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Biggest Mistake of my Life!


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Yea in Darwin we know that our grocery shop is only done every 2 weeks and its 2.5hr drive each way so I'm expecting that :(.


Not sure about where shops etc are in Perth to where were staying, hopefully not far.


We aren't 100% staying forever maybe only 3 months (just depends on how we like it).


So are you heading for Darwin or Perth ? Only ask as the economy has slowed in WA, but there is still Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane to consider if Perth is not to your liking. Aus is a huge place, but driving around can be fun and you can discover all sorts of places you never knew existed. Been here 40 years and still find new places even in the relative local area LOL

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So are you heading for Darwin or Perth ? Only ask as the economy has slowed in WA, but there is still Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane to consider if Perth is not to your liking. Aus is a huge place, but driving around can be fun and you can discover all sorts of places you never knew existed. Been here 40 years and still find new places even in the relative local area LOL

Were heading to both (if we like it). We will arrive in Perth and stay with family for 2 weeks and sort out our tax numbers and bank accounts before heading to a farm in Darwin to work (and if we like it applied for our second year visa.


After a year of work we will head back to Perth to work (if possible) as we have a LOT of friends there who can help us starting off

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Were heading to both (if we like it). We will arrive in Perth and stay with family for 2 weeks and sort out our tax numbers and bank accounts before heading to a farm in Darwin to work (and if we like it applied for our second year visa.


After a year of work we will head back to Perth to work (if possible) as we have a LOT of friends there who can help us starting off

Now that sounds exciting. Working on a farm in Darwin very different to the norm of people heading to the capital cities. Hope you will keep us all updated on your adventures. Watch out for crocs ! LOL

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Haha funny you should say that the ones were going to said there's some near them :0 and a huge snake that stays by the house lmao.


Oh I'll defo keep you updated. Hope to order visas and flights at the start of the year then it'll all become more real :D. Passports being renewed at the minute

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Maybe the poster just doesn't like Aus as much as you do?


i hated oz the first time I lived here and used to find fault with everything. it was only when i went back the uk that i realised the problems i had in oz were my attitude. the poster said they were unhappy in uk & now unhappy in oz. they are saying weather in blue mountains is to cold & i am pointing out it was 31c only a couple of weeks ago to show maybe they arent seeing things clearly. don't be so defensive.

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Hi Everyone. Not even sure how to begin this as I'm so confused right now, and so desperately unhappy. I've been in Oz since September, following my Australian husband out from the UK. It was traumatic, but the excitement and anticipation kind of eclipsed the bad stuff, and I felt pretty settled as we enjoyed our first 6 weeks or so in Sydney. Things started to go bad for me when the tenants vacated our house and we made the move to the Blue Mountains (aka the Blues Mountains!). I've always HATED being cold and damp, so the climate here in the upper mountains has been my worst nightmare, with temperatures sinking below 12 degrees and ghastly, freezing fog that is worse than any English winter - and this was in the summer! I feel horribly isolated, and as time has gone on, starting to wonder why the hell I moved here. It rains nearly every day, everything is constantly dripping water, my arthritis is giving me hell, and my dog and I were both recently covered in leeches from the quagmire that is our back yard. I have to say I'm not that impressed with Sydney either as every time I go there it's either p*ssing down with rain, or struggling with pathetic, insipid temperatures. My parents were good about me going, all things considered, but this is where the nightmare is really kicking in. My Dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor just before I left the UK, and although it is benign and has now been treated, my Dad keeps having seizures and ended up in hospital (first of a number of admissions) on Xmas day. I feel so desperately, utterly guilty for leaving my parents, and the images of our goodbyes are haunting me to the point where I feel as though I'm losing my mind.


I can't stop crying - I burst into tears for no apparent reason, and anything can set me off. Music, a film, even words in a book. Tears are pouring down my face right now. My doctor wants me to see a psychiatrist but I can't afford to -my financial situation is absolutely dire, and another reason for me being so depressed. I have nobody to talk to as I'm frightened of upsetting people. I don't want my husband to start hating me as I pushed so hard for this move, and if I mention any of this to my parents, I'm scared I'll give them false hope that I might come back. I just don't know what to do - I was desperate to leave the UK, but now I'm desperate to return. But I don't know if returning really would make me feel better as I've wanted out for years. I just wish to God that we'd moved to Spain or France - somewhere easily accessible to the UK.


