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And the UK election result is.......


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Guest Guest66881
Exactly Keith. That is my whole argument which I have been banging my head against a brick wall about.

How can people demonstrate against a fair election outcome ? Just stupid.



Horses and water Parley:wink:

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Have to agree as my ex who I was with for 6 years is in the House of Lords, yes he really is. Be interesting if from my posts, posters will think conservative or labour?


The answer is labour, he was one of the youngest MP's when elected, and even if I disagreed with him at times, he has always had my utmost respect, a genuine person and politician, rare but true.


I've enjoyed watching the recent TV series inside parliament and was surprised to see how committed and dedicated a lot of the MP's are. It's a shame they have to sit there and follow such outdated waffle for hours and have to waste so much time coping with fillibustering and basically listening to people who love the sound of their own voice. There are a load of MP's who seem content on stopping anything happening that would change the status quo, they seem to be the ones that are in safe seats and been there years. The newer ones seem to be the ones with good ideas and are still politically driven.


Seems to me though they just get worn down by so little actually happening. No matter how many nights they sit in parliament till 12:00 at night, just having to listen to people waffling.


Wouldn't fancy being a politician myself. Hard enough to get things done in a normal workplace these days.

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Exactly Keith. That is my whole argument which I have been banging my head against a brick wall about.

How can people demonstrate against a fair election outcome ? Just stupid.


Have a read back through the thread and revisit the news. Where is it stated that people are saying the election is invalid because of the way it was conducted? Where does it say people are demonstrating against the right for the Tories to be in power based on their election to office? It doesn't...people are demonstrating based on disappointment. The policies and actions of a party which they disagree with.


I have no problem with them getting it...they were voted in. Great...I don't have to roll over and like/accept it though because people like you say I have to.

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Not so much tactical more of a change in the house, i see the Scots like most brits disillusioned by a labour party and still not sure of a conservative one even though the cons got the majority, and rightly so.

Case of last minute changes of mind, better the devil you know for some i suspect.


My brother in law and his wife voted for the first time in 20 years (conservative) because they thought there was a chance Labour would get in.

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Guest Guest66881
My brother in law and his wife voted for the first time in 20 years (conservative) because they thought there was a chance Labour would get in.



Says a lot for how good the Labour party had been performing and how much trust the country had for the leader of that party too, like i said if we still lived in blighty i too would have voted for the Conservatives as they have dug the uk out of a hole slowly and with some pain but that's just government at work, ok a lot still to do, but doing way better than the reds for the last couple of terms.

Look how Cameron as backed away from following Americas lead/stance on the middle east, Labour would have been throwing everything at the Yanks feet just to stay on side and in favour.

Not saying don't do anything over their but the way Cameron's going about things so far are ok.

His big hurdles will be the Euro and immigration - time will tell on those what pollie sticks to what they say anyway?

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Thinking about the system of proportional representation as we see in Australia how many voters actually bother to list the candidates in any sort of order as opposed to just putting a random number next to them ?

Also can there be real democracy when you are forced to vote ? Isn't that clearly undemocratic ?


I always have a think about how to vote in Aus and read about the candidates a bit. I don't follow the party line about how to vote for Labor or Liberal. That's mostly because you are expected and encouraged to vote here, so I make a bit more of an effort. My kids knew they were expected to vote when they got to 18 and were quite looking forward to it. Both of them showed a little bit of interest in who they were voting for and asked a few questions. I think they will carry on voting if they start an an early age and they know it's expected.


You're not really forced to vote, you can always not vote and pay the fine or just spoil your vote.

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I always have a think about how to vote in Aus and read about the candidates a bit. I don't follow the party line about how to vote for Labor or Liberal. That's mostly because you are expected and encouraged to vote here, so I make a bit more of an effort. My kids knew they were expected to vote when they got to 18 and were quite looking forward to it. Both of them showed a little bit of interest in who they were voting for and asked a few questions. I think they will carry on voting if they start an an early age and they know it's expected.


You're not really forced to vote, you can always not vote and pay the fine or just spoil your vote.


