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eu referendum update


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Time is irrelevant. You can't withdraw before two years, but it could take years to negotiate an exit. They estimate seven. It will be a nightmare.





That's not what the treaty says



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Yes and no! One can give the required notice of leave, sit back and do nothing else for two years and then you are out. Or a more sensible option of negotiate terms and conditions for exit which could mean it being sooner or later than the two years.

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Yes and no! One can give the required notice of leave, sit back and do nothing else for two years and then you are out. Or a more sensible option of negotiate terms and conditions for exit which could mean it being sooner or later than the two years.

That's what I said. But for it to be more then 2 years it needs unanimous approval.


Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

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And also to be less than 2 years!


That's what I said, it's within 2 years to agree, or it's automatic at the 2 year mark. Any extensions require approval by every member state.


This applies ONLY to extending the withdrawal period beyond 2 years. The 2 years is otherwise automatic unless it's agreed upon EARLIER
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I am absolutely over f@$$@$!joyed at the result...it's like a big cloud has lifted.I am loving watching tony Blair, Alistair Campbell etc etc on the verge of tears who where the" coordinators" of the reasons why the majority wanted to leave.so so happy knowing I can return now knowing the issues that made me come here in the first place will be addressed. Always look on the bright side of life.. Du..du......du..du..du..dudu:wink:

When are you moving back to the uk?

Edited by Quokka2005
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I am absolutely over f@$$@$!joyed at the result...it's like a big cloud has lifted.I am loving watching tony Blair, Alistair Campbell etc etc on the verge of tears who where the" coordinators" of the reasons why the majority wanted to leave.so so happy knowing I can return now knowing the issues that made me come here in the first place will be addressed. Always look on the bright side of life.. Du..du......du..du..du..dudu:wink:


What were the issues? And how have they been addressed?

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Its a very sad day for anyone under 40.

Don't be over dramatic there mate. If you're young these are very exciting times. Who knows house prices might fall and give you a chance of buying something. The worst that's happened is you'll have a passport when you visit places. Just like me and the missus did when we were young. Did it stop us doing anything? Not one bit.

Try and look on the bright side and keep off social media, it will only make you depressed.

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Let the dust settle. What we have to remember is that London people were doing very well and have been ever since Britain went into the Union, however as I said before at the expense of so many more people who did not live in London. I am alright Jack. In a way the way people have reacted in London to the referendum just enforces my view that people have no interest in their country anymore, its all about me. No interest in maintaining heritage and culture that is for someone else to do. So they have moved bankers, big loss to London but it will be no different out in the counties because the drip down effect never worked and never will.


Yes it will be tough, but things were getting tough anyway in our world of too many consumable items and rubbish and all that stuff.


I am not a fan of going backwards but I am a fan of everyone having a fair deal and if I have to lose some then that is ok


For me at least Britain will make their own decisions.


If Australia and New Zealand small countries and much smaller when Britain went in and were left hanging with no markets for their products can survive I am sure Britain can. Yep we picked ourselves up dusted ourselves off and got down to replacing our markets with no help. NZ did get some special consideration due to size and so they should have.

I think there are quite a few "londoners" who are up to there knees in debt, paying off one credit card with another, hoping that the day of reckoning never comes. Not all of them are wealthy. Mostly it's just the foreigners who've bought up the property and the financial parasites working in the City who've been doing well. They didn't want anything to upset their nice little world.

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Don't be over dramatic there mate. If you're young these are very exciting times. Who knows house prices might fall and give you a chance of buying something. The worst that's happened is you'll have a passport when you visit places. Just like me and the missus did when we were young. Did it stop us doing anything? Not one bit.

Try and look on the bright side and keep off social media, it will only make you depressed.


Definitely this. Ignorance is bliss. The less you know about all this the better you will feel for sure.

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Ambrose is worth a read. The open borders is an interesting one. I think if they left them fully open there would be uproar, so they will just have to try and leave the door ajar. No doubt that Boris knows who his master's are. So many will be disappointed with the final outcome. If only they had a Eurosceptic rather than an opportunist as their leader.




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Apparently the most popular boy's name for newborns in the UK is now Mohammed.


That would have a lot to do with it.



So you are dealing with non EU migration by leaving the EU .


That has nothing to do with it.


It doesn't even have anything to do with EU migration.


If the 27 states say we can't have favourable trade agreements without free movement what will we do?


Everyone quotes Norway . Norway has free movement.


This was never about immigration.


It was about power.

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This was never about immigration.


It was about power.

Yes and no. There may have been a few in control of the Leave campaign who saw this, but mostly this was down to old bigots voting because they hate Muslims. Some may have been seduced with lies about investment in the NHS (I mean, srsly, did they not watch how quickly the promises were reneged upon after the Scottish referendum), but most it wa just down to hating Johnny Foreigner. It may well be that the issues people have with foreigners will to be addressed through Brexit, but in most Leave voters minds, this was all about immigration.

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They may now be denying it but The Mail say 1000's of other banking jobs at risk with other banks considering moves, it must be true if it's in the Mail


I am absolutely over f@$$@$!joyed at the result...it's like a big cloud has lifted.I am loving watching tony Blair, Alistair Campbell etc etc on the verge of tears who where the" coordinators" of the reasons why the majority wanted to leave.so so happy knowing I can return now knowing the issues that made me come here in the first place will be addressed. Always look on the bright side of life.. Du..du......du..du..du..dudu:wink:

I think it may be a bit early for happy dances yet, lots of back pedalling already by Leave pollies now they are no longer playing megaphone politics, lots of obfuscation about how much extra money there will be for the NHS, the realisation now that all that extra cash not paid to the EU is going to have to cover all those regional grants and lots of other little known EU functions.

but you still have the Tories in charge and there is no way they are going to stop cheap immigrant workforces for their business chums, it's just that the colour may change and they'll be on work visas but it ain't going to stop and as for zero hour contracts the Tories love 'em.

