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Is the grass greener elsewhere?


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I thought I'd ask you all the question. We moved to Perth a few months ago and to be honest, it's not living up to what I hoped for. My job hasn't worked out so I have now left and am currently seeking employment but WA is so vast and there is just no work for me here. I did know this before we moved over but I came for a particular role here and am bitterly disappointed it's not worked out. We are now looking at moving to either Victoria, Geelong area, or NSW around Coffs Harbour. It appears cheaper, certainly over at Coffs, but is it really? It also looks soooo much greener in both these areas, something I really miss from the UK. Has anyone had any experience of moving interstate so soon after moving to is? Has anyone got any help or advice as I'm in turmoil here as to whether I try and stomach living inWA or do we make the leap and try for an area we originally wanted???


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I am not a great fan of Perth, although it is a nice city but a bit to isolated.


I moved from SA to Port Macquarie in NSW, not to far from Coffs Harbour. Its the best move I have made since we came to Australia. Its perfect for my family, the beaches are great, its tropical, lush and very green.


In regards to price, I can only compare to SA and find rentals and property prices not to bad.


Some parts of the Mid North Coast are very affluent but also have the highest unemployment rates (Port Macquarie 3rd highest unemployment rate in Australia).


Good Luck

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I think WA is not for everyone, I know it is not for me, I prefer the east coast as there is more accessibility to the rest of the country. I can't see any point in just "trying to stomach" a place, that is no life. But Coffs Harbour, are you sure you will have the work opportunities there? That would be the main stumbling block for most.

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I thought I'd ask you all the question. We moved to Perth a few months ago and to be honest, it's not living up to what I hoped for. My job hasn't worked out so I have now left and am currently seeking employment but WA is so vast and there is just no work for me here. I did know this before we moved over but I came for a particular role here and am bitterly disappointed it's not worked out. We are now looking at moving to either Victoria, Geelong area, or NSW around Coffs Harbour. It appears cheaper, certainly over at Coffs, but is it really? It also looks soooo much greener in both these areas, something I really miss from the UK. Has anyone had any experience of moving interstate so soon after moving to is? Has anyone got any help or advice as I'm in turmoil here as to whether I try and stomach living inWA or do we make the leap and try for an area we originally wanted???




Because Australians all speak much the same, people make the mistake of assuming they are all the same - but there are definitely big differences between different parts of the country. Perth seems to be one of those cities you either love or hate. I know people in both camps! It's too much like a country town for me. My niece (who adores Sydney) got a chance of a temporary transfer to Oz but the job was in Perth - she went for a visit, hated it and stayed in the UK.


I'd say, if Perth isn't working then don't delay, move today. At least once you're in NSW or Victoria, it will be much easier to move around if you don't pick the right spot at first. Victoria is greener than NSW, I'd say - but the area inland from Coffs is called New England for a reason, all rolling farmland. Coffs is a nice town if you're sure you can find work.

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Has anyone got any help or advice as I'm in turmoil here as to whether I try and stomach living inWA or do we make the leap and try for an area we originally wanted???



It would help if you mentioned what type of employment you are seeking. Are Geelong and Coffs Harbour the areas you originally wanted or are there others as well?

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Guest Guest 47403
Go back to the uk mate the grass is always green there:wink:


Pissistant rain and lack of sunlight has it's good points I suppose :biggrin:

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Any chance you can do a reccie to any of the other places? it may be that you have nothing to compare it too, although it depends what you like in life.....you'll never see green like England though, but you'll never get blue skies back there either :) i would see if i could do a reccie if i had the cash= it's a vast country with a lot of different cultures within it.

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Hi there just reading ya post , been in perth 18 months , my oh is a chartered mechanical engineer , he had a job in perth but work was drying up , got put on short time , he then got offered a job in brisbane . He took the job and we all moved over he before me , it is greener over here a lot warmer in the evening which is nice , I haven't noticed any difference in food prices or bottle shop prices , eating out cheaper I've noticed , south bank and suffers paradise are just lovely , parks are green , people I find friendlier , rents no different not really , if you want stay near the cbd extortionate prices for a **** hole , but further out in the burbs newer builds , depends what you want or like , the reason we made the move is because if worked dried up here you can get to other cities easily and cheaply enough where in perth if work dries up ya cocked well not completely cocked but it's a fair flight off anywhere .

