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5 months in..........BE positive!!


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Hi Laura


Im heading out in May alone till I find a rental for the Family, Think it's better that way as I don't mind where I lay my head but the wife! that's a different story!!

We think we will end up in Point cook for a while as rentals are cheap, Looked at a few house's when we were there in 2012, they looked ok for a start, nice clean area but I have heard a few bad things about the traffic into the city but will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Quiet happy not to work in the city if poss, we were aiming for Brisbane at first as I have a very close friend there but could only get State sponsorship for Vic but its not a bad second choice, really loved the place so will give it a go but am sure we wont buy a house till we get to Brissy.

I think the fact you went with not so much of a security net helped you in many ways, gives you that little extra kick and motivation to get going and do what it takes to get the job done, all the same, very brave and fortune did its job! as you say you were lucky but I really believe in this life you make your own luck and if you don't make the effort luck will be much harder to find so again, I have the uppermost respect for you both and am well pleased for you!!!!


Hey Pablo, how you doing? not sure if you remember me but we used to have a good bit of football banter when I was on here before, I think at that time you were trying to sell your house to make the move, how is that all going? are you there yet? been so long since I was last on here.

Anyway, mate I totally hear and agree with what you say as in Balanced opinion, if everybody thought it would be a walk in the park moving to the other side of the world and be plain sailing, fall into a job, bigger house, no home sickness, and no police because its Australia!! surely they don't need them!!! then there would be more silly people walking this earth than you could shake a stick at!

But the point of Laura's post is to highlight the positive side, help a few people calm there nerves, ease a bit of pressure and even maybe help those who had a little doubt get back on track and just go for it.

So yes lets have the balanced view mate, the good and the bad, but this is one of the good post's, lets enjoy it and the fact even with backs against the wall Laura and Mark have made it work.

Also, for me, reading a post like Laura's might even get me back on PIO for a while, and then you can let the banter roll on again, your looking good this season, and with the man up front putting them away for fun you might even have your name on a cup!

Just not the prem mate! ;)


Look at me, back on for 5 mins,,,two posts and already writing books, sorry all, I am that guy they all shake sticks at :)


Thanks Laura

Thanks Pablo


Good to be back on PIO ;)

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Aww Hi Maruska, How are you? I hope things are going good for you? Have you got a moving date yet? Thank you so much. Thats really sweet of you to say. xx



Thanks for asking, we have our visa, yay! Selling the house ( realtor already has a buyer - about 90 % chance), we will go towards the end of March. Spending some time on the way in Canada and in Czech Republic with families, then heading to Australia! If you feel like it, I wouldn`t mind to see some photos from SA/VIC :yes:. Looks like finding a job was a piece of cake for you, that`s good.

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Great post Laura and fantastic to see you have settled well as moving to a country at the other end of the world is always a daunting prospect and like you say, not having the safety net of loadsa money was a scary prospect. Having read loads of stories over the years I think the more people struggle to get here for various reasons, the more they adapt and assimilate to the move. I wonder if it's because they've had to work harder to make it work so can put up with the downsides as well as the good side of living here?


I also remember the very negative posts before we moved to Aus over 1o years ago. I was under the impression we were coming to a third world country where underwear was impossible to buy, all shoes were plastic and bananas cost a fortune :biglaugh: so you are right, everyone has their own journey and needs to find out for themselves and everyone has different expectations therefore finds their own reality when they get here.


Having said all of this, the "moany" or negative posts are VERY important. For a start we need to remember it is someone's reality even if it's not our own reality. I used to get wound up reading other stupid irrelevant posts such as not having a Tesco in Australia - how bloody daft to expect things to be the same as in the UK - but now I just shrug at these issues as I suspect these people will move back to their comfort zone in the UK or adapt to Aus or alternatively they may think some of my gripes are equally as stupid - see we all have our own vices and experiences and comfort levels. No right, no wrong.


