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Everything posted by Cerberus1

  1. As with any website we operate, security is always a primary consideration for us. Checking the site at securityheader.io our timeline tracker website scores an A+ Similar websites don't score so great...
  2. Q. How long does it take for my Australian Visa application to be granted? If you’re applying (or about to apply) for an Australian visa, you want to know how long it’s going to take to be granted. This is understandable, as you’re eager to start your new life in Australia. Having such information will also allow you to get on with other crucial steps in the immigration process. This can include knowing when to put your house up for sale – too early and you may have to move into temporary rental accommodation if your house sells and your visa hasn’t been granted. Conversely, if you delay putting your house up for sale, you may end up with your visa being granted and not being able to move as your house hasn’t sold and your equity is tied up in the property. Other things to consider are knowing when to organise international removals – shipping your goods to Australia takes several weeks. Knowing when to start job hunting, arranging for your children to finish school etc. As you can see, being able to accurately predict when your visa will be granted is very important. There are several ways you can get information to help you determine approximate waiting times: The Department of Immigration and Border Protection The Department of Immigration and Border Protection publish approximate processing times on there website. The information is not specific to your case however and goes along the lines of “75% of applications processed in x number of days” for example. It’s also possible to send a blank email to DIBP for some visas and this will trigger an automated email response which contains approximate processing times. (eg, email parents@border.gov.au for information on parent, child and other family branch visas) Social Media Another method is to visit groups and forums such as www.pomsinoz.com as many members post their visa timelines on the forums to compare with other members timelines. Australia Visa Timelines Immigration Trackers A third way, and a method which is becoming more popular is to utilize an immigration tracker / visa timelines website such as: www.australia-visa-timelines.com This allows you to enter key dates about your visa application and compare them in tabular format with lots of other members. You can look at who’s applied for the same visa as you, the same dates as you, from the same country, occupation etc. This will allow you obtain greater insight into the likely time is will take for your visa to be granted.
  3. We've recently added an option so that you can unsubscribe yourself from all followed content with one click - as shown in the screenshot below ('Remove from All Content')
  4. There are several recommended agents who post on here. @Richard Gregan (https://www.overseas-emigration.co.uk/) @Raul Senise http://www.ozimmigration.com/ @wrussell http://www.pinoyau.com/ along with several others.
  5. https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/in-wagga+wagga%2c+nsw+2650%3b+/list-1?includeSurrounding=false&persistIncludeSurrounding=true&source=location-search
  6. This has has been closed for comments but the poll is open. Brexit discussion can be placed on the existing brexit thread at: Thanks Admin
  7. https://www.smsfadviser.com/news/15935-bequests-a-low-priority-for-retirees-survey-shows (03rd Oct 2017) Leaving an inheritance for children is no longer a top priority for older Australians, according to a recent report, with regular income rated as the most important instead. A report produced by National Seniors Australia and Challenger indicates that only 23 per cent of retirees consider leaving money for kids to be very important, and only 3 per cent intend to preserve all their savings for an inheritance. Having a constant stream of regular income to cover essential needs is the top priority for over 50s, with 84 per cent rating this as very important. Ensuring savings last throughout their lifetime is the second highest priority, with 77 per cent of respondents rating this as very important. Having enough funds to pay for medical costs and aged care is the third most important factor, with 71 per cent rating this as important. Chair of retirement income at Challenger, Jeremy Cooper, said these results debunk the myth that bequests are the top priority for retirees. “The need for regular income to avoid running out of money, and to pay for aged care and medical costs, is far more important for older Australians,” said Mr Cooper. National Seniors research director John McCallum said bequests are not central to planning for their retirement and senior Australians “are weighing these up against other trade-offs they must make to deal with longer lifespans”. Report_RetirementIncome.pdf
  8. Cerberus1


