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Everything posted by paulhand

  1. The OP definitely needs to speak with a new RMA if they are unsatisfied with the service they have so far received. This situation is too complex for general forum advice. ‘On the above - this is not the case with ETAs. ETAs sit in the background like bridging visas if the holder has a substantive visa, they do not ‘overwrite’ an existing visa. If the OP had been granted a ‘standard’ visitor visa this would have replaced the student visa.
  2. paulhand


    For example, there is currently an age limit of 50 for transitioning to PR when holding a visa issued under the NT DAMA agreement. If you want to explore such scenarios it would be best to get some professional advice, as these are complex scenarios.
  3. @rammygirl That's the difference between the 417 and the 462 that the OP refers to - the 462 allows hospitality work in Northern Australia. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/work-holiday-462/specified-462-work
  4. You apply for both at the same time. If your relationship is already long term, the permanent visa is granted immediately after the temporary, otherwise you need to provide additional information after two years to get the permanent visa granted. There are both onshore and offshore options.
  5. Really doesn't matter. If you apply now with the existing passport, you can update your application at any time once you have renewed your passport.
  6. Follow the links here for the current lists: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skill-occupation-list
  7. paulhand


    There is no age limit on the sponsored temporary work visas (i.e. the TSS / 482 visas), but these are temporary only and if you are over 45, except in very limited scenarios, there will be no path to permanent residence. The occupation must still be on one of the skills shortage lists.
  8. You need to speak with a Registered Migration Agent (RMA). RMA's, whether onshore or offshore, are registered with and regulated by the Migration Agents Regulatory Authority (MARA) in Australia. You can search on the MARA website for a local agent: https://www.mara.gov.au/ All the RMAs who regularly post on this forum are reputable.
  9. As a non-citizen you must be "usually resident in Australia" in order to sponsor your partner for a visa. This may be an issue if you are, and have been, living in the UK. As has been mentioned, you do not have a great deal of time to sort this out. I would suggest that you speak with a Registered Migration Agent to review your options and formulate a strategy.
  10. What passport does she hold? You can check here: https://www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa
  11. The South Australian Minister for Education, the Hon John Garner MP, has just announced that the school contribution fee for dependents of Subclasses 457 and 482 visa holders, attending government schools in regional areas, are to be waived to encourage nor foreign workers to settle or work in regional South Australia. The full media release is available here The full list of schools that qualify for the fee exemption are available at education.sa.gov.au
  12. You have asked this question in other forums. You may not like the replies you have received, but the facts remain the same. The issue is both what you told the Department about your relationship on your application and whether you have breached your initial entry conditions. As @ali says, you should get some help to sort this out in a proactive way.
  13. paulhand

    RRV 155

    It would be better if they didn’t go; however, if they do, they need to apply for Bridging Visa A and then a Bridging Visa B which will allow them rentry to Australia. ‘Note that it is not a ‘continuous’ two years, but rather a cumulative two years within the past 5 years to qualify for a 5 year RRV.
  14. paulhand

    RRV renewal

    If you have been away that much it would be sensible to consult an RMA to assist you to put together an application that addressed the requirements in the best possible way.
  15. paulhand

    RRV renewal

    To answer the specific question: yes, you can use your current visa until it expires, or you get granted a new one which replaces it.
  16. This is a good place to start: https://business.nt.gov.au/business/migration-information-for-business/northern-territory-designated-area-migration-agreement An RMA can give you more information tailored to your situation.
  17. No - but put it in place before your OSHC expires. If you received notification of the grant of a bridging visa, then you have made a valid application and your application will be assessed. It's not really possible to comment on the outcome of your application.
  18. It would depend on the specifics. The policy position is: "Applicants whose work is equivalent to full time employment may count weekends in the 88 day period. However, if the applicant’s work is not equivalent to full time employment, that is, part time or casual, they may only count the full days actually worked." Personally, I wouldn't cut it so fine that it turns on this definition.
  19. The employer is most likely talking about the newish SAF Levy on all employer sponsored/nominated visas. It is $5,000 for larger companies nominating for a permanent visa. This levy can’t be passed to the visa applicant. ‘It would be best for your colleague to speak to a registered migration agent with the specifics of their situation to get an opinion on ways forward.
  20. If you have been doing casual work, three months is taken to mean a minimum of 88 full working days. If you have payslips that properly demonstrate you have done this, then there should be no issue.
  21. - No - Once you have lodged the application, you can apply for an exemption to the six month limit
  22. You must have worked full-time in a specified regional area for a total of at least one calendar year while holding one of the provisional GSM visas. A full-time position is one which normally requires 35 hours a week work. Where necessary, you can "add together" the hours worked in two part-time or casual positions to meet the full-time work requirement. The Department notes that applicants who have been working on a contractual basis or are self-employed, in particular, will need to ensure they have evidence that supports their claim that they have worked for at least 35 hours a week.
  23. It's 365 days in total, so the best way is to count the actual number of days spent in Australia. They should not add up to any more than 365 in any 18-month period looking back from the day in question. Leave yourself some room for error as you do not want her to breach this condition.
  24. You do not need to show ‘compelling and compassionate reasons’ for being overseas unless you have been away for 5+ years. You DO need to show that you have substantial business, cultural, personal or employment ties to Australia, which are of benefit to Australia.
  25. You get a 5 year RRV if you meet the 2 year residence requirement and may get a 1 year one if you don't meet the residence requirement, but can demonstrate substantial ties to Australia. There is no discretion for the officer to vary this.
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