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Those living in Australia ~ What will your Xmas dinner be?


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A kilo of these:




Some in garlic, some in tartare sauce.


followed by choccy mousse.


Jo will have coleslaw and cold chook and choccy mousse.


Cheers, Bobj.

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Guest The Pom Queen
If this bloody cyclone forms we will be having a pot-noodle while hiding in the walk in wardrobe.

Just been looking at the models you may be lucky and just get brushed, they reckon Cairns may get it yet, but I'm not sure things can change before then, we got our genny out just in case here is the proposed route based on the models http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?msid=215592204266485860850.0004b49b278ec4373ff22&msa=0&ll=-12.232655,135.32959&spn=11.513374,19.753418#bmb=1

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Garlic and chilli prawns on the BBQ, Smoked salmon, dill and horseradish cream bruschetta, Thyme, lemon and parma ham roasted chicken with tabouli, green salad and baby potatoes. May do some pigs in blankets as a random extra side dish - man, I love pigs in blankets!


Hope you all have a great christmas! :xmas4:

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Garlic and chilli prawns on the BBQ, Smoked salmon, dill and horseradish cream bruschetta, Thyme, lemon and parma ham roasted chicken with tabouli, green salad and baby potatoes. May do some pigs in blankets as a random extra side dish - man, I love pigs in blankets!


Hope you all have a great christmas! :xmas4:


sniff sniff...goodbye little Pepe...some nasty people are after you...:sad:




Cheers, Bobj.

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Pancakes for breakfast..


Turkey, Ham, Prawns and a mixture of salad and traditional veggies. Washed down with several gallons of wine. :wubclub:

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I've been told (that is how my life works you see) that it will be oysters, followed by prawns then a whole fish done on the barbie. Another Champagne cocktail please waiter.....:xmas3:


No idea and don't care - someone other than me is hosting this year - so I'll be scooping and eating to my hearts content! Way Hay!!!! Happy dayz.
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Guest guest17301

Looking forward to my Turkey dinner tomorrow.....well we've had our breakfast with rellies this morning, we had a fruit platter/croissants with butter and jam, pancakes then bacon/sausage and cheese oatcakes (oatcakes are a north staffordshire delicacy, a bit like a savoury pancake made out of oatmeal. Washed down with appletiser/fresh orange juice and tea. Very very yummy. Now off to the beach for our picnic with nothing very exciting, ham rolls and spinach/ricotta pastry things, maybe some crisps too (oh and the obligatory bottle of wine (Im not driving!).

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Mate, you are one step away from being a 'free-gan'! Merry Christmas!:laugh:


Add boned out butterflied turkey breast to my menu. Went to woolies 10 minutes before closing and got one for tomorrow half price.................and 3 more half price for the freezer :jiggy:
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Plans have changed from bbq to roast lamb leg with sweet potato roasties, gravy, veg & yorkshire pudding! All served on classy melamine plated with melamine cutlery 'cos we don't have proper stuff yet heeeheee! To be consumed with Griffith Park sparkly wine in REAL glasses (!) and followed by the special Scottish rum cask beers procured in Brisso last weekend. Starter will be the first sampling of the home brew, how exciting! Off to see the koalas 'n' roos first :o)

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