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Raul Senise

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Everything posted by Raul Senise

  1. I'm working on a number at the moment, but as they are so new, I do not claim to have extensive experience (I don't think anyone does yet). The 494 is not an easy solution as many prospective candidates seem to think. The process is quite extensive for the sponsor and the requirements are quite high for the visa applicant.
  2. You can check whether a company or individual Agents are registered at the OMARA website here. If they are in Australia, not registered and providing Immigration advice, they are doing so unlawfully.
  3. If you are using an Agent for your partner application they will be able to help. If you are not using an Agent you can find details on your ImmiAccount.
  4. If you are back in Australia you can apply to have the BVA reinstated.
  5. Depends if your situation falls under "Grandfathering" arrangements.
  6. No, time on a working holiday visa does not count towards TSS.
  7. Assuming you applied under the direct entry pathway; the 3 years full time experience requirement is a time of application criteria.
  8. Each has their own internal Policy and it will vary. Generally 186DE would be very rare and used only for very senior roles.
  9. No. Irrespective of the ANZSCO requirement, a subclass 482 requires a minimum of two years experience.
  10. You can't claim work experience points if you are short of the required time. There is huge harm in trying to claim points that you are not eligible for. If you claim points that you are not eligible for, the visa will be refused, even if you meet the points requirement without the wrongly claimed points.
  11. It depends on your specific situation.
  12. The DAMA for WA is only for a specific region. Each DAMA has specific occupations and requirements, so the first step is to determine if you meet the requirements of the DAMA. If it is a standard 482 and not a DAMA, then a skills assessment is not required for the occupation of Restaurant Manager.
  13. This is not an option for the OP as they are too young. On shore parent applications are for "aged" parents only.
  14. As part of the nomination application, the company needs to show that they are in a financial position to pay your salary for at least 2 years.
  15. Your situation is not straight forward. It is likely that your BVB was refused due to your Australian visa history. If your protection visa is based on genuine claims, you should not need a plan B with an off shore visa.
  16. To obtain a positive skills assessment as a Management Consultant would require a highly relevant degree and at least 1 year of employment experience. Qualifications alone would not be sufficient.
  17. As you are over 45 it is very difficult. There may be a small window of opportunity if you were able to obtain employer sponsorship at a high salary, although this would be a long pathway. Have a look at the subclass 186 and the age exemption available.
  18. It depends whether you declared him on your current student visa. If you did not, it may be difficult. If a valid application is made while he is in Australia he will get a bridging visa A which allows him to remain in Australia to await the outcome. If he needs to travel, he will need to apply for a bridging visa B and have it granted, before he leaves the country.
  19. Considering the current refusal rate of subclass 485 visas, I would recommend that you focus on the lodgement of the subclass 485 visa, to make sure you meet all of the time of lodgement requirements. Don't risk your 485 for a holiday, as you may only get one shot to do it properly.
  20. I have no doubt that you did apply successfully by yourself and I am not criticizing your opinion about whether to use an Agent or not, as this is a personal choice based on individual situation. My issue is that in you comment, you specifically state in regards to Partner application; "it's just a form". This is a very dangerous and misleading comment. If you have done a partner application recently, you would be well aware that there is much more to it than just filling out "a form". Maybe if you were to witness first hand how devastating a refusal can be for people who were advised that this long and expensive process, is simple and only form filling, you may be less flippant with your comments.
  21. The question as to whether you and/or the business are eligible will depend on a number of factors and there is insufficient information in your post to give even a basic indication. The minimum cost for the business would be the training levy, which is between $3,000 to $5,000 depending on business turnover. Current processing times are erratic but published processing time is currently 5 to 6 months.
  22. I understand that you are just trolling to get a reaction, but your comments could potentially be taken as factual by someone. As of the latest AAT caseload summary statistics for the period 1 July 2019 to 31 January 2020: there were 5,925 active refused or cancelled partner cases as at 31/01/2020*. These are not all of the partner refusals, just the ones that decided to appeal a decision at the AAT and were active as of that date. Commenting that you don't need an Agent is one thing, but stating that a partner application is just filling a form is quite irresponsible and very misleading. *Statistics from Administrative Appeals Tribunal Caseload report 2019-2020 Migration and refugee division by subclass.
  23. You may want to check this as the age limit is 50, only for "transitional 457 workers" as defined by the relevant Ministerial instrument. Age exemptions may also apply for Academics, Scientists, Medical Practitioners in Regional Areas or high income earners.
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