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Everything posted by anniefrombath

  1. Wow!! So have you made it to "the other side" yet? If not - take it a bit at a time: watch movies you'd never usually watch, choose the menu option you'd normally never pick - just to keep yourself amused!! I do hope the journey goes well for you - it's just the beginning -aaaaargh!!! We're hoping to head over at xmas time: still a while to go and SO much to do!!! xxx
  2. Wow! What a decision to make, and how cool to have options available to you :biggrin:. Have you been offered a relevant Aussie salary? One of the things that I've noticed is the massive hike in cost of living in Aus and am aware that some UK (and Aussie) companies can suck us Poms in with equivalent UK pay. If they're offering you something you can walk in to and be familiar with AND get paid equivalently - then think about going for it! Have a think about what attracts you to Sydney tho - if that's your dream.... tough, isn't it! [Hoping to go to Melbs for good in December, no job YET.... Annie x]
  3. Currently live in: Bath, England Moving to: Melbourne, that-there Australia Visa Type: 176 skilled & family sponsored Family: Me & OH Age bracket: late 30s When hoping to move: By Christmas 2012 at latest (or sooner if poss!) Visa status: Granted Been to Oz before? Yup - to visit family - many many times
  4. I got told "don't worry: you'll probably find that you have the wrong visa!" Ha ha! There has been a real mixture of responses: but generally negative and emotion-wrought. It's tough pulling yourself away from people's lives. But you've got to do what you've got to do?! x
  5. Hi forum, Just starting to look at shipping costs. What happens when stuff gets to the other end? Can you specify delivery to a certain address? And if your stuff arrives before you (or you don't know your address yet) - do they store it for you somewhere and then deliver to your new gaffe? Yet to become a migrating expert on this one! Cheers, Annie x
  6. Hi gang, Our visas were approved in early April 2012 (yay!): and about a week later our flat was trashed (flooded) by our neighbours above us messing about with the fire sprinklers (boo!). We've sorted out the contents, but waiting on the buildings insurance to arrange for renovation work to take place (should take 3 - 4 weeks once they get going.) Soooooo frustrating! So after all the visa waiting it feels like we're in limbo again. Once the flat is on the market we may have another 3 - 4 months to completion (assuming all goes quickly) and we both have 3 months notice to give at work. (We're champing at the bit as you can imagine!) Which bits of "what next" d'you reckon we can usefully do with our time now? How easy is it to arrange removals - should we get quotes now even though we're not going anywhere (yet!), the place is in a bit of a state (carpet-less after our flooding and waiting on the work to get done): shall we hold off agents quotes on a sale? And what happens on the "other side" if you send stuff in containers and don't know where (and when) you'll be living yet? Any tips from those of you who have "been there and done it" would be really appreciated: obviously I'd like to make the most of this time... ITCHING to get moving! Annie x
  7. Yay! Safe travels and all the best for the other side!
  8. Just be honest, and you'll be fiiiiine :biggrin: In order to know what to expect, check out the advice to panel doctors doc on immi.gov.au (http://www.immi.gov.au/gateways/panel_doctors/conducting_medicals/instructions/) :it explains rotundity - a certain BMI (> 40: well into the rotundity range) and they may well send you for further tests. Oh - and my OH has prolactinoma + adenoma and passed: the doc didn't bat an eyelid. Good luck! It'll be over before you know it! x
  9. I'm in the UK and feeling bummed cause I'm waiting to head to Oz: it's hard being stuck when you know you want to be somewhere else (whichever direction you're heading in). Hang in there and know that it's still pretty grey and nippy here (brrrrr): but it'll be glorious British Summer by the time you head back. Yay! Summer is waiting for yoooou! xx
  10. Thanks gang. It's good to hear different opinions. I'm just surprised they asked the question before shortlisting (I can't do that as a recruiter here..) - and maybe I'm just a little bit gutted (sniffle). Not to worry, tho: I appreciate your comments, and will look ahead and apply for stuff when I have a definite date of arrival. :biggrin:
  11. Hi pomsinoz lovelies, I've only very recently been granted a visa to work in Aus & spotted a job that matched my skills and experience perfectly and in my industry. I put in an application and had contact by the company filtering on behalf of HR to say that my application was a strong one (why thank you): but that they noticed I was still based in the UK and when was I arriving in Aus. I replied that I hoped to be in Australia ASAP and that my notice period in my current job was 3 months - but I'd talked to my boss who said it could be negotiated down and that I could start in July. No reply. So I sent a little nudge and they replied with: "Dear Annie, A shortlist has been submitted comprising of local candidates as there was a solid group of applicants. In the event that the position is not filled I will be happy to revert back to you." Seriously! Can they do that? I don't think I'd get away with that when recruiting here in the UK. I'm in a job, I have a notice period, I'll start as soon as I can, and my experience is pukka! Hmmph. Disgruntled of Bath PS I haven't applied for other jobs yet - but applied for this one because it was such a close match to what I do now. :biggrin:
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