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When Britain "Invaded" Australia


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[h=1]University tells students Britain 'invaded' Australia[/h]

A top Australian university has rejected claims it is trying to rewrite the nation's colonial history.

Students are being encouraged to use the term "invaded" rather than "settled" or "discovered", and avoid the word "Aborigines".

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Indigenous Terminology guide states that Australia was "invaded, occupied and colonised".

But UNSW says it does not mandate what language can and cannot be used.

"The guide suggests referring to Captain [James] Cook as the first Englishman to map the continent's East Coast is 'more appropriate' than referring to his 'discovery' of Australia," a UNSW spokesperson said in a statement to the BBC.





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What else would you call it but an invasion? It wasn't like the Brits were invited. In today's terms, a state entering another sovereign territory without permission is an act of war, and that's before rounding up and shooting the locals.


Unless of course you agree with the Terra Nullius principle, which is fundamentally immoral.

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another word for invade is conquer - is there any country in this world hasn't been conquered at some time or other. With regards to messing up the aboriginal people, a) drugs and alcohol etc are available every where we just choose whether or not we use them, b) they at least don't kill each other as much now, and not for tribal reasons c) some aboriginal people have done really well, so putting them all in the same pot is crazy, d) give those who are mixed parentage a break please.........

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another word for invade is conquer - is there any country in this world hasn't been conquered at some time or other. With regards to messing up the aboriginal people, a) drugs and alcohol etc are available every where we just choose whether or not we use them, b) they at least don't kill each other as much now, and not for tribal reasons c) some aboriginal people have done really well, so putting them all in the same pot is crazy, d) give those who are mixed parentage a break please.........


You display a severe lack of understanding of historical context. May I suggest you do some further research around the subject?

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Who cares what word they use really? The media have so many news channels and feeds they have to fill them up with any old crap. It happened long ago and people just need to move on, forget it and enjoy Aus for what it is today. Plenty of opportunity and space for everyone that wants to get off their butt and give it a go.

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Who cares what word they use really? The media have so many news channels and feeds they have to fill them up with any old crap. It happened long ago and people just need to move on, forget it and enjoy Aus for what it is today. Plenty of opportunity and space for everyone that wants to get off their butt and give it a go.


Well actually thee isn't. Plenty of space I mean. Sydney and Melbourne are increasingly having infrastructure severely challenged, owing to rapid increasing population.


Regardless of when it happened language can and does incite. Both sides will something tell me never find consensus on the correct terminology.

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Well actually thee isn't. Plenty of space I mean. Sydney and Melbourne are increasingly having infrastructure severely challenged, owing to rapid increasing population.


Regardless of when it happened language can and does incite. Both sides will something tell me never find consensus on the correct terminology.

You're right about terminology flag. No matter what comments are made on anything there's always some twitter or other social media idiot who will disagree and argue about the slightest thing. It's all getting tedious.

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As I've said before. It's time the issue was fixed and not just given lip service. It's time. Australia is a rich country. She can afford to fix herself. Let's stop hiding the shame.

Nothing needs fixing and there is no need for anyone to feel ashamed. Why should we?

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So i guess taking this to a logical/illogical conclusion you could say tongue in cheek that all new immigrants are 'invaders' although maybe not as they are being invited in and Cook was not.

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Nothing needs fixing and there is no need for anyone to feel ashamed. Why should we?


Seriously? You think nothing needs fixing? You have a third world living within the country. It needs fixing. It's disgusting. It's ****ing embarrassing that this has been allowed to go on. The fault doesn't only lie with white society, and the responsibility to fix it lies with both. You have conditions worse than some of the worse refugee camps. Ffs? Nothing needs fixing?

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Seriously? You think nothing needs fixing? You have a third world living within the country. It needs fixing. It's disgusting. It's ****ing embarrassing that this has been allowed to go on. The fault doesn't only lie with white society, and the responsibility to fix it lies with both. You have conditions worse than some of the worse refugee camps. Ffs? Nothing needs fixing?



I guess another way of looking at it is, if there is no need to feel ashamed, are you all proud of the current situation???



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Nothing needs fixing and there is no need for anyone to feel ashamed. Why should we?


So is that it Paul? The right has no suggestions on how to fix this problem? Or you are just too tight to spend the money, and you'd like another jet ski for the kids?

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You display a severe lack of understanding of historical context. May I suggest you do some further research around the subject?[/QUOT


What a vague statement, care to expand and explain? Your suggestion that I'm somewhat ignorant on the subject is ironical considering your lack of knowledge about me. Further research is not required by me, as I said don't put everyone in the same pot. You are what you say, Harpodom - "You display a severe lack of understanding of historical context. May I suggest you do some further research around the subject?" right back at you.

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