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Do Aussies hate Asian people?


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Hello everyone.

I'm from Shanghai, China and I am applying for Oz PR with my wife and 3-year-old daughter.

We visited Oz last year and found that Oz is really a great country to live in. We all love Oz since then.

Recently,I heard there were some bad news against Asian people, especially from Pauline Hanson.


When we were in Oz last year, local people we met were so nice. I'm sure they are all nice people without doubt.

Most of my friends who already moved to Oz also tell me that most Oz people are really nice, much better than those in USA.

But I know 90% people in Oz are white people.I'm a little terrified if we would get discrimination since we are Asian people.

Most of us are really hard workers and trying our best to make this country greater.

Still someone would say we steal their job or money. It's hurtful and unreasonable.

Also, my daughter is too young now. I'm afraid that she won't be fit in so well.


Do Aussies really hate Asians? What's your real opinion about Asians?

Is there any suggestion that can help my daughter fitting into this society?

Thanks everyone!

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My opinion for what it is worth is that there is discrimination in all societies whether you are in your own country or here in Australia. We must not forget that Australia is a global mixture of all colours and creeds and "usually" people tend to fit in very well. If you show you intricate into your chosen community I foresee no problem whatsoever, but if you choose to only mix with Asians and the Asian communities then I could envisage a dichotomy of cultural problems. This also applies to other nationalities as well IMHO. My motto is whilst embracing my own culture and its merits I embrace Australia and the opportunities it has afforded my family and I and my loyalty lies with the latter! Had I moved to China, I would obviously have the same concerns as they would exist if the boot was on the other foot!

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Moving to Aus is a 2 way deal. Yes all immigrants need to fit in to Australian society the best you can, sports clubs etc can help with this. However you must also not be hyper sensitive yourself when comment is made which you believe maybe offensive. It takes time to de-tune your sensitivities, not to saying you have to agree but not to be offended.


I really do not care about people's colour, culture or religion. In fact I love chatting and learning from other cultures and feel much richer having friends from various backgrounds.

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I really condemn this ..

Look there are good and bad people everywhere.


If you speak good english, If you respect Aus country, ppl, culture - No one is bad to you.


I have lived in Aus, its a nice place. There is no need to talk to road side junkies, rest everything is ok.


I am an Indian and got loved from everyone.


Dont feel worried. Enjoy



Hello everyone.

I'm from Shanghai, China and I am applying for Oz PR with my wife and 3-year-old daughter.

We visited Oz last year and found that Oz is really a great country to live in. We all love Oz since then.

Recently,I heard there were some bad news against Asian people, especially from Pauline Hanson.


When we were in Oz last year, local people we met were so nice. I'm sure they are all nice people without doubt.

Most of my friends who already moved to Oz also tell me that most Oz people are really nice, much better than those in USA.

But I know 90% people in Oz are white people.I'm a little terrified if we would get discrimination since we are Asian people.

Most of us are really hard workers and trying our best to make this country greater.

Still someone would say we steal their job or money. It's hurtful and unreasonable.

Also, my daughter is too young now. I'm afraid that she won't be fit in so well.


Do Aussies really hate Asians? What's your real opinion about Asians?

Is there any suggestion that can help my daughter fitting into this society?

Thanks everyone!

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Well there are lots of Asians throughout Australia, many 2nd, 3rd or probably even 4th generation as well as all the new arrivals. Australia is very multicultural, I think overall you will find very few problems. We live on the outskirts of Sydney and my wife is Asian, runs a business and has absolutely no problems.

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Hello everyone.

I'm from Shanghai, China and I am applying for Oz PR with my wife and 3-year-old daughter.

We visited Oz last year and found that Oz is really a great country to live in. We all love Oz since then.

Recently,I heard there were some bad news against Asian people, especially from Pauline Hanson.


When we were in Oz last year, local people we met were so nice. I'm sure they are all nice people without doubt.

Most of my friends who already moved to Oz also tell me that most Oz people are really nice, much better than those in USA.

But I know 90% people in Oz are white people.I'm a little terrified if we would get discrimination since we are Asian people.

Most of us are really hard workers and trying our best to make this country greater.

Still someone would say we steal their job or money. It's hurtful and unreasonable.

Also, my daughter is too young now. I'm afraid that she won't be fit in so well.


Do Aussies really hate Asians? What's your real opinion about Asians?

Is there any suggestion that can help my daughter fitting into this society?

