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Family Tax Benefit, Child Care Benefit Stopping - Vaccinations

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

From 1 January 2016, immunisation requirements for family payments, including Child Care Benefit, Child Care Rebate and Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement, are changing.


These changes will also affect customers who receive Grandparent Child Care Benefit, Special Child Care Benefit or Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance.


To receive a family payment for a child under 20 years of age, you need to make sure their immunisations are up to date.


You can check your child’s immunisation details on their immunisation history statement on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register.


From 1 January 2016, the Immunisation Register will also be expanded to support this change and will record immunisation information for children and young people under 20 years old.


This will allow you to view the immunisation history statement of a child under 14 years of age using:


your Medicare online account through myGov, or

the Express Plus Medicare mobile app

Children 14 years of age or older will be able to access their own immunisation history statement either by calling the Immunisation Register or using their Medicare online account through myGov.


If you are unable to access your child’s immunisation history statement online, you can obtain a copy by calling the Immunisation Register.


Next steps:

If you’re currently receiving payments and your child is not up to date with their immunisations, or we’re unable to check your child’s record with the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register, we’ll contact you before your payments are affected

If there’s a medical reason why your child can’t be vaccinated, you need to talk to your general practitioner

Read more about current requirements for immunising your children http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/news/immunisation-requirements-are-changing

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Doesn't matter how much money they're offering. My son's already got autism probably as a result of having the first MMR jab. No way he's getting the booster. They claim of course that the onset of autism at the same time as the jab is only a coincidence but there is no way I can risk a second coincidence making his condition worse.

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Doesn't matter how much money their offering. My son's already got autism probably as a result of having the first MMR jab. No way he's getting the booster. They claim of course that the onset of autism at the same time as the jab is only a coincidence but there is no way I can risk a second coincidence making his condition worse.


MMR does not cause autism and a vaccination is not going to make it worse. The latest research (based on more than anecdotal evidence) is showing a possible link between taking anti-depressants in late pregnancy and autism. There has also been some research showing that traits of autism can be seen in unborn babies. As more research is done on the condition and the medical profession start to understand it more it is becoming clearer that it is present from before birth. Just because you don't notice it until an event like a vaccination does not mean the vaccination caused it.

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MMR does not cause autism and a vaccination is not going to make it worse. The latest research (based on more than anecdotal evidence) is showing a possible link between taking anti-depressants in late pregnancy and autism. There has also been some research showing that traits of autism can be seen in unborn babies. As more research is done on the condition and the medical profession start to understand it more it is becoming clearer that it is present from before birth. Just because you don't notice it until an event like a vaccination does not mean the vaccination caused it.


They're all just theories at the moment - and the one regarding anti-depressants doesn't fly as obviously there'd need to be anti-depressants taken during pregnancy. MMR is one of the theories until some hard evidence of what does cause autism comes along.

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They're all just theories at the moment - and the one regarding anti-depressants doesn't fly as obviously there'd need to be anti-depressants taken during pregnancy. MMR is one of the theories until some hard evidence of what does cause autism comes along.


What do you mean, does not fly? Plenty of women need to carry on taking anti depressants during pregnancy.

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What do you mean, does not fly? Plenty of women need to carry on taking anti depressants during pregnancy.

I'm guessing he means his partner didn't take antidepressants while pregnant but their son still has autism.


The 'studies' linking the MMR and autism have already been proven to be incorrect. It's kind of like the people who told me when I was pregnant that if I reached over my head I'd strangle my baby with the umbilical cord. Someone somewhere has told people it's true and people won't believe it's not even when most of the world can see it's rubbish.

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I was listening to a discussion on the radio the other morning about some parents who were holding a 'chicken pox party' - they pointed out that even if your child has had chicken pox, and therefore you use that as a reason to refuse to get them vaccinated against it, this will affect your benefits.

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Very sensible. I wish the UK would do something like this.

There are always some children who can't, for various reasons, be immunised, but that's even more of a reason for the rest of us to be responsible - to protect the wider population.


Our daughter caught whooping cough when she was two weeks old (during a similar scare period). She spent over three weeks in ITU, over a month in hospital. For those three weeks we didn't know if she'd live or not. Even after she recovered no one could tell us if there would be any lasting damage to her heart, lungs, brain.

The photo below was taken on the day we were told she would live. I wouldn't let them take any until we knew she'd be ok.




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Very sensible. I wish the UK would do something like this.

There are always some children who can't, for various reasons, be immunised, but that's even more of a reason for the rest of us to be responsible - to protect the wider population.


Our daughter caught whooping cough when she was two weeks old (during a similar scare period). She spent over three weeks in ITU, over a month in hospital. For those three weeks we didn't know if she'd live or not. Even after she recovered no one could tell us if there would be any lasting damage to her heart, lungs, brain.

The photo below was taken on the day we were told she would live. I wouldn't let them take any until we knew she'd be ok.




How awful for you Caramac! The poor little thing. How is your daughter now?


I have read the same thing happening to tiny babies here. All caused by parents not having their children immunised when they are old enough.

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How awful for you Caramac! The poor little thing. How is your daughter now?


I have read the same thing happening to tiny babies here. All caused by parents not having their children immunised when they are old enough.