Basildon or Boston might be good places to head for, they seem to be most in favour of leaving so they may have a "cunning plan " of how to make it work in a post Brexit world with Bojo in charge of a bunch of right wing neo- con Conservatives.

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Yes and no. There may have been a few in control of the Leave campaign who saw this, but mostly this was down to old bigots voting because they hate Muslims. Some may have been seduced with lies about investment in the NHS (I mean, srsly, did they not watch how quickly the promises were reneged upon after the Scottish referendum), but most it wa just down to hating Johnny Foreigner. It may well be that the issues people have with foreigners will to be addressed through Brexit, but in most Leave voters minds, this was all about immigration.



Oh yes, I agree most people thought it was about immigration.

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Yes and no. There may have been a few in control of the Leave campaign who saw this, but mostly this was down to old bigots voting because they hate Muslims. Some may have been seduced with lies about investment in the NHS (I mean, srsly, did they not watch how quickly the promises were reneged upon after the Scottish referendum), but most it wa just down to hating Johnny Foreigner. It may well be that the issues people have with foreigners will to be addressed through Brexit, but in most Leave voters minds, this was all about immigration.
Same old lazy argument that you must be a bigot if you think immigration is a problem, when will the left ever learn, never probably.
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I think it may be a bit early for happy dances yet, lots of back pedalling already by Leave pollies now they are no longer playing megaphone politics, lots of obfuscation about how much extra money there will be for the NHS, the realisation now that all that extra cash not paid to the EU is going to have to cover all those regional grants and lots of other little known EU functions.

but you still have the Tories in charge and there is no way they are going to stop cheap immigrant workforces for their business chums, it's just that the colour may change and they'll be on work visas but it ain't going to stop and as for zero hour contracts the Tories love 'em.

Basildon or Boston might be good places to head for, they seem to be most in favour of leaving so they may have a "cunning plan " of how to make it work in a post Brexit world with Bojo in charge of a bunch of right wing neo- con Conservatives.


The main back-pedalling is from Boris. If you listened to some of his pronouncements earlier in the campaign he talked about a Leave vote bringing the EU to the negotiating table to give the UK a better deal. He rather got drowned out by all the anti-immigration rhetoric which was the turning point in the campaign for Leave. This is why he is talking up delaying invoking Article 50.


If this was his tactic it was a flawed one as there really can be no going back now and the EU are pressing now to get the UK out as soon as possible.


I sense that he is absolutely bricking it now because he is one of the few in the Leave campaign with first hand experience of Brussels (in his time as a correspondent) so is aware of the magnitude of the task ahead divorcing the UK from the EU and probably is not relishing it. Don't blame him for that but he has made his bed and now has to lie in it.

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[h=1]Britain’s ‘Leave’ Voters Cleverly Deter Migrants By Destroying Economy[/h]By The Shovel on June 25, 2016


Migration laws will no longer need to change under an independent Britain, because no-one will want to go there to work anyway.

“That’s one less thing we’ll have to do,” a jubilant ‘Leave’ voter said this morning, trying desperately to ignore the economy crashing around her.

“I probably won’t have a job this time next year, but at least there won’t be a foreigner there to take it,” Leave campaigner Patricia Waite said this morning, noting that she would feed her family with patriotism for the time being until she could find another job.

UK Independence Party Leader Nigel Farage said the exit vote was a classic example of British ingenuity. “What better way to stop migrants coming to our shores than to devastate the economy they were coming here to contribute to. It really is a stroke of genius”.



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I think it may be a bit early for happy dances yet, lots of back pedalling already by Leave pollies now they are no longer playing megaphone politics, lots of obfuscation about how much extra money there will be for the NHS, the realisation now that all that extra cash not paid to the EU is going to have to cover all those regional grants and lots of other little known EU functions.

but you still have the Tories in charge and there is no way they are going to stop cheap immigrant workforces for their business chums, it's just that the colour may change and they'll be on work visas but it ain't going to stop and as for zero hour contracts the Tories love 'em.

Basildon or Boston might be good places to head for, they seem to be most in favour of leaving so they may have a "cunning plan " of how to make it work in a post Brexit world with Bojo in charge of a bunch of right wing neo- con Conservatives.


Do you have family in Boston? We do it's my husbands home town, and there are a lot of unhappy people there. Highest murder per capita in UK apparently, schools etc. overcrowded. Whether you agree/sympathise or not some people's lives and neighbourhoods have been impacted by the unrestricted movement from the EU, and possibly that influenced how they voted.


In case any one jumps on my reply I am only mentioning that life has changed for people, but I am not saying that immigration is the only reason for voting out.

Edited by ramot
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Can't tell you how reassured I feel listening this morning to a succession of cafe owners and sundry workers saying Europe will HAVE to trade with us and then various others asserting how they aren't racist but they voted for out only because of immigration, love the Poles and Lithuanians but not in MY country.

Wonder how all these continental footballers and managers are feeling about all this crassness, well I suppose for a few million you can put up with any s**t.

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Do you have family in Boston? We do it's my husbands home town, and there are a lot of unhappy people there. Highest murder per capita in UK apparently, schools etc. overcrowded. Whether you agree/sympathise or not some people's lives and neighbourhoods have been impacted by the unrestricted movement from the EU, and possibly that influenced how they voted.

Yes but my point is that leaving the EU is not going to alter any of that whilst you have a Tory govt which agrees with cheap immigrant labour on the poorest of employment contracts and yet does nothing to to accommodate that workforce and reduces down money for local services at the same time.

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