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Australia is so cheap!!


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Just had a 3 week visit from the in laws, they actually managed to spend less than $100 on their 3 week visit, they managed to borrow cars that eternally fill themselves with petrol, their version of lunch in Freo was to pack some sandwiches and sit outside little creatures, they asked if they could take my little girl shopping but when I said she loves the clothes in Myers they changed their mind because they'd thought Kmart (was sopposed to be their Christmas treat to her, alas she's now going to receive some primark stuff through the the post), smiggle is out of bounds, far too expensive, dining out is fabulous, as long as we are paying..... 3 weeks in Australia for nothing and a no expenses spared stop off in Dubai on the way home (thanks to the cheapest Aussie holiday!!), they mentioned coming next Christmas for another 'free' holiday, I can't put on this forum the words that came out of my mouth, but basically NO, not in a million years xxxxxxxx

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How nice for them to see their family who are thousands of miles away.


Myers is way too expensive, good on them for not buying clothes there for a little girl. Generally the clothes in Australia are rubbish anyway (16 years here has confirmed that), so great idea that they are planning to send some from overseas.

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How nice for them to see their family who are thousands of miles away.


Myers is way too expensive, good on them for not buying clothes there for a little girl. Generally the clothes in Australia are rubbish anyway (16 years here has confirmed that), so great idea that they are planning to send some from overseas.

Hey Sammy1, I will send them over to yours for a week see how you get on, I don't appreciate your facetious, smug comments, I was making a humerous post about a stressful situation, they have significant amounts of money to buy clothes at Myers, they are pretty affluent and there is no need to buy 'tat' for my lovely daughter, I chose to clothe my daughter in quality stuff, I believe in the long run it lasts longer and is more cost effective, I have bought crap before but it lasts days and in the long run you spend more money buying more crap, plus it doesn't look nice and I want my daughter to look nice, fact. Thank you for your comments, but perhaps keep them to yourself in future unless you have a worthy comment to nmake xxxx

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PS clothes in Australia are rubbish?? Totally disagree, Myer has amazing clothes for kids, they now do the Ted Baker range amongst others that I used to buy in Debenhams, the smart way to shop in Myer is to wait for the 30% weekends they have every other weekend, I get quality for good prices. Totally agree with you though that Australia is rubbish if your clothing your kids form Kmart or target, but then if you were in the UK you'd be looking at primark which is equally rubbish so I'm not sure what your problem is???

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PS clothes in Australia are rubbish?? Totally disagree, Myer has amazing clothes for kids, they now do the Ted Baker range amongst others that I used to buy in Debenhams, the smart way to shop in Myer is to wait for the 30% weekends they have every other weekend, I get quality for good prices. Totally agree with you though that Australia is rubbish if your clothing your kids form Kmart or target, but then if you were in the UK you'd be looking at primark which is equally rubbish so I'm not sure what your problem is???


My problem? No problem, just an opinion on the lack of clothing choice here and the ridiculous prices charged. I think I am able to say that after 16 years here. Smart move by your in laws to send them from the UK instead.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I understand how frustrating it can be. I love our inlaws to bits but they also refuse to spend money when here. They take a flask of tea with them and make sandwiches. I remember many years ago when they first came out they took my boys to the aquarium in Melbourne (I think we had free tickets) and they thought the food was so expensive that they got 1 sausage roll and 1 drink for the three boys to share :laugh:


Then we have had forum members in the past who stayed with us for many months and didn't pay for anything and even stole from my sons piggy bank so they could get cigarettes, anyway don't get me started with that lol.

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Changing the subject a little but as anyone noticed that Target is now going down hill just like Kmart did.

Totally down hill, totally agree, So glad I'm not the only one thinking this!! I used to live target, could rely on it for my staple items, not now though

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My problem? No problem, just an opinion on the lack of clothing choice here and the ridiculous prices charged. I think I am able to say that after 16 years here. Smart move by your in laws to send them from the UK


not such a smart move because obviously I will throw it straight in the bin along with all the other tat she sends so actually, a complete waste of money, in fact add up all the crap clothes and buy one nice thing and money well spent, cost effectiveness and it will last much longer xxxxx PS I do actually throw every cheap and nasty item straight in the bin, and I will always do that so money wasted just for being cheap xxxx

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I understand how frustrating it can be. I love our inlaws to bits but they also refuse to spend money when here. They take a flask of tea with them and make sandwiches. I remember many years ago when they first came out they took my boys to the aquarium in Melbourne (I think we had free tickets) and they thought the food was so expensive that they got 1 sausage roll and 1 drink for the three boys to share :laugh:


Then we have had forum members in the past who stayed with us for many months and didn't pay for anything and even stole from my sons piggy bank so they could get cigarettes, anyway don't get me started with that lol.