She's fine - 21 and at university, but we still don't know definitely if there has been any lasting damage internally., but it seems she was lucky. The nine week old little boy in the next ward wasn't so lucky. He died after a week. I felt so sorry for his parents and guilty that our daughter was still alive.

Her dad and I both had it too and I have to use an inhaler in winter because of the damage its done to me. I broke a rib coughing which obviously made it much more painful with the endless coughing bouts. We coughed for over six months. We think husband caught it from one of his patients.

Horrible disease.

People become relaxed about these awful diseases because we see them only rarely (when vaccine uptake is high enough), but there's a reason we want to prevent them!

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Hopefully they will improve the system.


After we got to Australia, we got up to date with the different vaccines they had here compared to the UK.


However it still took over 1.5 years and dozens of calls to get them to update our records as "up to date". My GP was trying as well.


We were on a 457 so didn't receive any rebates, but if we had been it would have been even more frustrating during this long process.

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Doesn't matter how much money they're offering. My son's already got autism probably as a result of having the first MMR jab. No way he's getting the booster. They claim of course that the onset of autism at the same time as the jab is only a coincidence but there is no way I can risk a second coincidence making his condition worse.


Sorry mate but that doesn't cut it. I have an autistic son who didn't have MMR (he has now)


Loads of bollox about vaccinations/imumnisations/ mercury fillings blah blah blah. Sadly, the first thing that most parents do, on receiving a dx is look to blame others instead of accepting that it "just is" and "moving on". I have 5 sons, the older 4 never were vaccinated until later in life and they are fine. Only the younger is autistic. I believe Judging from my ancient family (undiagnosed) history of strange behaviours, (not considered strange back then) that it is genetic


As for "making his condition worse" Autism is autism.............it's like a see saw..............some days they're upwards and some days they're downwards..................t can only seem worse due to triggers and perception.


There is no such thing as that which many have posted here on this forum as "mild autism" Autism is autism and some days the afflicted will function better than on other days. I have seen those parents who think that their child has "mild autism" later get to a point where they are ripping their hair out wondering why their (now older) child has so many problems..............Approach your child as an individual, and his/her problems as being individual, not as a child that is designated by some text/research.

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Very sensible. I wish the UK would do something like this.

There are always some children who can't, for various reasons, be immunised, but that's even more of a reason for the rest of us to be responsible - to protect the wider population.


Our daughter caught whooping cough when she was two weeks old (during a similar scare period). She spent over three weeks in ITU, over a month in hospital. For those three weeks we didn't know if she'd live or not. Even after she recovered no one could tell us if there would be any lasting damage to her heart, lungs, brain.

The photo below was taken on the day we were told she would live. I wouldn't let them take any until we knew she'd be ok.




I was given the whooping cough vaccine and as a direct result I spent time in PICU after turning blue, ceasing to breathe, and then being revived by ambulance staff.


There are arguments on both sides, and I'm not sure that stopping benefits like this is fair on parents who already have family histories like thatto deal with.

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I was given the whooping cough vaccine and as a direct result I spent time in PICU after turning blue, ceasing to breathe, and then being revived by ambulance staff.


There are arguments on both sides, and I'm not sure that stopping benefits like this is fair on parents who already have family histories like thatto deal with.


Of course, and that's why I said there are reasons why some people shouldn't be given them. However, to protect those who can't be immunised, we have to have herd immunity which means the majority of children (and adults) should be vaccinated.

My friend's daughter had a reaction to the measles vaccine, so she didn't have any more until she was older and then she had it at the surgery where she was closely monitored. She was fine.

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  • 9 months later...
Doesn't matter how much money they're offering. My son's already got autism probably as a result of having the first MMR jab. No way he's getting the booster. They claim of course that the onset of autism at the same time as the jab is only a coincidence but there is no way I can risk a second coincidence making his condition worse.


The MMRv as it is, is a booster jab that works by ensuring the T cell response has taken (that is the patients cells have correctly formed memory cells to the disease antigens and can replicate them quickly). They are spread out exactly as they are because lots (and lots, I have had to read it!) of research has shown parental immunity as well as the rate at which antibodies to the relevant antigens dissipate from the body must reduce in order to stimulate a true T cell response to form these long lasting memory cell effects.



No, just, no. Autism happens to manifest at a level it can be detected a the same time as the current schedule advises MMR. MMR has nothing in it than could possibly 'cause' austism. The 'Doctor' who wrote this falsified his results and was struck off (do you realise how hard/serious it is to get struck off, even Harold Shipman didn't get this!). Andrew Wakefield in all likelihood has been responsible for more child deaths due to infectious disease from this one lie than any other person in human history.


You have vaccinations (and diseases) all through childhood, it is only MMR than has fixated the human psyche due to the false legitimacy of a now refuted paper. Why would people not think it's something they were exposed to instead environmentally that cause their genes passed on to have a 'defect' that resulted in autism instead? because of the MMR paper!


Not vaccinating because of a lie makes no sense at all. Whilst I disagree ethically with punitive punishments for children such as fiscal burdens for not vaccinating, I also see disease spread to innocent people from a lack of complete coverage providing herd immunity (measles has an Ro of about 18, meaning everyone who can, has to be vaccinated to protect those who can't) compared to other diseases, it's incredibly virulent. I wish there were another way to convince those who believe the lies of the value of vaccination.

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