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Why the beach obsession?


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Sounds impressive to those back home who are looking forward to their annual Costa del sol trip? Unless you have loads of money living on the beach usually has lots of other compromises like commute to work.

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I used to love the beach n want to live right next to one...now I cant bear to see yet another beautiful beach or swim in another warm sea...n after living next to one n never bein able to get sand out the house or bed...never again..I avoid the beach now...very pretty to look at from the car as u drive past though!

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Don't live overly close at the minute but would like to. Firstly I grew up in a coastal town and find seaside towns great places to live and grow up. Always something going on and in most cases enough income from tourism to support local businesses all year round. I enjoy the beach and sea just as much in winter as summer. The sea is relaxing and I always feel better after a walk along the beach.

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Guest Chewitts
I would not want to live at a city based beach. But, we are 100m to the water. 80m to the national park. 300m from the Peel (a massive saltwater lake / inlet).


You really do live down under!:wink:

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Sounds impressive to those back home who are looking forward to their annual Costa del sol trip? Unless you have loads of money living on the beach usually has lots of other compromises like commute to work.


Might do in Bris lastone but here in Perth you can live close to the City and the beach.


Never noticed stuff going rusty. I've had the car since 2005 and it's still in fine fettle. We had an outside fridge for a long time that was going a bit rusty but we'd had it for years. We don't live right next to the beach though, about 10 minutes walk away (if that).


For the people that like the beach it's brilliant being close. When we first came here and the in-laws came they knew how much we both loved the beach and we went most days with them. Obviously being on holiday they didn't mind one bit and even though we were at work a lot when they were here they could (and did) walk down most days. They said to us it will wear off after a while and you won't go as much.


How wrong they were. We love it just as much as they day we came, probably more as it's a place where we meet most of our friends. Both of us and the kids are members of the local surf club and the beach and club are the hub of our socialising. I still compete and enjoy training and go surf ski paddling every morning with a few friends. We are down there at 5:30 or 6:00, depending on what day. Every weekend is like a holiday.


Because the beach is always going to attract people to live the value of property seems to keep on rising when other suburbs might have a slowdown. Not that the thought of that influenced us when we moved here, we don't have any reason to want to sell and move. The council look after the parks and suburb really well as the beach always gets lots of tourists and a dirty beach or park is not a good look.


For those of us that love the beach lifestyle we can't see the attraction of living in the hills with the extra heat that brings, the constant worry about fires and for most the extra commute.


It's not just poms BTW. Most of the surf club members are aussies, most have been living near the beach all their lives and wouldn't have it any other way.

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Paul even in Perth it costs a lot of money to be by a beach near the city, the Majority of the affordable beach suburbs look to be like 25km and further out. Just the way it is.

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Paul even in Perth it costs a lot of money to be by a beach near the city, the Majority of the affordable beach suburbs look to be like 25km and further out. Just the way it is.


All depends what your budget is. I live 30 Km from work but love the suburb we live so much I wouldn't dream of moving. The drive is fine actually, takes me about 40 minutes, Ocean on one side of me for most of the drive, nice views, not fast but moving if you know what I mean. Much prefer it to having the same sort of drive on a freeway, much more stressful.

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You don't have to live in the bush or the city to not be near the beach. I live just 9km from the city in a (relatively) low fire risk area and still have plenty of trees around and this just 2 minutes walk from my front door.




I can understand people that do a lot of beach based activities wanting to be near the beach but I personally prefer to be in an area with lots of trees and greenery. The beaches and beach suburbs here in Adelaide tend to be lower on trees than what I like in an area.


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I'd quite like to live by a beach. Or it wouldn't even need to be right beside me. Even maybe 25 minutes away so I could visit quite often? The closest one to me is 1 hour away and it's not the nicest. We used to go once or twice a year and that was to walk the dogs in winter when they were allowed on. Other than that beach time was on holiday. I never bothered with them that much till herm but it was amazing having the view everyday, I could get used to it. Although the sand getting everywhere can be a pain.

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We are 10 minutes from beaches on each bay and 30 minutes from some surf beaches.


They all get used during the summer.


As too do the beaches near where we go for camping holidays.


Last week it was 30+ degrees. I left work at 3:30 and met the OH and kids at the beach. 15 minutes after leaving work we were all having a cooling dip in the bay.


An hour later we headed home and still had time to cook and eat dinner, shower and get the kids into bed by their usual time.


6 years after immigrating, we still love it.

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We are moving out to Sydney in July.


Whilst I don't necessarily want to live over the road from a beach. it'd be good to get to one within 15 mins drive (or be nearer a bay/river etc). I am 43 now, and have always liked the beach, and you pretty much work out what you like and don't like by this time in life. We even went in November in Anglesey (North Wales). It's just a good place to be, looking out on the horizon. Going for a walk, no cars. No office... Our kids love it and my wife does too.


When the wife and I spent 3 months in Aus (late 99/early 2000) we loved the beach, and around the beach. It doesn't have to be baking in the mid day heat though. early mornings runs or hanging in the early evening were always good.

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