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Backpack or suitcase?


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I'm not bringing my laptop because that's really heavy. I'll bring my kindle fire and my phone obviously but if I need to type then I suppose I'll have to use a library/Internet cafe


I brought myself a notebook (Mini laptop) so it meant I could send off CV's easily. They are really compact and easy to travel with.


I would probably go with a suitcase with wheels, unless you plan on going camping or need to walk around with it a lot.

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Thanks Vicky. It is great.

I bought it before I did a 5 week holiday around Western Europe and only took that bag.

It makes travelling heaps easier if you learn not to check luggage.


You need the right bag, the right clothes and know how to pack your bag properly.


I was converted by a friend of mine who also does it with his wife.


Do you use packing cells? I'm a new convert to them but my son has been using Kifaru ones for years. My DH does it with ziplock bags. I will definitely be using them again in future.

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Haha these were in the results for backpacks [ATTACH]30264[/ATTACH]


They'd have been perfect for me at Download :biglaugh:

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Can some one teach me.. I'm actually a lot better than I used to be. I bought a little backpack for work and I can fit 3 days worth of stuff in it.


My mum used to pack stuff that would be for 4 weeks rather than 2 weeks but she just uses a small backpack too now. I'm really surprised. But where she goes is my aunts flat in Italy so it has a washing machine, iron etc. She doesn't have to take much


Stacey, there is talk that many airlines are reducing the size of hand luggage, and getting stricter.

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I would definitely stay away from a 90L vessel, be it suitcase or backpack! It's just not worth hauling around all the stuff. For world travel, I think a backpack is best because the streets in places make wheeling a suitcase impractical. However, it's my opinion that Australia doesn't have that issue. If you've never wanted to run around wearing a backpack, go for suitcase, I say. I'm proof that it's possible to travel with just 30L. I brought a big backpack to OZ full of stuff I thought I might need (broke my own rule!) and lugged it around for months before giving most of it away.



And the advice I just sent to a friend who is doing a whv in oz soon:


More than 85% of Australians live within 50 km of the ocean. The ocean moderates the weather. Like many Americans, you'll probably think of the climate in OZ as “mostly summer weather.”


My advice is to pack a week worth of summer clothes and a week worth of winter clothes **that you already own***. That's heaps. Please allow me to convince you:

· Prepping for every situation isn’t possible: you'll just end up lugging around stuff you never use. When you find yourself in need, you can cheaply fulfill your needs at an op shop

· Australia has its own unique style. If you bring an entire wardrobe of clothes you wear now, you might find yourself feeling out of place.


Hope that helps!!

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Quite right Stacey. Many a time I've seen backpackers struggling with massive backpacks. They also have things hanging off the packs like pillows, sleeping bags and soft toys. Honestly, they must be exhausted carrying all that stuff and WHY? They resemble those poor little donkeys you see carrying huge back breaking loads.

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Quite right Stacey. Many a time I've seen backpackers struggling with massive backpacks. They also have things hanging off the packs like pillows, sleeping bags and soft toys. Honestly, they must be exhausted carrying all that stuff and WHY? They resemble those poor little donkeys you see carrying huge back breaking loads.


My back couldn't handle that lol. Then I probably wouldn't use most of the stuff and Id just get stressed especially in the heat! Those girls I'm meeting sound like they are packing quite a lot of clothes but I'm just going to try and pick things that match a lot of things. Plus light shorts etc. If I need anything then I can buy it there. Plus there's a laundry bit in the hostel and then wherever else I stay.


I still haven't a clue what my plan is other than im definitely staying in sydney for 2 weeks to begin with. Wether I find work is a different matter! :unsure:

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Do you use packing cells? I'm a new convert to them but my son has been using Kifaru ones for years. My DH does it with ziplock bags. I will definitely be using them again in future.


I followed what it said to do on http://www.onebag.com


It is called bundle packing, you basically wrap all your clothes together in a bundle.

There are lots of videos on youtube like this one.