OMG I am actually shocked, someone stole money from your child??? Gawd that is scary, someone on here who clearly built up trust with you, did you get the police onto them, did get ever bloody explain their actions? How can you trust people again? This is the reality, I'm shocked at how we are being used by family at the moment but bloody hell, I'm so sorry this happened to you but so amazed that you still show such trust in PIO members, you're a lovely lady xxxxx

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Hey Sammy1, I will send them over to yours for a week see how you get on, I don't appreciate your facetious, smug comments, I was making a humerous post about a stressful situation, they have significant amounts of money to buy clothes at Myers, they are pretty affluent and there is no need to buy 'tat' for my lovely daughter, I chose to clothe my daughter in quality stuff, I believe in the long run it lasts longer and is more cost effective, I have bought crap before but it lasts days and in the long run you spend more money buying more crap, plus it doesn't look nice and I want my daughter to look nice, fact. Thank you for your comments, but perhaps keep them to yourself in future unless you have a worthy comment to nmake xxxx


My 18 year old bought a whole wardrobe full of stuff at KMart 2 summers ago and it's all still fine. Hasn't fallen to pieces yet.

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My 18 year old bought a whole wardrobe full of stuff at KMart 2 summers ago and it's all still fine. Hasn't fallen to pieces yet.


I did but a lovey dress there 2 summers ago, I really loved it but after washing it it didn't fit me anymore, I chose to believe it was cheap nasty fabric that shrunk not me putting on any weight , bought a TShirt there this summer and inexplicably every time I wash it it keeps itS shape but it's getting baggier, I'm besides myself thinking I might be actually losing weight, but I dare not burst my bubble by actually getting on the scales, I'm just thinking ignorance is bliss and I'm happy!!!

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I did but a lovey dress there 2 summers ago, I really loved it but after washing it it didn't fit me anymore, I chose to believe it was cheap nasty fabric that shrunk not me putting on any weight , bought a TShirt there this summer and inexplicably every time I wash it it keeps itS shape but it's getting baggier, I'm besides myself thinking I might be actually losing weight, but I dare not burst my bubble by actually getting on the scales, I'm just thinking ignorance is bliss and I'm happy!!!


Stick to Myer!!

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My problem? No problem, just an opinion on the lack of clothing choice here and the ridiculous prices charged. I think I am able to say that after 16 years here. Smart move by your in laws to send them from the UK


not such a smart move because obviously I will throw it straight in the bin along with all the other tat she sends so actually, a complete waste of money, in fact add up all the crap clothes and buy one nice thing and money well spent, cost effectiveness and it will last much longer xxxxx PS I do actually throw every cheap and nasty item straight in the bin, and I will always do that so money wasted just for being cheap xxxx


I appreciate your thread is primarily about a difficult visit, but as a little girl is your daughter really concerned about the quality of clothing? For those rough and tumble, finger painting or just getting mucky days, cheaper clothing is often ideal. Particularly when they grow out of it all so quickly anyway. Tbh I do think it a bit of shame to bin grandparents gifts on the basis they are not of the quality you would normally buy yourself. If you really can’t bring yourself to use them, perhaps pass the items on to a charity that would appreciate and make good use of the donation? T x

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not such a smart move because obviously I will throw it straight in the bin along with all the other tat she sends so actually, a complete waste of money, in fact add up all the crap clothes and buy one nice thing and money well spent, cost effectiveness and it will last much longer xxxxx PS I do actually throw every cheap and nasty item straight in the bin, and I will always do that so money wasted just for being cheap xxxx

I have to say I think thats rather sad. So when your little girl asks what she got for Christmas from Nanny and Grandad do you tell her it was all cheap tat so you threw it in the bin?