You have only to turn up at the polling station, get your name checked off then walk out throwing your ballot paper (like a good caring citizen) in the bin! do not spoil the paper as this gives more unnecessary work for the poor folk that count them.

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I am so revelling in this result, thanks snp and Russell brand you did the uk a favour.and even better labour has lost a ball Labour is confined to history.no more ill legal wars,no more dole dossers ,no more mass imigration no more of unelected Brussels beurocrats telling the uk how to run its own country.happy days I will sleep well today.( work nights):wink:


Don't hold your breath on any of that changing, specially the unemployed. I would love to think that the conservatives can magically create enough jobs to get everyone that wants one into full time employment, don't think it will happen though. :no:

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The point is that people should not be protesting about the result of a fair democratic election.


These people are ratbags. Giving their cause a bad name.


If only we knew what their cause was. I think you have got a lot of people in the demonstration with an axe to grind about all sorts of things. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them didn't bother to vote. Now they want to show up in guy fawkes masks, too scared to show their faces, and demonstrate.


I guess a lot of them will be students, same as most demonstrations. They'll move into the real world and have to get a job one day.

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Voting - a pointless exercise.


I can well understand why 'robust' protest is needed


Can't be bothered to vote but can be bothered to protest!!!:wacko:. Well I would hope that most of the population would prefer to vote rather than protest, far easier that way surely a point well proven last week I believe.

But on your way of thinking, and referring to your earlier post, then we could ignore the pointless vote of a whole country as it means nothing! You seem to pick and choose as to when, if and how the vote is useful or not to you:confused:

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Voting - a pointless exercise.


I can well understand why 'robust' protest is needed


If you can't be bothered to vote you shouldn't have the right to protest. Can't understand if you can't be bothered to go to a peaceful voting booth, maybe have a coffee with the missus on the way, but would go out for some aggro at a rally/demonstration.:rolleyes:

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Which policy ? I think Scotland is getting what was promised to them and quickly.


They are not. That's why there was the large swing to the SNP. Cameron has no mandate to impose his policies on Scotland. As for the demonstrators in London; I believe that they are letting the Tories know that they have had enough of their policy of austerity which is hurting mainly the disabled and low paid workers. This they are entitled to do .

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No, they are protesting violently at the result of the election. It really is shameful in my opinion.

Cameron will deliver what he promised to the people of Scotland. They have voted to remain in the UK which should be the end of that question for a long time.

He is giving them increased autonomy as he promised.

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That's your opinion not mine. As for Cameron , he has delivered nothing to Scotland. He is trying to " water down" what was promised. To date he has delivered nothing of what he promised last September. The referendum result was not the view of only the Scots. Anyone who lived in Scotland could vote in that but in the GE only citizens could and the result was a landside for the SNP. The GE is a truer picture of the feeling of the population of Scotland than the referendum was.

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That's your opinion not mine. As for Cameron , he has delivered nothing to Scotland. He is trying to " water down" what was promised. To date he has delivered nothing of what he promised last September. The referendum result was not the view of only the Scots. Anyone who lived in Scotland could vote in that but in the GE only citizens could and the result was a landside for the SNP. The GE is a truer picture of the feeling of the population of Scotland than the referendum was.


Except that the SNP claimed throughout the campaign and since that the GE was not a referendum on leaving the Union. Were they lying about that in your view?

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They are not. That's why there was the large swing to the SNP. Cameron has no mandate to impose his policies on Scotland. As for the demonstrators in London; I believe that they are letting the Tories know that they have had enough of their policy of austerity which is hurting mainly the disabled and low paid workers. This they are entitled to do .


What those opposed to so-called austerity fail to understand is that this is about matching government spending to government income. There is a huge gap between the two. The costs of social welfare and the NHS are massive so trying to keep everyone happy is difficult. I agree though that they are entitled to protest peacefully. At the end of the day though a government (of any hue) has to govern for the benefit of the majority of the people and it is the majority that have to pay the taxes to fund government spending.

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