This is what I did. And worked well for 5 weeks in my backpack.

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My back couldn't handle that lol. Then I probably wouldn't use most of the stuff and Id just get stressed especially in the heat! Those girls I'm meeting sound like they are packing quite a lot of clothes but I'm just going to try and pick things that match a lot of things. Plus light shorts etc. If I need anything then I can buy it there. Plus there's a laundry bit in the hostel and then wherever else I stay.


I still haven't a clue what my plan is other than im definitely staying in sydney for 2 weeks to begin with. Wether I find work is a different matter! :unsure:


Casual work should be fairly easy to find in Sydney.

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I would go with a backpack.

It is easier to travel with, no lugging some wheeled bag around.


But and this is so important make sure the bag fits you! Make sure that you do all the straps up properly. If you do this it will be so comfortable you won't know it is there. Get it wrong and it will be unwieldy and uncomfortable.


Go to a shop in the UK called Cotswold outdoor, just ask questions try on the backpacks, see if you like one.

Go to blacks and Kathmandu as well. I believe Kathmandu is just off Oxford Street in London.


Look at a pack that is about 65 litres for a start, it should be a good starting point for a lady.



But don't pack the bag full! you will buy things, leave a little space for them.

Remember you can buy your deodorant and shower gel when you get here, they take up a lot of space.


There is a shop called Big W here it's like Wallart in the States or Asda back home. It sells cheap clothes and shoes and deodorant and what not. The quality isn't fantastic, but you get what you pay for in life.

Ask someone where a big shopping mall is and have a walk around it, Rhodes or maquarie park all have lots of shops and everything you will need. If you go to Rhodes you can take a break from shopping and take a stroll down the Parramatta river which is nice.

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I'd say a suitcase. Definitely. I had a backpack a few yrs ago when I first came and I loathed the b***** thing. Too heavy and you have to pull everything out to find anything. Plus, I swear the weight gave me varicose veins!!! I'd (strongly) recommend a suitcase with 4 wheels so you can just trot it alongside you. I'd only recommend a backpack if you're going to be hitchhiking on rough roads or camping out in the outback a lot. (i.e. areas with poor surfaces)

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I took a backpack, and even after I came home, I travelled with a backpack for years.


My advice. Take a suitcase.


Backpacks are hard to pack, hard to get stuff out of, hard to live out of, you check in at the airport and then half the time get sent to the oversize baggage point to drop off your bag. You can't secure them very easily, and if you want to take hand luggage and a laptop bag for example.. its means you cant use a day size backpack as your hand luggage (or you can, but its bloody awkward).


And pack light. I mean, 15kg in your checked in baggage is more than enough. I took stuff home after a year that I hadn't worn.


Your worried about money - don't go and spend £100 on a backpack.

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Thanks ben. 15kg is what I'm aiming for. Just going to try make it might clothes. Few people told me to bring a pair of walking shoes so that would probably be one of the heaviest things but if I can get a pair at a decent price over there then I'll just buy them there. I'm not sure how often I would wear them! I'm not bringing my laptop, it's far too heavy. Can't afford to buy a lighter one. I do have one of those really light netbooks but it broke, they thought it might have been the battery but I bought a new laptop because I found the screen too annoying for anything long like typing stuff up. Might go get it fixed and take that then so at least I've got some sort of computer with me even if it's a bit crap. I'll leave the new one with my mum and teach her how to use it. It would be easier teaching a monkey!