    Have seen female backpackers looking for a lift a few times at night near where we live. (We live rural and all around us is agricultural fruit/veg, so lots of backpacking jobs). No public transport up here. I think it's only natural to have concerns / worry, given the cases that have been in the news - thinking of this one - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-03-25/sa-man-found-guilty-of-six-charges-related-to-salt-creek-attack/8383770
  9. Have a look at https://www.pomsinoz.com/articles.html/living-in-australia/will-my-tv-radio-work-in-australia-r30/
  10. The HSBC has just published the results from its annual 'expat explorer' survey. The reports ranks the best countries for expats to live in. The survey asks expats twenty-seven questions across three categories - economics, experience, and family. The economics league table uses a score that summarizes expats views about a country and its expats, covering wage levels, career progression, and the local economy. The experience league table quizzed expats on the lifestyle they have in their adopted country, covering local culture, safety, ease of forming friendships, and the ease of setting up a new home. The family league table was based upon expats' attitudes towards family life in their adopted countries, covering expat social life, education costs, and the ease of children making friends. The three subindexes were then collated and used to create an overall ranking based on an average score, given out of one. Last year, Australia was tied in 9th place with 2 other countries. This year, Australia has solidified its place in the top 10, moving up to 7th place. Moving in the opposite direction, the U.K. has tumbled in a ranking of top destinations for expats following the June 2016 vote for Brexit. It now ranks 35th in the annual HSBC survey, a sharp decline from 22nd in 2016 and was the only Group of Seven nation to see its score decline. "Few countries have seen the kind of rapid change in expat perceptions that the U.K. has experienced since 2016, probably as a result of the decision to leave the European Union," said HSBC researchers. HSBC said expats are now much less confident in the country's political stability and economy. See who made the list below: YouGov_HSBC_Country_pack_Australia.pdf
  11. We’re currently getting around 400,000 visits a month from around 190,000 uniques and around 4 million page views per month, with addthis displaying on the majority of those pages. Since March when we began utilising it, you are the only member/guest to report an issue. As addthis is utilised on over 15 million domains, I’d imagine any problems would be more widely reported. Regardless, if we become aware of any issues, we may consider loading the code asynchronously as opposed to the current default.
  12. Covering the legal ways, Optus have the rights to the Premier League. Video quality is good streaming through their Set Top Box or via the app or on a desktop pc. Beinsports have the rights to the Champions League, you can get Beinsports through Foxtel, Optus Fetch TV (but only Beinsports 1, Champions league maybe on Beinsports 2) or via their streaming service. Think there's some premier league and Champions League on Free To Air - SBS but you'd have t check the channel listings.
  13. Cerberus1

    Dachshund Puppies

    4 weeks old today
  14. Lots of dealers on the same stretch on Ipswich Rd, Moorooka & Logan Rd, Mt Gravatt
  15. No blame attached to Eunice though, she's just behaving like a
  16. 30 acres of foliage behind us, but no, they've got to stay round the house, eat the plants and wind the dogs up. The long haired one on the right is the ring leader.
  17. I have to be careful what I say here with regards to 'Australian Migration Agent and Immigration Lawyer Association'. In the interests of openness though, it does appear that such is their love for the aforementioned "Australian Migration Agent and Immigration Lawyer Association", that Lisa Pollakosski, Sanae Kaneda, stella ravens, dan89, frank3, Shigeaki Yoshida & a couple of others have all now decided to move in together in a communal arrangement as they're all sharing the same IP address. Members are free to form their own opinions with regards the company they're praising.
  18. Due to increasing regulation, it wasn't really working as it was sometimes taking days before the NAB representative could reply/post on the forum due to the level of internal vetting / sign-off's they had to go through before being able to post in the public domain. As such, we mutually agreed to mothball the 'Banking: Ask NAB' sub-forum.
  19. The simple tax calculator on the ATO site should give you a good idea of take home pay https://www.ato.gov.au/Calculators-and-tools/Host/?anchor=STC&anchor=STC#STC/questions
  20. Most of the big banks will allow you to open an account before you arrive. https://www.commbank.com.au/personal/can/moving-to-australia.html https://www.nationalaustraliabank.com/nabglobal/migrant https://www.anz.com.au/personal/travel-international/guides/moving-australia/
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