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I don't get why so many on here are so eager to slate the NHS....most of you don't even live in this country and work in it any more....you left years ago.


I have just been trying to get some info on the NHS and it is surprisingly difficult.....mainly because of the size of the organisation, I think I read its the third biggest employer/organisation in the world....it has over 370 NHS organisations making up Hospitals and trusts.....it has over 7500 general practices.....1.5million people are seen by it every day!.....most organisations are operating in the black.....I think I read that 8% of hospitals are operating in the red.


Have look at the links below to get some idea of the size of it.


A list of hospitals in England: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hospitals_in_England


A list of Trusts in England: http://www.nhs.uk/servicedirectories/pages/acutetrustlisting.aspx


In England we have about 50 million people and the NHS gets about 100 billion a year.....have a look at this : http://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/simple-nhs-guide.pdf


In any organisation the size of the NHS there are going to be parts that are not performing well.....stoke and Stafford A&E keep getting a mention as some guide to how the NHS is performing.....well they are miniscule in comparison to the size of the organisation.....lets not keep on running the place down.....I have been visiting this website for about 5 years and back when I first joined the NHS was on its knees....about to collapse under the weight....was only a matter of time before it was privatised.....it all gets a bit tiresome after 5 years or more of the same dribble.


My experiences of the NHS have only been good.....long may that continue......I certainly wouldn't want to be under any other countries health services.

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No one on here is running the NHS as a service down. Those who you deem to be negative in their posting have, or do, work in it. Most of us are incredibly proud of it and want to protect the services it offers. It's the most cost efficient public health service in the world. What's not to be proud of?

However, the cuts and restructuring which are going on now make those services unsustainable and in some cases will make them unsafe.

My husband was looking at possibly having to leave his job last year because the changes which were being made would have made his service unsafe and he wasn't prepared to potentially lose his professional reputation due to something outside his control, not to mention the risks to his patients/clients. To lose qualified drs and nurses from it and replace them with health care assistants would have been disastrous for quality and safety of care. Luckily, after the intervention of someone quite influential, the changes were halted. For now. The plans are still there.

It was my husband who stuck his head above the parapet to voice concern and risk a whistleblowing allegation to make that change. Others were too terrified of losing their jobs (which had already been downgraded pay wise, but upgraded in responsibility levels) to complain.

If we value the NHS we should all be arming ourselves with what's actually happening instead of believing what we're fed by the government. If those who work for the NHS are complaining, it's generally not because of self interest, it's because they're worried about the services they provide and the impact that will have on those they're caring for.

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My brother in law has sent several letters to management about their dangerously understaffed dept. ( Hospital consultant) Is another Stafford waiting to happen . He has been ignored. He is so stressed out I fear he will be burnt out soon. Damn him for caring about patients and trying to give them the best service!

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My brother in law has sent several letters to management about their dangerously understaffed dept. ( Hospital consultant) Is another Stafford waiting to happen . He has been ignored. He is so stressed out I fear he will be burnt out soon. Damn him for caring about patients and trying to give them the best service!
I've been reading threads on these site for a while now and my conclusion with Bristolman is that he has a bad attitude towards anything related to Oz and just praises the UK, must have had a bad experience in Oz or got found out!
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I don't often rant, it's pointless really but I will make an exception lol. I have noticed a few people talking about the 'cuts to the NHS' and how the Tories are going to privatise the whole thing. What a load of Labour nonsense. The Tories have made no cuts to the NHS budget and have increased it at least in line with inflation. Also Labour have privatised more of the NHS than the Conservatives. The Conservatives have also employed more nurses, doctors and other staff than Labour but still people will not believe the truth. I know others are fed up with it as well because I have read their comments.


They are not cutting school budgets either.


But that's also not the whole story. When you have a situation of increasing demand, due to aging population at one end, and an influx of young child bearing immigrants at the other, then by not cutting you are still effectively cutting. The spending needs to increase above inflation to provide the same level of service. You may also like to look into how the spend on pensions - for schools at least - has effected the budgets - even though they have not been 'cut'.


You do need to delve a bit deeper. I take it you do not work for the nhs.

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I've been reading threads on these site for a while now and my conclusion with Bristolman is that he has a bad attitude towards anything related to Oz and just praises the UK, must have had a bad experience in Oz or got found out!


Think yourself lucky that you weren't a member much earlier when we all had to put up with his other incarnations.

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They are not cutting school budgets either.


But that's also not the whole story. When you have a situation of increasing demand, due to aging population at one end, and an influx of young child bearing immigrants at the other, then by not cutting you are still effectively cutting. The spending needs to increase above inflation to provide the same level of service. You may also like to look into how the spend on pensions - for schools at least - has effected the budgets - even though they have not been 'cut'.


You do need to delve a bit deeper. I take it you do not work for the nhs.


Add to that the expense of the new technology that all hospitals seem to put top priority and the desire to treat people and keep people alive that 10 years ago would have died. Not saying that's a bad thing and technology in health has to move on. trouble is it all needs paying for and it seems to me that hospitals here and the UK would see no problem in buying loads of computers and fantastic technological equipment and lay a load of nursing staff off to pay for it.

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Guest Bartletts
Think yourself lucky that you weren't a member much earlier when we all had to put up with his other incarnations.

Ain't that the truth. Proves again that some just aren't up to migration as it really sorts the wheat from the chaff

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I thought I would give my 10 cents regarding this issue as (another) British doctor moving to Australia.

The problems with the NHS are legion but I suppose the main issues are deliberate cross party underfunding (ie: below inflation) and chronic political interference.

You cannot divorce social care from the NHS budget and expect it to have no knock on effect (medical beds are now full of frail elderly people who are not actually ill but simply have nowhere to be discharge to safely)

Staffing rota's are run "efficiently" - that is to say at the minimum legal levels and this means that any unforseen issues need to be covered by locums and bank nurses at astronomical cost (simply because the annual budgets now look pretty on paper).

Personally I no longer believe that a completely tax payer funded model is the way to go anyway, other European systems have a degree of co-payment and there are not hordes dying on the street (a la the US)

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I thought I would give my 10 cents regarding this issue as (another) British doctor moving to Australia.

The problems with the NHS are legion but I suppose the main issues are deliberate cross party underfunding (ie: below inflation) and chronic political interference.

You cannot divorce social care from the NHS budget and expect it to have no knock on effect (medical beds are now full of frail elderly people who are not actually ill but simply have nowhere to be discharge to safely)

Staffing rota's are run "efficiently" - that is to say at the minimum legal levels and this means that any unforseen issues need to be covered by locums and bank nurses at astronomical cost (simply because the annual budgets now look pretty on paper).

Personally I no longer believe that a completely tax payer funded model is the way to go anyway, other European systems have a degree of co-payment and there are not hordes dying on the street (a la the US)


The problem from your situation is we hear all the same stuff about the system in Australia. I do agree that we need to look at the system as a whole.

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Not necessarily no, it would be possible to find 100 examples like this in any country in the world. The care we have received since moving back has been brilliant and can't be faulted, the thing is people don't want to hear that.

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