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Haha no I didn't mean about meeting a bloke! If I was travelling for a bloke I'd be going to the NT!


Right ive narrowed it down to Melbourne and Perth. I can't decide. One day I'll look back and laugh at how ridiculous I am!


You obviously are not au fait with the blokes in the NT than. I can certainly point you in the direction of our Pizzeria. All or most staff are foreigners on WHV's although doubt he checks to hard. Few Brit's though. Mostly Europeans.


I still think Melbourne being closer could be preferable. Bigger city, coolest vibe of all the capitals, even weather may suit you better, although can be very hot in summer, less so than Perth.But your decision. Just ensure you don't get too low in funds and forced to do whatever.

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@flag I don't mean locals when I say about a guy lol it's just someone I know.


I honestly don't know what to do. I was originally going to start my whv in Perth and then I got caught up in the Sydney hype like I mentioned before. Melbourne makes more sense because it's much nearer but I have a pull to Perth. I don't know wether it's because Of people on here. Also there's quite a few country pub jobs down south WA etc. but my head does say that it doesn't make sense to go all the way over to come back in 4 months

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I agree with Snifter, apart from Perth where will you go?


if you do the East Coast first at least you have plenty of choice.


I really really think you need to stop and decide on a sensible plan, rather than changing your mind all the time, and rushing off somewhere else.


I know you aren't impressed with Sydney so far but there are jobs there which would tide you over for a few weeks, bring some money in while you plan your next move.


I googled temporary jobs in Bondi Junction for example and it would appear you could start work almost at once.


One thing you do need to think about is accomodation over Christmas and New Year as places will possibly be very booked up and expensive.


I know you have been bombarded with suggestions, but please as I said before think carefully about where you go next.


Or Google temporary au pair jobs Sydney or anywhere else you fancy.

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All hostels in Sydney are almost booked up. The ones left are like $500 or 600. The girl that was going to go to Melbourne with me went to see another 2 flats here today and said they were both still terrible. For some reason she loves Sydney so much that she's still willing to pay for these really bad ones just to stay here. I think that's ok if you actually like it here but I don't. If I didn't worry as much as I do or if I had more money then I'd just go up the east coast like everyone else

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When my daughter was thinking of travelling around Australia, I found a bus (maybe a Greyhound?) that you could go all the way up the East Coast on, getting on and off wherever you liked and staying in a place for a while, then carrying on with your journey. If you head for Melbourne, you can see what you think of the area and if you don't like that either, either head north up the East Coast on a bus like that heading to PQ's place in FNQ, or head west to Adelaide and then Perth: or from Adelaide head north to Alice Springs and the Top End. On the backpacker fb groups, there are often people driving the routes and offering a seat in their car or camper. In my mind, that route makes more sense than Sydney - Perth on a plane. Melbourne I think is very different to Sydney, and then Adelaide is very different to everywhere, so hopefully one of the places will feel right.


I don't envy you having to decide what to do - if I were you I'd just plan one step at a time. So pick where you're heading next. Go for it. See how it feels. If it's not good or money starts getting very short (if you don't find some work) there are plenty on here that can offer you a free room and board for a while all over the country :smile:


Also, over Christmas and in the New Year lots of people head off on family holidays so would probably be happy for you to house and pet sit in their homes. If you don't mind a very messy house, an annoying dog and two very annoying cats, you can have my place in January!!

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Btw why didn't anybody tell me Melbourne had a cat cafe?!



I didnt know there was one here.


We don't have a cat, and even if we did I wouldnt try to socialise it at a cafe anyway.... So I guess I don't really care either :twitcy:


Melbourne is a big place, where is it?


If inner suburbs, rent for a room will be high, public transport easy.


If outer suburbs, the opposite will be the case.

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If you did end up in Perth maybe take up some of the offers you have received of free accommodation until you have found your feet. Or maybe could you apply for both jobs in Melbourne and Perth and see where you get better leads and then go? Good luck on deciding I think I would struggling deciding too.

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No course not but I can't think of anywhere regional that I can get to without a car that will have decent job opportunities.


the guides said that cairns has cheap accommodation but then it comes down to the whole weather and job thing again


There are trains you know, and Greyhound buses.


Probably more of an issue is finding accommodation in regional areas. Maybe check out where the hostels are and base your search around that.


I agree that it seems silly to go all the way to Perth because that's the most expensive flight - BUT you've got offers of accommodation there, so that could save you a heap of money and give you time to build confidence, so I think it could be a great opportunity.

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JB Hi-Fi in North Sydney are looking for Xmas temps i seen today.


Not been to Perth but would definitely say Melbourne > Perth first. Perth is closer to home, so saves cross country flights!


I know some places won't take WHV ... my daughter worked in retail and their company didn't consider WHV's for Christmas Casuals, not sure why.

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Hi everyone.


Right well I'll probably get some people thinking I'm silly but Im going to Perth tonight. I thought about it all last night and I was still sitting in reception this morning thinking about it after I checked out. My heart wasn't in Melbourne at the moment and there was only one flight late tonight anyway. I got a good deal with Virgin for Perth.


I wont know if I've made a mistake till I get there but I wanted to try. I always wanted to start my whv in Perth before I picked Sydney and I wish I had. I'm not sure if it's the feeling of "knowing" people that's making me want to go so much. Also it should be a bit more laid back for a dull person like me :wink: only joking Perth people! I just hope I find some work but even if I don't find hospitality work there's heaps of au pair and nannying jobs. Perth seems to be au pair capital of Australia when I last looked! Im feeling quite excited about going. Was going to keep it a surprise until I got there. I'll melt during summer but I'll just have to deal with it, no point pussyfooting around the heat in Australia. It's not like I'm going to escape it unless I go home. It's 40 in Sydney on Friday and 35 right now.


Anyway just thought I would let you guys know my solid plans. Can't wait to meet these quokkas :laugh:

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I'm sure you will really enjoy Perth Stacey!! Ignore what PB has to say about it. It's a lovely city. I found I could cope with the heat there far better than I could the Sydney heat. Great to hear the job situation is looking positive there too and think of all the lovely PIO people you will meet.


Have a good flight

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Thanks jockintas. I was thinking today why do I care so much what everybody else thinks so I just went for it lol. Well actually I flipped a coin 6 times :laugh: I guess I'll just have to see if it works out!


:laugh: Just tell us after you've decided. We'll be fine with that :cute:


Honestly Stacey, as I said, just do what feels right for you. If Perth is appealing more go for it. You don't have to jusify your choice to anyone other than youself and so long as you are happy doing it, great. There are plenty of options open to you when its time to head out of Perth.


We are enjoying reading your updates and stuff for sure.

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Well done. Making the decision is the hardest thing, but I reckon you feel a lot better now it's made and you have a definite next step in place. I'm a great believer in the coin-toss decision making process too - it also means you find out what your own mind is telling you as you can keep tossing until the decision is the one you really want in your heart! I've never been to Perth, looking forward to hearing your views and impressions. Safe travels xx

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Have fun I love Perth my self laid back city which isn't as busy as Sydney but very pretty :-) I also find the heat easier there as its not a sticky heat like Sydney but a dry heat. Have fun over there if you want to know of tourist things to see I can help a little there. Love the quokka's on rottnest island!

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Thanks everyone! I'm at the airport the now. Going to go get a "Maccas". I didn't realise the airport would be so small or I wouldn't have come so early. Was checked in and through security within 5 mins.


Feeling much more settled. Not sure what my mum will think - I told her I was going to Melbourne haha!!

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