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Its the final countdown!


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Well just two days to go now till the shippers come, Can't believe how quickly the time has flown by, The house is a complete mess, looks worse than a jumble sale at the end of the day lol, One more tip run, (i hope), we move into a holiday let on friday with no access to the internet :mad: Also with 3 kids and two dogs, which is not good, so will be popping into macdonalds on off to check mail over one very long coffee, Will try and get on as much as i can, flights are booked 11 th May, so its all systems go, Starting to panic a little now, really hope we don't forget any thing!!


speak soon,

love Dawn xx

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Guest sunnyday

Exciting times Dawny!!!! Hope everything goes well and look forward to reading all about it! Good luck hun xxxx

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Guest siamsusie
Well just two days to go now till the shippers come, Can't believe how quickly the time has flown by, The house is a complete mess, looks worse than a jumble sale at the end of the day lol, One more tip run, (i hope), we move into a holiday let on friday with no access to the internet :mad: Also with 3 kids and two dogs, which is not good, so will be popping into macdonalds on off to check mail over one very long coffee, Will try and get on as much as i can, flights are booked 11 th May, so its all systems go, Starting to panic a little now, really hope we don't forget any thing!!


speak soon,

love Dawn xx

Dawny, very best of luck, so looking forward to your reccie.... try and keep calm, it all comes together:hug: keep us posted love Susie xx
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Guest guest17301

OMG Dawn, tip runs...you're bringing it all back...we had about 10 the morning we moved out, the morning before we flew! Stress!!! Never known anythin like it and the little un was so ill at the time, didn't help.


You will need all your strength at this time so look after yourself its very challenging. It's gone fast for you...when do you fly?


Enjoy the excitement!


Fiona x


Just seen its 11th May, not long now.

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Guest juliemtaylor

Yes, at last! It is really awful saying goodbye to all you have known for ages, let alone the people.. but, don't loose sight of why you are doing it.


Good Luck


Julie x

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Well just two days to go now till the shippers come, Can't believe how quickly the time has flown by, The house is a complete mess, looks worse than a jumble sale at the end of the day lol, One more tip run, (i hope), we move into a holiday let on friday with no access to the internet :mad: Also with 3 kids and two dogs, which is not good, so will be popping into macdonalds on off to check mail over one very long coffee, Will try and get on as much as i can, flights are booked 11 th May, so its all systems go, Starting to panic a little now, really hope we don't forget any thing!!


speak soon,

love Dawn xx




Just to let you know I've got the shippers with me right now and I'm sat here bored. After days of running aroung like a mad woman taking things to the tip and charity shop there's nothing I can do right now. In a couple of days it will be your turn and you'll have a chance to rest.


Good Luck



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Thanks everyone!

Tip run has now go up to two lol, Been really busy today sorting out more stuff, not that you would think to look around, still looks just a big a mess as it did this morning! :arghh:, Lots of half bottles of drink thats just calling our names need to be drunk asap! Fingers crossed by this time tomorrow we will be sorted! So i too can sit around being bored like a spare part lol xx

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Hi Hun


I can't believe your time has now come! Its come round so quick!


I hope everything is going to plan for you and you are nearly sorted.


I keep meaning to ask you, where are you flying into? Are you still going to SA?


Speak to you soon,


Tasha x :hug:

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Just to let you know I've got the shippers with me right now and I'm sat here bored. After days of running aroung like a mad woman taking things to the tip and charity shop there's nothing I can do right now. In a couple of days it will be your turn and you'll have a chance to rest.


Good Luck



I know what you mean I am sat in a empty house waiting now for another round of goodbyes before we fly on April 21st.

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Guest roma 1

Good Luck Dawn,

Do you still want your gifts on FB??? I will keep sending them then when you have a spare minute in Oz lol you can pop on and play!!!!!

Seriously Dawn , it has come round really quickly and i wish you All the Best ,

catch you later , Love Gail xxxx

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Guest roma 1
I know what you mean I am sat in a empty house waiting now for another round of goodbyes before we fly on April 21st.

Good Luck too Lyn, will be thinking of you,

Love Gail xxx

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Guest stockies

Good luck Dawny hun !!!!

Its a very strange feeling when its all packed up and nothing left but your cases.... Knock back those half empty bottles it will help......lol


Claire. xx

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Have fun with it Dawn .. don't take it tooooo seriously..... enjoy the final few weeks and prepare yourself for more fun and games when u get here... oh and make sure you don't pack all your winter gear cos it is getting cold now....!!


All the best,looking forward to your arrival!!


Nik xxx

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Guest annemarie and brian

good luck dawn and its sounds all excited cannot wait till we are that position i hope it all goes smoothly for you and cannot wait till next part to see how it all went.


annemarie xx

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Good luck Dawny hun !!!!

Its a very strange feeling when its all packed up and nothing left but your cases.... Knock back those half empty bottles it will help......lol


Claire. xx

Lol Claire, half empty bottles are well on their way to going to bottle bank!


Shippers got here about 10.30, comedy act, really nice guys, already threatened Aimee that she is going in the packing lmao, not that she cares! So all going well so far, coming back tmrw to seal container about 1pm,


Dogs have gone for their bloods also, so all on track xxxx

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