Thanks everyone!

tbh, there are so many Asians living and holidaying in Australia, if they haven't got used to it by now they never will.
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Im sure some do, I'm sure every country has people who don't like other cultures, we are immigrants too, who are hard workers and can be perceived as pinching local jobs. Pauline Hanson is not typical of average Australia so what she says thinks and does is irrelevant. I've never witnessed any issues, however they have been reported in the press so clearly they do happen but are in the absolute minority.

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It's the same for all immigrants - come, fit in, don't tell us how much better life is back where you came from, speak English and don't hang around with those of your own cultural group and all will be well. If you want to be Aussie, be Aussie, don't be Chinese first. Most Aussies couldn't give a toss about what colour you are, they're more concerned about what you do but they have a sense of humour which may well not be your sense of humour and you might take offence at something which is actually designed to be matey. If you don't feel comfortable then, of course, nobody is forcing you to stay.

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It's the same for all immigrants - come, fit in, don't tell us how much better life is back where you came from, speak English and don't hang around with those of your own cultural group and all will be well. If you want to be Aussie, be Aussie, don't be Chinese first. Most Aussies couldn't give a toss about what colour you are, they're more concerned about what you do but they have a sense of humour which may well not be your sense of humour and you might take offence at something which is actually designed to be matey. If you don't feel comfortable then, of course, nobody is forcing you to stay.
Australians don't do subtle.
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In some of the more rural, dare I say"backward" areas you might encounter problems.... Even Sheilas aren't considered equal yet! But in more cosmopolitan cities/ bigger towns I cant see you having a problem. Other than the odd horrible individual that we can all encounter. I wouldn't let it put you off a whole country

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Guest The Pom Queen

I don't think you need to worry at all. I absolutely love Asians and the best surgeons/specialists I have are Asian. They are caring and compassionate. I have never seen any Asians discriminated against and have lived in Melbourne, Cairns, Townsville and now near Brisbane. Pauline Hanson just loves to try and instill fear and hatred where there isn't any. Of course you will find someone who will find faults with you and as Poms we sometimes come across it but I would say 99% of the population is very welcoming. What upsets some Australians is when others try and establish their own culture and tell Australians what they can and can't do/say.

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Large Asian population in Brisbane, Asian friends get the odd racist comment - curiously anti-British casual racism is seen as quite acceptable and although this can be irritating you learn to shrug it off. Australia is a country where hard work pays and the Asian work ethic means many lead very successful lives here.

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I don't think Australians have any problems with Asians as a race. Now there is a subset within the Asian community who wear strange headscarves and other attire which set them apart (some claim it's their religion but the only Muslims I know personally don't wear headscarves or anything strange on their heads) and yes, those who set themselves apart are viewed with suspicion. If you want to fit in 99% of the Australian population will be very welcoming (and apologies that the other 1% including Pauline Hanson do exist).

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Hello everyone.

I'm from Shanghai, China and I am applying for Oz PR with my wife and 3-year-old daughter.

We visited Oz last year and found that Oz is really a great country to live in. We all love Oz since then.

Recently,I heard there were some bad news against Asian people, especially from Pauline Hanson.


When we were in Oz last year, local people we met were so nice. I'm sure they are all nice people without doubt.

Most of my friends who already moved to Oz also tell me that most Oz people are really nice, much better than those in USA.

But I know 90% people in Oz are white people.I'm a little terrified if we would get discrimination since we are Asian people.

Most of us are really hard workers and trying our best to make this country greater.

Still someone would say we steal their job or money. It's hurtful and unreasonable.

Also, my daughter is too young now. I'm afraid that she won't be fit in so well.


Do Aussies really hate Asians? What's your real opinion about Asians?

Is there any suggestion that can help my daughter fitting into this society?

Thanks everyone!


you wont have anything to worry about. ozzies are nice to everyone except the ones who want to change oz to be like the old country they came from. pauline hanson has said about chinese people but i think she was talking about rich chinese investors pushing house prices up in sydney & chinese companies buying up farming land. i am asian as well & havent had any problems at all. i even met pauline hanson once & she was really nice. she wasnt anything like the media make her out to be.


there is nothing special your daughter needs to do to fit in. if she is friendly the other kids will be friendly.

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In some of the more rural, dare I say"backward" areas you might encounter problems.... Even Sheilas aren't considered equal yet! But in more cosmopolitan cities/ bigger towns I cant see you having a problem. Other than the odd horrible individual that we can all encounter. I wouldn't let it put you off a whole country ?


i am asian & live in a rural area & the people are lovely. they are also very well travelled & up to date on current events. they knew more about brexit for instance than some of my friends in london did. you shouldnt stereotype people.

