opinions. I'm just surprised they asked the question before shortlisting (I can't do that as a recruiter here..) - and maybe I'm just a little bit gutted (sniffle). Not to worry, tho: I appreciate your comments, and will look ahead and apply for stuff when I have a definite date of arrival. :biggrin:

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It was probably one of their short-listing criteria, i.e. 'Are they able to start work within 2 months?' The answer in your case would have been 'maybe' which probably pushed you off the list I'm afraid.


You'll get there so keep at it :)

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Thanks gang. It's good to hear different opinions. I'm just surprised they asked the question before shortlisting (I can't do that as a recruiter here..) - and maybe I'm just a little bit gutted (sniffle). Not to worry, tho: I appreciate your comments, and will look ahead and apply for stuff when I have a definite date of arrival. :biggrin:


One of the problems Aussie employers have with people applying from the UK are the number of time wasters who are just testing the waters when they apply for roles and then don't want to move if they are offered the role or want the role but what to work and live in a different state. I don't know why but this seems to be something that is prevalent in UK applicants.


It is unfortunate that employers don't have a way to tell the difference between those who are 100% committed to the move and the job they have applied for and those who are time wasters. As a result genuine applicants will pay the price - but you can blame your time wasting fellow countrymen for that.

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Havng recruited a number of people, I have found that some applicants come with "difficulties". This may be to do with location, career gaps or changes, wanting to vary the hours, not being available, etc. Unless there are no suitable candidates who don't have "difficulties", the difficult candidates will just get bypassed. At least you got honest feedback about the reason - and you can do something about it (i.e. move). It is much harder if the problem is one that you can't remedy or if you are given a spurious reason to appease equal opportunities legislation.

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What freckelface says.


My wife has obtained no less than 9 interviews with the promise of a position on arrival, for folk who were here validating their visa. Of those 9, only two took up the job..............the remaining 7 either didn't come to Oz or went to a different state...........not one of them notified her. She now refuses to obtain interviews for folk who are not actually living here.

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What freckelface says.


My wife has obtained no less than 9 interviews with the promise of a position on arrival, for folk who were here validating their visa. Of those 9, only two took up the job..............the remaining 7 either didn't come to Oz or went to a different state...........not one of them notified her. She now refuses to obtain interviews for folk who are not actually living here.



Cannot believe that people did not even notify her !!!

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