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Just noticed the exchange rates getting better


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Noticed yesterday it was starting to creep up also.


Just wondering if anyone can recommend the best place to get your travel currency from, going on reccie end of next week, so looking to change money over in the next 7 days.


Any recommendations?????







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Guest proud2beaussie

Remember folks that whilst the fall in the Australian dollar is good for those coming to Australia it is not good news for those returning to the UK after living here or just going on holiday,there are swings and roundabouts for everyone when it comes to exchange rates.

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Remember folks that whilst the fall in the Australian dollar is good for those coming to Australia it is not good news for those returning to the UK after living here or just going on holiday,there are swings and roundabouts for everyone when it comes to exchange rates.


Sod them:biglaugh:

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Guest Anya

These words bring music to my ears... ;-)


Recent headlines:


Australian dollar cops a hiding, plunging to less than ......


Aussie dollar whacked


Aussie dollar in free fall


Aussie dollar plunges



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Noticed yesterday it was starting to creep up also.


Just wondering if anyone can recommend the best place to get your travel currency from, going on reccie end of next week, so looking to change money over in the next 7 days.


Any recommendations?????










I await the answer to this question with interest thanks Debbie :wubclub:

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Noticed yesterday it was starting to creep up also.


Just wondering if anyone can recommend the best place to get your travel currency from, going on reccie end of next week, so looking to change money over in the next 7 days.


Any recommendations?????










Whatever else you do, forget the High Street banks, the Post Office, the Travel agency bureaux etc. You have time, by the sound of it, to open an account with a couple of FX dealers - HIFX and Ozforex are just 2 that spring to mind - in order to be able to access the best rates. Give them a ring and talk it through - their details are probably on this website somewhere. Good luck





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These words bring music to my ears... ;-)


Recent headlines:


Australian dollar cops a hiding, plunging to less than ......


Aussie dollar whacked


Aussie dollar in free fall


Aussie dollar plunges




From a purely selfish point of view, this is great news (obvioulsy not so good for those coming back, but heh, its still very much in your favour).


Does anyone no the background to this. The pound seems to be loosing ground against the US dollar, because of the situation in Greece, so I don't understand why it seems to be strengthening against the Oz $.


I guess the question is; is it a short term glitch or the beginning of a trend ?

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We haven't got our visa yet so don't have an aussie bank account. Is there any way we can buy dollars while the rate is good? I can't believe it's up so much in such a short space of time and how much difference it can make when you've cash to bring over. (sorry for those coming back though).



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From a purely selfish point of view, this is great news (obvioulsy not so good for those coming back, but heh, its still very much in your favour).


Does anyone no the background to this. The pound seems to be loosing ground against the US dollar, because of the situation in Greece, so I don't understand why it seems to be strengthening against the Oz $.


I guess the question is; is it a short term glitch or the beginning of a trend ?



Don't understand the in's and outs' but according to the Australian Newspaper


"..analysts have also linked it to the current selling on the Australian equities markets.


Nomura chief economist Stephen Roberts said international investment funds were currently rebalancing portfolios and moving out of “risky markets”, such as Australia.


The government's contentious Resource Super-Profit Tax (RSPT) is thought to have prompted some funds to judge that Australia's sovereign risk had now increased, because of the uncertainty caused by the proposed legislation.


CBA's chief currency strategist, Richard Grace, said the local dollar’s volatility was also attributable to fears that the global recovery could be affected by the likelihood of Greece defaulting on its debt.


“It's difficult to get bullish on the Australian dollar in the current environment,” Mr Grace said."

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Hi Gillian,


I havent got my visa yet, but I opened an account with NAB and traded money thru Moneycorp. We decided to transfer a large lump at 1.65 as we heard rumours that it was going to fall to 1.4. Anyhow, that was our decision at the time but it has been earning 4.25% interest out there so at least this makes our exchange rate above 1.7, anything else is going to be a bonus!! It was so easy and I couldn't recommend a better service. The girl at NAB said the visa a process is the hardest, and I hope in my case it's true!!




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Guest John from Moneycorp

As stated, the Australian dollar has been hit hard over the past 24 hours. It has weakened considerably losing around four cents to the pound.

The reason why?

Well, there are concerns about Europe's debt crisis which has had an negative effect. The euro has become an important factor for risk sentiment and the decline of the euro are affecting the direction of growth currencies such as the Aussie dollar. Also, importantly, a possible slowdown in China has undermined confidence that a revival in global growth is sustainable (again this provides negativity for dollar).

The RBA comments recently suggested there are happy with current interest rate levels, and there is unlikely to be rises in rates over the coming months. Additionally, data from Australia saw consumer confidence weakening by the most in 19 months - all these factors have weakened the dollar dramatically.

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Thanks so much Nicki, that's really useful. 4.24% interest is much better than I'm getting here! Do you pay tax on that if you're living here?


It's so hard to know when to change isn't it - I don't think many people saw this increase coming.


Good luck with the visa :o)

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Hi Gillian,


I think you only pay tax in the country your resident in, not sure.I will worry about that later in next years tax return!!! We are business investors so our money is in a high Int account, so not sure what rate you get, but I know you will get a better rate than uk. We are getting 3.25% in a savings bond here. Once out there the bonds are 6-8%. look on their website, or call uk office they were so friendly x

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Hi Gillian,


I havent got my visa yet, but I opened an account with NAB and traded money thru Moneycorp. We decided to transfer a large lump at 1.65 as we heard rumours that it was going to fall to 1.4. Anyhow, that was our decision at the time but it has been earning 4.25% interest out there so at least this makes our exchange rate above 1.7, anything else is going to be a bonus!! It was so easy and I couldn't recommend a better service. The girl at NAB said the visa a process is the hardest, and I hope in my case it's true!!




Hi. This may not be relevant but we transferred some money over to Westpac and each month we get 5.25 % interest. BUT we also got stopped 46.5% withholding tax on the interest earned. As soon as we gave them our Tax file number they stopped the tax. Hope this makes sense and helps Pez.

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I think it could potentially continue to improve in favour of Sterling, the key is the fitness of the US economy. Australia faired pretty well during the GFC so Australian based equities were a safe bet but with the US economy improving investment fund managers are redirecting funds to the US, this is why Sterling is gaining against AUD but losing against USD.


I don't think the UK economy or even necesarily Europe is so important but I'd bow to the greater knowledge of the FX experts

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