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So Brexit now needs parliamentary approval?


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But it does when you have a democratic vote,and unless you have not noticed the outs won.Both sides told lies as all governments do anyway before any election.

I guess I could just keep repeating what I said in #163 but you would probably simply repeat the fact that a democratic vote took place, and we would simply go round in circles. So, yes I know a vote took place, I agree it was a democratic vote, I do think the outcome matters....but seemingly unlike yourself I do not think it ends there, I do think the terms of Brexit matter, and I do think democratically elected representatives should have a role in how the consequences of the Brexit vote is managed. T x

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But it does when you have a democratic vote,and unless you have not noticed the outs won.Both sides told lies as all governments do anyway before any election.
why do you think democracy is a static thing? After all, we live in a dynamic world. A static democracy would serve no purpose.
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It has gone beyond that though. The internet is helping to polarise opinions and give extremists on both sides a strong voice. Reasoned debate is dying and galvanising support is now increasingly done with hatred and fear laced with invented 'facts'.

The 'post-truth' era.

Conspiracy theories that deny experts know anything.

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But it does when you have a democratic vote,and unless you have not noticed the outs won.Both sides told lies as all governments do anyway before any election.


I think BoJo's lie about Turkey imminently joining the EU and millions of Turks about to 'invade' the UK counts as more than a lie, it was a conspiracy theory put out there on social media, newspapers, when BoJo knew there was no chance of Turkey joining the EU but they maintained the EU was conniving at achieving it, and people believed, that's why I question the referendum outcome, they weren't just white lies or obfuscations, people were scared out of their wits with conspiracies of fictions.

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I think BoJo's lie about Turkey imminently joining the EU and millions of Turks about to 'invade' the UK counts as more than a lie, it was a conspiracy theory put out there on social media, newspapers, when BoJo knew there was no chance of Turkey joining the EU but they maintained the EU was conniving at achieving it, and people believed, that's why I question the referendum outcome, they weren't just white lies or obfuscations, people were scared out of their wits with conspiracies of fictions.


No conspiricy theory there, it is a known fact that the EU assisted some countries to gain membership in the past so why not in the future too.

But please carry on questioning the referendum outcome it does seem to give you some aim in life.

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No conspiricy theory there, it is a known fact that the EU assisted some countries to gain membership in the past so why not in the future too.

But please carry on questioning the referendum outcome it does seem to give you some aim in life.

So any set of lies that exploit peoples ignorance and fears are acceptable so long as you win.

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No conspiricy theory there, it is a known fact that the EU assisted some countries to gain membership in the past so why not in the future too.

But please carry on questioning the referendum outcome it does seem to give you some aim in life.


As thinking up childish jibes seems to likewise give you some aim in life. What a pity you are so afraid to discuss it in a reasonable way.

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No conspiricy theory there, it is a known fact that the EU assisted some countries to gain membership in the past so why not in the future too.

But please carry on questioning the referendum outcome it does seem to give you some aim in life.


Do you think that Farage would be silent now if the vote had been as close with a remain win?


I have just heard his reaction to the High Court saying there will be violence if it gets overturned because of the Leave voters feelings, I am sure there are many remain voters who are really angry at the outcome. My observations of the coverage shows the UK is a very divided place.


I also heard a report on the ABC about the 3 Million group https://www.facebook.com/The3Million/ who represent the 3 million citizens of the EU who are living and working in the UK.


It also included a story of a man on a bus turning round and telling people in the back of the bus talking in European languages to "speak English this is Britain". I wonder if he had ever been abroad on holiday and was told to speak French,German or Spanish as he was in their country. Probably just spoke loudly and slowly in English with a mock foreign accent.

[h=1]plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose



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Why can't we have a reasoned discussion with a recognition of the validity of other peoples opinions without resorting to this kind of abusive silliness.


So when did this come about with the one eyed hyper ventilating doom and gloom merchants? when they do recognize other peoples opinions (as in the result of the brexit vote) then yes we can have a reasoned discussion................ but I am not holding my breath!

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Do you think that Farage would be silent now if the vote had been as close with a remain win?


I have just heard his reaction to the High Court saying there will be violence if it gets overturned because of the Leave voters feelings, I am sure there are many remain voters who are really angry at the outcome. My observations of the coverage shows the UK is a very divided place.


I also heard a report on the ABC about the 3 Million group https://www.facebook.com/The3Million/ who represent the 3 million citizens of the EU who are living and working in the UK.


It also included a story of a man on a bus turning round and telling people in the back of the bus talking in European languages to "speak English this is Britain". I wonder if he had ever been abroad on holiday and was told to speak French,German or Spanish as he was in their country. Probably just spoke loudly and slowly in English with a mock foreign accent.

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose




Had the result of the referendum been to remain and the out group were as venomous as many of the remain group are now, then my posts would still be the same but just directed at a different group. My stand is on the side of democracy, it may not be the best, but it is the best we have got and has stood the test of time. This system effectively got UK into the EU (common market) and it should now get UK out as the majority of the voting public asked.

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Had the result of the referendum been to remain and the out group were as venomous as many of the remain group are now, then my posts would still be the same but just directed at a different group. My stand is on the side of democracy, it may not be the best, but it is the best we have got and has stood the test of time. This system effectively got UK into the EU (common market) and it should now get UK out as the majority of the voting public asked.


Then you would support the independence of the Judiciary as this is part of the UK's democratic process. I made the point in an earlier post that if any other contentious issues that may or may not coincide with your own opinions then there are times when people would agree with the Judges and then instead of being castigated they would be being praised.

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Then you would support the independence of the Judiciary as this is part of the UK's democratic process. I made the point in an earlier post that if any other contentious issues that may or may not coincide with your own opinions then there are times when people would agree with the Judges and then instead of being castigated they would be being praised.


I agree with and support the UK independent Judiciary system, I may not like some of the results/decisions but at the end of the day it is, like the democratic system generally representative, fair and works.

Note- both systems can be and indeed are manipulated.

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Then you would support the independence of the Judiciary as this is part of the UK's democratic process. I made the point in an earlier post that if any other contentious issues that may or may not coincide with your own opinions then there are times when people would agree with the Judges and then instead of being castigated they would be being praised.


My opinion would remain the same, like it or not, respect for the result.

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