I'm really hating Australia right now. Overpriced, overrated! I'm so sick of being ripped off every time I go shopping to feed us - the prices here are beyond a joke. The weather is utter cr*p - you certainly can't rely on it, and I honestly think it's WORSE than the UK! I hate the way drivers crawl all over your bumper the minute you get on the road - but the police will have you if you go 1km over the speed limit. (My husband got an $800 fine recently on a trap). I hate being so poor, but most of all I HATE being so far from my loved ones.


I just don't know what the hell to do. Either way, someone's going to end up being really badly hurt, whether it's my husband because I've walked out and headed home to the UK, or my family, if I decide to stay here. The price of my "dream" lifestyle is proving way too high - the dream wasn't anything like I thought it would be and has turned into a nightmare. All I can see is the pain in my parents' eyes as they waved goodbye to me and my dog. Knowing they'll probably never see my dog again - who they loved dearly. That our two dogs will never run together again. That it could even be the last time they saw me... I feel as though I'm going crazy with grief. I honestly believe I have made the biggest mistake of my life!



Wow your quite depressed arnt you

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Is this true? In Melbourne, at least, public transport is very cheap indeed.

Depends how far out you live from the center of melbourne. Toll charges add up very quickly, and public transport costs increase depending on which zone you live in. Admit this is from our point of view as we have lived in Aus for a very long time so dont know the costs in the UK for public transport. Maybe they are more expencive than over here. I know in Brisbane several toll tunnels are poorly used due to the cost, people would rather go the long way to where ever they are going so as to avoid the tolls.

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i hated oz the first time I lived here and used to find fault with everything. it was only when i went back the uk that i realised the problems i had in oz were my attitude. the poster said they were unhappy in uk & now unhappy in oz. they are saying weather in blue mountains is to cold & i am pointing out it was 31c only a couple of weeks ago to show maybe they arent seeing things clearly. don't be so defensive.


Hardly defensive. Just expressing some empathy for a fellow poster. You should try it.

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you you were unhappy in the uk & you are unhappy in oz. maybe there is really something else you are unhappy about. i went to the

blue mountains for the first time a couple of weeks ago & it was 31c the day i were there so maybe you arent seeing things as they really are because something else is wrong.



We know someone like this, hated it in the UK, moved to Australia, moaned constantly about living in Australia, moved back to the UK still moans and said they might see us in Australia again! - they are just an unhappy person and their issues are nothing to do with UK/Australia.

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Guest The Pom Queen

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I would like to add that mods often edit posts

And they shouldn't because it alters the meaning of statements that are still attributed to the original poster. It is actionable. Banning people who complain about this doesn't make the practice acceptable.

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Oh sweetie (((hugs)))


Deep breath!


It would be odd to refer directly to a psychiatrist I would have thought, just one look at your circumstances would give even Blind Freddie a bit of a clue about what demons are banging on your door and, given that $$$ is one of them, suggesting that you need to further impoverish yourself is irresponsible! Exogenous (situational) depression is a very real phenomenon and easily cured by removing yourself from the situation - if that's what ails you! At the moment, you're crucifying yourself for fear of what your actions may do to other people - your fears may or may not be unfounded but you need to talk to those around you and share what's going on for you - they can't help if they don't know!


Lifeline is an excellent service and would be a good starting point. They will have access to possible options in your area and you may be surprised at what services there are out there in the community. There are also online resources such as Moodgym at the ANU, Beyond Blue and The Happiness Trap which can help you with managing these debilitating feelings - it may be that you can adopt strategies that will get you through every day or it may be that you need to work on a plan to get you out of the situation which is dragging you down. If you're hesitant about raising all this with your DH because you fear his reaction, then do it with an impartial third party present, like Relationships Australia (they do charge but if $ is a problem, they can be flexible)


Hang in there, your physical and mental health are your priorities at the moment otherwise you're not going to be of any use to anyone you love!


the cost of living is expensive here, I have been here four years in January and we are heading back to the UK, we have had enough!!! the cost of living is stupid, Sydney is a pit of a place its not as nice as people think, the public services are like 30 years behind!!! rails system is extremely poor I know I quit as a driver for Sydney trains. food is excessivley expensive, unless you want a cheap un healthy diet etc.


rent is well over priced nothing to do as in the UK silly things like going to the beach and playing on 2p slide machines etc.


not able to hop on a train every couple of minutes the lack of history here, the PM is an absolute idiot, we are getting citizenship then getting out of this hell hole!!! should of remained in London, as for the opening poster, you should seek help, I think you are depressed and it cannot help with your dad not being well, as for your husband focus on the positive he did not mind being in the UK so who is to say he wont be happy to go back?