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Pissistant rain and lack of sunlight has it's good points I suppose :biggrin:


Mate here in sa the constant sun just becomes as tedious as the constant rain in the uk.but after all it is the driest state in the driest continent so if you love constant and I mean constant sun sa is for you mate

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Mate here in sa the constant sun just becomes as tedious as the constant rain in the uk.but after all it is the driest state in the driest continent so if you love constant and I mean constant sun sa is for you mate

So true , many people wanting to move here would never consider that.. Constant sun is worse than constant rain

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I'll echo the thoughts of others and suggest you need to determine where you will find work before you consider where you might want to live.



So true , depends what he does my oh knows people in perth who have been out of work 4 months 1 eight month engineers , and they have tried get over east with no reply back , know they are buggering off over seas for work , you have to go where the work is weathers nice but not all that if you've got no stability .

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Wow! Thanks for all the replies guys, I wasn't expecting that, thank you! Basically I am a lecturer/trainer in Animal Welfare but specialise in marsupials - hence the move here. I managed to get a scholarship to a uni in Perth and although Perth was not our first choice, it gave us something to move over to. We have got PR but could've gone anywhere in Australia, but this looked like a great opportunity so we took it. Ten weeks in, the project has fallen flat on its face, so have I for that matter, and I'm now having to write a new project (which I'm loving) but need to find a uni who will accept me. I can stay where I am but have totally lost faith in them TBH. There is loads of scope for me to get into uni's in Vic and if I don't get lucky, there is scope for part time teaching; or at least there was. I have also been in touch with other TAFE's elsewhere who do have some work in my area. There is sweet nothing in Perth, they just don't do 'animals' in that way. And like some of you have said, Perth is very isolated and we always knew we would move for my work, but I didn't think it would be this soon. The kids have settled really well in school and we have signed a 12 month lease........

OH on the other hand, was a carpet fitter by trade but is now working in real estate, so he could go anywhere with that I would've thought? He is missing the tools, does anyone know if there's much flooring work in Melbourne/Geelong area?? Does anyone have any animal related contacts too? We are applying for jobs in all areas now just to get out of here which I think speaks volumes (sorry Perth). And yes, we do plan to do a reccie but can only afford to do this if we have interviews to attend, money is unbelievably tight just now.

I really, REALLY appreciate your advice guys, thank you.

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So true , many people wanting to move here would never consider that.. Constant sun is worse than constant rain


In your opinion Paul. Personally I'm over winter already. I love the sun, makes most people feel better. If I worked FIFO and had to be out in it on a minesite somewhere that would be different. Even then though I'd prefer hot and sunny to cold and wet.

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Although of course there is far more to life than the weather, where in truth nowhere in Australia has really bad weather, unless one finds the heat too much.

It does appear that Perth is returning to its pre boom condition to an extent. These things unwind slowly. Thing is Perth traditionally outside of boom times hasn't been easy to find work in many areas.


Those in the academic area for one if not in an established position would be well advised to head East even bypass Perth.

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You can see greener than England, in Australia, in many areas.


oh really ...really ? ......the only place that I have ever seen that is consistently greener than England is Ireland .

Australia may have a few little pockets here and there ....but keep it real

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So true , many people wanting to move here would never consider that.. Constant sun is worse than constant rain


Paul , I would dearly love to agree with you , but I cant ......the rain really pisses me off , if its on a continuous basis ......the sun gives a whole different outlook ....

just see the difference if us poms have a decent prolonged summer , its a different place altogether .

Attitudes change , outlooks change .

And as you are aware , theres nowhere like the u.k when the sun is shining, whatever the temperature ,we could just do with a bit more blue sky ,that's all

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