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I'm a mummy!


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A week ago we welcomed into the world our little girl Macy.

After a not very fun birth she arrived early last Monday morning weighing 9lb3oz!

Tuesday we got to take her home.


We had her in the public system and everyone was absolutely great! We even got a private room where my partner could spend the nights too. Anyone in SA I highly recommend flinders. :-)


Macy has been great. She sleeps lots and is very well behaved.


I know having a baby is not an unusual thing, but I honestly, I couldn't even imagine being a mum. I had been quite worried that not bonding with her, but she is absolutely amazing, and I can't imagine not having her. :-)


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Congratulations. She is beautiful.


What happened to the water birth ?

I ended up having to be induced as my waters had been leaking for more than 24 hours. We were all still good for a water birth, but then they said we might have to rethink it as I was at 6cm and not feeling any contractions. Apparently not a good thing if you don't know when to push.

Contractions then started being painful so I moved to the shower, but then my hips started with the most horrendous pain. I couldn't stand or walk any more. It 7cm I asked for an epidural. As soon as you have that a water birth is out. We ended up needing forceps as she was such a boofer and they couldn't turn down the epidural. At that point I didn't care how she was coming out!

I had always planned on listening to the professionals once in the situation.

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Takes me back nearly 16 years. It gets better every day too, well at least until the 'horse' word pops out of her mouth..................

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I don't thing things ever go exactly as planned.

She really is gorgeous and a big girl over 9lb.


How are you feeling now ?

All good ? Is she feeding okay ?


I'm feeling pretty good actually. Stitches all healing well. I've always done pretty well on not much sleep, so no problem there.

She is feeding well, but doesn't have the best latch which isn't fun, but I see a lactation consultant this week. She's puttihg on weight now, so that's the main thing. She really is good though. :-)

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