So what if the clothes fall apart quickly, she'll enjoy wearing them, so what if the toys fall to bits, many kids tire of things quickly. But I know when we were kids it didn't matter how cheap the gift was, if Granny bought it, it meant something. And yes, we always noticed when close relatives missed a birthday etc.

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I completely relate to freelorder relatives we have had my husbands brother stay for months in the past and not pay a penny. When we visit other family in Australia we always offer to go half on the food shopping. When we have stayed at my friends we often whilst she's out working go to Woolworths or coles and buy dinner in and cook her a dinner as a surprise. We also buy gifts to say thank you. E.g. My friend on my last visit I got her a $100 shopping voucher, a DVD she wanted, flowers, chocolates and some uggs she wanted. Maybe we could have paid out more such as petrol when family take us out but when offered they like to pay for some things. so i can relate to your frustration.


in regards to the clothes if you don't like them could you either a: give them to a charity, or b: sell them and buy 1 item for your little one and say it's from her family? With clothes even if not to our taste it's the thought that counts. A bit like when at Christmas someone buys you a shower gel set that you really don't need lol thought that matters even if it's then donated.

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Just had a 3 week visit from the in laws, they actually managed to spend less than $100 on their 3 week visit, they managed to borrow cars that eternally fill themselves with petrol, their version of lunch in Freo was to pack some sandwiches and sit outside little creatures, they asked if they could take my little girl shopping but when I said she loves the clothes in Myers they changed their mind because they'd thought Kmart (was sopposed to be their Christmas treat to her, alas she's now going to receive some primark stuff through the the post), smiggle is out of bounds, far too expensive, dining out is fabulous, as long as we are paying..... 3 weeks in Australia for nothing and a no expenses spared stop off in Dubai on the way home (thanks to the cheapest Aussie holiday!!), they mentioned coming next Christmas for another 'free' holiday, I can't put on this forum the words that came out of my mouth, but basically NO, not in a million years xxxxxxxx
I always stay in the hotel of mum and dad. Comes with free car hire, but I do pay for petrol. We hardly ever eat out, and always picnic. Holidays don't have to be expensive. But we do return the favour, and always buy a nice present.
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That sucks that they didnt put their hands in their pockets, must be annoying. I wouldn't throw away the clothes though - its the thought that counts and surely they would still last a while. If not then hand them into a charity shop or something, some kids cant even afford to get cheap stuff. I bought clothes from target and kmart, some are fine

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That sucks that they didnt put their hands in their pockets, must be annoying. I wouldn't throw away the clothes though - its the thought that counts and surely they would still last a while. If not then hand them into a charity shop or something, some kids cant even afford to get cheap stuff. I bought clothes from target and kmart, some are fine


Indeed, as someone who is currently on the bones of their backside and relying on handouts cheap primark/kmart clothes for my child would be a godsend!! Snobbery at it's best here.

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Indeed, as someone who is currently on the bones of their backside and relying on handouts cheap primark/kmart clothes for my child would be a godsend!! Snobbery at it's best here.


my daughter lives in primark and Sainsbury's clothes (normally when Sainsbury's have 25% off sale). If I had money to burn I do like next clothing (always have a look when they have a sale on) I still have some from 10 years ago. But needs most and Sainsbury's seem decent quality and with primark if it lasts 6 months I'm happy at their prices.

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Everybodys different but if i have kids it wont bother me using places like tesco, asda etc. Kids just wreck stuff anyway. Although im in love with kids clothes from next. They arent too expensive but definitely a bit more than some.


I cringe when i think what i was like with clothes when i was younger. My mum and dad definitely didnt have a lot of money but they would save for what i wanted. When i was a teen i wanted all the makes - ben sherman shirts for school, i got a firetrap jacket that was £100 that i wore twice and wrecked. My dads friend was really skint and i used to give my clothes to his daughter and she got my old bike etc so at least someone got something from it. Now i dont care about clothes at all and i probably look like a tramp most of the time lol.

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Wow. Just wow. Those horrible people. I would stay away if I'd be them. They are family, just spend a bundle on flights. It wouldn't even cross my mind to expect anything, since they would be my guest....


Sent from my FEVER using Tapatalk

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