I'll still have to buy new luggage even if I don't get a laptop. My last suitcase got wrecked in the Lake District. The plastic handle came off it and I had to drag it around till I got home. Was a nightmare. That's the only thing that's making me think a backpack - I found suitcase a total nightmare on the train but I suppose I'm not going to be going on too many trains with my luggage. As long as they greyhound bus has space for the bag! :laugh:

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Thanks ben. 15kg is what I'm aiming for. Just going to try make it might clothes. Few people told me to bring a pair of walking shoes so that would probably be one of the heaviest things but if I can get a pair at a decent price over there then I'll just buy them there. I'm not sure how often I would wear them! I'm not bringing my laptop, it's far too heavy. Can't afford to buy a lighter one. I do have one of those really light netbooks but it broke, they thought it might have been the battery but I bought a new laptop because I found the screen too annoying for anything long like typing stuff up. Might go get it fixed and take that then so at least I've got some sort of computer with me even if it's a bit crap. I'll leave the new one with my mum and teach her how to use it. It would be easier teaching a monkey!


I'll still have to buy new luggage even if I don't get a laptop. My last suitcase got wrecked in the Lake District. The plastic handle came off it and I had to drag it around till I got home. Was a nightmare. That's the only thing that's making me think a backpack - I found suitcase a total nightmare on the train but I suppose I'm not going to be going on too many trains with my luggage. As long as they greyhound bus has space for the bag! :laugh:


Walking shoes aren't heavy, in fact they can be very light! And I wore them every time I went into a national park or on longer walks, outside of the beach and walking around town. I was either in flip flops or walking shoes. I think I got a pair of Karrimor shoes.


I would buy shoes here by the way, much cheaper.

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Cheers I'll go check out karrimor out. I think I was looking at those trainers, it sounds familiar. I'll probably just be walking around with trainers while everybody's in flip flops lol. I'll never be able to call them thongs! See when you used a suitcase did you just use a normal one or did you use one of these smaller looking ones like I put up earlier? I'm trying to find one similar but that isn't 95 litres

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Cheers I'll go check out karrimor out. I think I was looking at those trainers, it sounds familiar. I'll probably just be walking around with trainers while everybody's in flip flops lol. I'll never be able to call them thongs! See when you used a suitcase did you just use a normal one or did you use one of these smaller looking ones like I put up earlier? I'm trying to find one similar but that isn't 95 litres


You won't want to be in flip flips when you're walking uphill on rough terrain or through grass, trust me on this one! You'll probably wear them a lot. Wearing flip flops all day gets uncomfortable anyway, if you're out all day you're going to want a decent pair of shoes. I lived in mine in aus and in NZ. You can always put flip flops in your day bag if you fancy changing. If I knew I was going to be out all day between long walks and beaches or towns i'd put a towel, suncream and flip flops in my bag (and insect repellent depending on where you are lol).

As you know I had a suitcase and it was fine, It wasn't a big one though and it had a hard shell.

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You won't want to be in flip flips when you're walking uphill on rough terrain or through grass, trust me on this one! You'll probably wear them a lot. Wearing flip flops all day gets uncomfortable anyway, if you're out all day you're going to want a decent pair of shoes. I lived in mine in aus and in NZ. You can always put flip flops in your day bag if you fancy changing. If I knew I was going to be out all day between long walks and beaches or towns i'd put a towel, suncream and flip flops in my bag (and insect repellent depending on where you are lol).

As you know I had a suitcase and it was fine, It wasn't a big one though and it had a hard shell.


I tend to wear thongs all day everyday apart from in Winter but I do need to invest in a decent pair of walking shoes and they are very impractical as you say for bumpy ground.

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I don't even like flip flops, they hurt my feet! I bought a nice pair of gold sandals though ages ago so I'll get a pair like that but a colour I can wear with most things. I don't like anything that goes between my toe like the flip flop bit. I could wear them for a little while just on the beach but not walking around all day

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I tend to wear thongs all day everyday apart from in Winter but I do need to invest in a decent pair of walking shoes and they are very impractical as you say for bumpy ground.


I suppose it depends on what you do I guess! I seemed to have spent a lot of time walking through parks and up hills haha. I think i just felt comfortable in walking shoes regardless of what I was doing, can get a bit hot in them though. Of course if Stace if wanting to stay in the sydney and just walk on pavements then flip flops (or any shoes) is fine, it's just when you get out and explore you might need them a bit more!

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