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What do think about dangerous dogs?


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We have recently learnt the hard way about this - myself and chihuahua were attacked by two mastiff hunting dogs (in a residential area) that were not accompanied. The little one suffered horrific injuries - imagine a 3kg dog with 45 stitches. I have puncture wounds to both arms and hands from rescuing him.


This is according to the rangers occurring about twice a day.


The owner has been traced and will receive a $50 fine. They will not be forced to pay anything toward the 4 figure vet bill. She refuses to apologize, the dogs were not wearing collars or registered.


What do you think the sentence should be.

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It wasn't you on the news was it Stormy??

I would contact the Ranger..sure you already have....

You may recall our greyhound was attacked and nearly died 5 months ago, she was on-lead and an unrestrained dog ran from a house and attacked her

The owner was remorseful, voluntarily euthanised the dog

If they had not..the penalty would have been conviction for a dangerous dog...they would have had to put signage up and muzzle the dog (would have been declared dangerous)

As it was they were fined $500 for unlicenced dog and dog attack


My thoughts are with you...I can fully empathise. Hope your pup recovers very soon


edited to add...police didnt want to know in our case either..only intervene in case of human attack

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She should of course pay all of your vet bills and a whole lot more to be honest.


I tend to think it is the owners and not the dogs who are at fault. There are too many dogs that have not been socialised well as pups, not trained and who have been left to fend for themselves hour upon hour in a back yard. Of course they have no idea how to approach or behave with other dogs.


I hope your pup recovers soon xx

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It wasn't you on the news was it Stormy??

I would contact the Ranger..sure you already have....

You may recall our greyhound was attacked and nearly died 5 months ago, she was on-lead and an unrestrained dog ran from a house and attacked her

The owner was remorseful, voluntarily euthanised the dog

If they had not..the penalty would have been conviction for a dangerous dog...they would have had to put signage up and muzzle the dog (would have been declared dangerous)

As it was they were fined $500 for unlicenced dog and dog attack


My thoughts are with you...I can fully empathise. Hope your pup recovers very soon


edited to add...police didnt want to know in our case either..only intervene in case of human attack


My god. I didn't know about this either. How many of these attacks are going on? And how is your dog now?

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My dog is fully recovered thanks @weaver. Her physical scars finally healed last week...5 months to heal a massive open wound (the stitched area broke down as skin and tissue was dead..extensive tissue damage) She's left with a baldy dented area but she's alive and happy. Our mental scars are slowly healing but will never walk her without one eye on surrounding area and an apprehensive caution of other dogs

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Any uncontrolled dog is dangerous. A lively young Dalmatian was "just playing". But scared my son many years back. I still have nightmares as he ran away and came so close to being killed by a truck. He was 5 and not used to dogs. I knew it was just a playful lively dog. To him it was a huge threat.


The owner could not understand why I was angry with him for not controlling the dog. Tbh it should have been on a lead in a family pub car park. I know the dog wouldn't have harmed my boy but the truck would.

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Seems to be little protection from the law. I'm quite surprised really - you would think payment of vet bills would be a minimum. A name and shame story in the local press could work (especially if you have access to a child who could pose with the wounded dog)In QLD you'd probably get fined more for not crossing the road using a pedestrian crossing. Much as I love dogs, I don't see why lack of control of dangerous dogs is any different from possession of other weapons such as guns and such dogs should not be allowed to roam free in residential areas.

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The rangers were excellent. The police worse than useless. We initially called the police as the rangers close at 5pm and it was 6pm. There were two of these huge mastiffs out. We are very close to the beach and kids starting to come home from the beach. So called the police. There attitude stank. "oh, we don't do anything about that, just call the ranger tomorrow".


The rangers have been wonderful. Visited us and our dog and spoke to the vets and have traced the owner. They can't prosecute as she doesnt live in the jurisdiction. So all they can do is an infringement. But can't even enforce it / make her pay.


She has told the ranger she will pay the vet bill. But even the ranger is skeptical of that - she isn't working apparently and so we are unlikely to see anything.

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The rangers were excellent. The police worse than useless. We initially called the police as the rangers close at 5pm and it was 6pm. There were two of these huge mastiffs out. We are very close to the beach and kids starting to come home from the beach. So called the police. There attitude stank. "oh, we don't do anything about that, just call the ranger tomorrow".


The rangers have been wonderful. Visited us and our dog and spoke to the vets and have traced the owner. They can't prosecute as she doesnt live in the jurisdiction. So all they can do is an infringement. But can't even enforce it / make her pay.


She has told the ranger she will pay the vet bill. But even the ranger is skeptical of that - she isn't working apparently and so we are unlikely to see anything.

Mastiffs are big dogs, they can't be cheap to keep. You are lucky they didn't seriously harm you. It really sucks that people can be that irresponsible.

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Behind every dangerous dog there is an irresponsible owner. Dogs are not born bad. Humans let them down by not socialising them as pups...or worse, actively training them to be aggressive to other dogs or people. And if you happen to inherit a dog with aggression eg adopting one that someone else has already wrecked, then the owner needs to be responsible enough to keep it on lead/muzzled and ensure it cannot escape from the garden house.

This woman should have the dogs removed and be banned from owning another dog. She should also be responsible for your vet bill and if she cant pay the whole bill needs to do some sort of community service.

I hope the scars emotional and physical fade with time x

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Certainly dogs ( and children) have different personality traits but none are born inherently evil!

mmmmmm, dont know, some children are born and have nothing but love bestowed on them who turn out to be nasty before they even go to school, I think there is definitely a gene that makes some people more angry than others.

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I generally agree that owners are responsible. But I think a lot of owners simply don't understand their dogs / breed.


If you chose to own a dog known for hunting and is large then the realisty is it should never be let off it's lead or even on a lead without someone that can control it physically.


I am nursing my dogs wounds - 45 stitches and in the vets words very lucky to be alive, but also my own (both arms and hands). I personally think the penalty should be in years (double figures). I have owned guns most of my life. What this person done is no different than sending a couple of high powered bullets down a high street. That would result in a very serious sentence. So why should malpractice of a 4 legged weapon be any different. Likewise other "misdemeanors" if your dog threatens, you should face the same penalty as a loon with a gun. Both can kill.

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