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Large Asian population in Brisbane, Asian friends get the odd racist comment - curiously anti-British casual racism is seen as quite acceptable and although this can be irritating you learn to shrug it off. Australia is a country where hard work pays and the Asian work ethic means many lead very successful lives here.
if you accept it, it won't change.
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I disagree with some of the statements. My view is: anyone who emigrates to another country has the potential of being seen as a potential threat to a local's resources. You are not taking their job, you are competing against everyone else going for that job, which mathematically reduces anybody else's chance of getting that job/resource etc. A lot of locals won't see it that way though.



"When in Rome, do as Romans" applies to a certain extent, but don't change yourself to be something you're not. Realise that you need to fit in somehow, but still be you.





If someone is blatantly racist, pull them up on it. Remind them of where they come from, where everyone ultimately comes from: somewhere else.



Also remind them of how many Australians emigrate abroad to do the same thing you're doing.

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Thanks everyone for your great replies.

After reading all your thoughts, all my previous problems are solved.

We cannot change the fact that there are good person and bad person everywhere.

But now Im sure that most people here are great.

The face color is not an issue. Judging people by color is stupid.

There is an old Chinese saying: Gold will glitter forever, no matter where it is.

I'll try my best to integrate into the society and create a good life for my family.

BTW, I am so looking foward to move to Oz right now.

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I disagree with some of the statements. My view is: anyone who emigrates to another country has the potential of being seen as a potential threat to a local's resources. You are not taking their job, you are competing against everyone else going for that job, which mathematically reduces anybody else's chance of getting that job/resource etc. A lot of locals won't see it that way though.



"When in Rome, do as Romans" applies to a certain extent, but don't change yourself to be something you're not. Realise that you need to fit in somehow, but still be you.





If someone is blatantly racist, pull them up on it. Remind them of where they come from, where everyone ultimately comes from: somewhere else.



Also remind them of how many Australians emigrate abroad to do the same thing you're doing.


to be honest, quite a few 'strayans hide behind the "straight talking" curtain, when in reality the have bias, either unconscious or otherwise.


Our next door neighbour in adelaide commented to us "oh, you're not going to sell the house to the chinese" ?



Result ?


We sold the house to a lovely young Chinese family and their parents. :)


and there are (were) at least one or two other asian families on that street, so hopefully there will be some nice community for them.

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to be honest, quite a few 'strayans hide behind the "straight talking" curtain, when in reality the have bias, either unconscious or otherwise.


Our next door neighbour in adelaide commented to us "oh, you're not going to sell the house to the chinese" ?



Result ?


We sold the house to a lovely young Chinese family and their parents. :)


and there are (were) at least one or two other asian families on that street, so hopefully there will be some nice community for them.


They were probably referring to wealthy Chinese investors who don't live in Australia. There's too much of that going on.

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Australia is not a racist country. The Chinese integrate and inter-marry probably as well as the Brits. My sister-in-law is Chinese. The Chinese embrace Australian lifestyle, food and sport. They make great Aussies - the ones I know love to gamble, drink, eat and are crazy about AFL. It's all good.

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They were probably referring to wealthy Chinese investors who don't live in Australia. There's too much of that going on.



I know it's hard for local white people to tell whether they are from China or Japan or Korea or Hong Kong or Taiwan..

But I'm sure rich Chinese investors cannot buy used houses. They can only buy brand new apartments with huge taxes.

I don't think that's the problem..

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I know it's hard for local white people to tell whether they are from China or Japan or Korea or Hong Kong or Taiwan..

But I'm sure rich Chinese investors cannot buy used houses. They can only buy brand new apartments with huge taxes.

I don't think that's the problem..

in theory.
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Australia is not a racist country. The Chinese integrate and inter-marry probably as well as the Brits. My sister-in-law is Chinese. The Chinese embrace Australian lifestyle, food and sport. They make great Aussies - the ones I know love to gamble, drink, eat and are crazy about AFL. It's all good.


That's true, mate. Sometimes you may meet some bad Chinese guys, but most of us are great. Our race is famous for hard-working spirit and kindness to people. Some Chinese people talk loud in public which is their way to express themselves. That's a lot different from Japanese and Korean.


If a Chinese person want to move here, he can only work or study really hard or have a lot of money. So most Chinese here are really nice people. I personally know 100+ Chinese in Oz and they are all great. They already become true Australians although some of them cannot speak English in Aussie accent..

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