I really really hope it gets better for you, I hope you find happiness in the future and hey everyone here on this forum will read your struggles and help you.

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I really feel for you, as I was in a similar situation myself. You really, really, need to talk to your hubby and you will feel so much better. As someone else said, try to work through this - take up yoga or medication as it really does help. After 2 years in Oz I grew to adore it and was (am) devastated to have to leave to come back to the UK. It is not at all easy to come back to the UK either. You are treated as a leper and cannot get work, bank accounts or anything until you have been here for a minimum of three months. Do try hard to get through this, move up to QLD as it is wonderful there. Hot and humid though, but summer all year round. Good luck and happy thoughts.

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I hated Sydney too and spent my first 3 weeks in Aus there, in the rain, wondering what in earth I'd done! Fast forward 5 years and I couldn't imagine going back to the UK, I'm struggling to get back for a visit as my relatives love coming here so much! Can you call beyond blue as a starting point for a counsellor? Explain your financial situation and ask about community services. And please don't feel so helpless, you can always go back!!! Maybe you should go back and see how you feel, I did that quite soon after arriving in Aus and it helped me to establish that indeed I had outgrown my roots. 3/4k on a credit card has to be worth your sanity and even more depreciation of your emotional health.

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the cost of living is expensive here, I have been here four years in January and we are heading back to the UK, we have had enough!!! the cost of living is stupid, Sydney is a pit of a place its not as nice as people think, the public services are like 30 years behind!!! rails system is extremely poor I know I quit as a driver for Sydney trains. food is excessivley expensive, unless you want a cheap un healthy diet etc.


rent is well over priced nothing to do as in the UK silly things like going to the beach and playing on 2p slide machines etc.


not able to hop on a train every couple of minutes the lack of history here, the PM is an absolute idiot, we are getting citizenship then getting out of this hell hole!!! should of remained in London, as for the opening poster, you should seek help, I think you are depressed and it cannot help with your dad not being well, as for your husband focus on the positive he did not mind being in the UK so who is to say he wont be happy to go back?


I really really hope it gets better for you, I hope you find happiness in the future and hey everyone here on this forum will read your struggles and help you.



Reason is I have two young children and they may want to come here in 15/20 years time!!!

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I share your pain. I had it, too, though not as bad, up until last year. Now back in UK.

Understand, everything in life is an experience. Positive or negative, it's an experience. I lived in Mornington, Victoria for 4 years. I enjoyed the first year or so, but the myths about life in Oz started to rear themselves (climate? friendly? welcoming? neighbours inviting you to bbq's? great place to bring up kids? They must be kidding!). ( One word to sum up the experience? Isolating!

However, use this experience in Oz as a positive one, however difficult.

I returned to the UK (Oxfordshire) and I must say it has been the most positive experience of my life! Four years in Melbourne made me appreciate how beautiful and friendly England is. Don't misunderstand me, parts of Oz are also beautiful, too.

England has many magnets.....scenery, people, history, architecture, interesting conversations with friends, great Radio and TV, real sport (sorry AFL, you have to be kidding!) friendly neighbours (as opposed to neighbours who made no attempt to communicate with each other).

I moved back after many discussions with my lovely wife. She told me she wnted to go 'home' back to UK. So did I. My wife was brought up in New Zealand, but she regards UK as 'home'.

I wonder how your hubby feels? He surely knows how unhappy you must be. Talk to him. Sell the car. Come home. That's my advice. Don't stick around expecting things to get much better. They probably won't.

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A pretty much standard procedure. Keep all bases covered. I wonder how many Australian passports are in the hands of those will no intention of ever living here?


Well there are 4 in our household and no real intentions of returning, not saying none of us ever will but no hard plans at this time.

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Well there are 4 in our household and no real intentions of returning, not saying none of us ever will but no hard plans at this time.


And that being the crux of the matter. No one knows what life will throw out. Not too many years ago no one in the wildest dreams would have thought I'd return to settle in Australia. Life can truly be bizarre.

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And that being the crux of the matter. No one knows what life will throw out. Not too many years ago no one in the wildest dreams would have thought I'd return to settle in Australia. Life can truly be bizarre.


Likewise most thought we were happily ensconced in Australia, times change and we rarely see it coming lol

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