To be fair the other thing is time. With respect you have only been in Aus 5 months which is still the honeymoon period. You will feel different after 5 years, 10 years etc as you go through different life changes - one important one being if you have kids and no family around. Of course it doesn't affect everyone but it can change some people's outlook and when people are down, struggling with kids in a country far away from supportive family, they can and do find all sorts of niggles to feel down about.


Personally our family LOVE Australia - warts and all. It sure aint perfect but for us it's as near as dammit. There are MANY things about Aus that tick us off however for our family there is a lot more about the UK that pisses us off more - so here in Aus is "home* as far as we're concerned.


The other thing I have found is "never say never" - there are a few people over the years who have vowed never to go back to UK and yet years down the line circumstances have changed and going back was their only option. This isn't failure, it's life. Circumstances change and sometimes it's out of our control.


Anyway it's fantastic to hear it's worked out well for you Laura - moving to Aus is literally a life changing experience and affects not just those of us that move but our extended families so it's bloody brilliant when it turns out well.


Good luck with everything you do going forward it's great to listen to the negatives as much as the positives as it's always good to hear an alternative view.

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Hi Laura


I am based in Adelaide and agree it is a great place to live with a lot to offer. I think you have come with the right attitude and approach which makes a big difference and it has obviously paid off for you.


The first job I had when we came to Adelaide was on $17 a hour, I had no issue with the wage and I was grateful to have a job and to be able to get on with building our life in Adelaide. I think people often have unrealistic expectations of what life is going to be like over here. We came with the attitude that this is where we were going to live and build a life and got on with it. We have been here nearly 7 years now, there have been some ups and downs along the way, but life is good, but we have made it happen.


Make sure you try the red wine bath at the spa at the Novotel, it is an interesting experience. :smile:

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Your moaning might be someone's reality

There isn't a day goes by on PIO without a pom telling a porkie about Oz. So obvious to those of us who've been here a while but gobbled up hook line and sinker by the gullible

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You have been VERY lucky.... good on ya both. I think folk that who complain about the sausages and cream just dont like anything about Australia !

You forgot the price of lemons and more importantly "the Cadburys Dairy Milk doesn't taste like the Dairy Milk back 'ome".

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Guest Guest 47403

Well done Laura nice to hear the success stories especially when you've done it the hard way, good on you both for your hard work and dedication to getting on, hope you continue to enjoy it and build for the future.

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There isn't a day goes by on PIO without a pom telling a porkie about Oz. So obvious to those of us who've been here a while but gobbled up hook line and sinker by the gullible


Or an ex pom peddling myths about the uk eh,you're the last person who's views could be called balanced

Aus works out for some,for others it doesn't,it doesn't mean should only allow positive posts,thats my point,now i'll leave the thread to Laura,maybe you could do the same

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Guest Guest26012

Nice post. It's important to hear both pros and cons. You have a nice attitude so further down the line, you'll be ok, I'm sure! :biggrin:

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Thank you for this post Laura. Just what I needed to hear.. Very true positive thinking and it will all come together with the right attitude..


I am quite new on this forum.. I am waiting for my PMV grant half way there...


My fiance and cousin and Auntie live in Adelaide can't wait to move... My Fiance spent xmas with me was so sad saying goodbye to him at Heathrow last week.. We know we won't see each other again until I get the visa hopefully in the next 4 months..


Your comments are very true it is what you make it.. Really pleased for you..


Hey Becky,


My friend came on a PMV and is now living here very happy with her hubby. I hope time goes fast so that you can be reunited to your fella soon. All my wishes, Laura. xx

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Hi Laura


Im heading out in May alone till I find a rental for the Family, Think it's better that way as I don't mind where I lay my head but the wife! that's a different story!!

We think we will end up in Point cook for a while as rentals are cheap, Looked at a few house's when we were there in 2012, they looked ok for a start, nice clean area but I have heard a few bad things about the traffic into the city but will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Quiet happy not to work in the city if poss, we were aiming for Brisbane at first as I have a very close friend there but could only get State sponsorship for Vic but its not a bad second choice, really loved the place so will give it a go but am sure we wont buy a house till we get to Brissy.

I think the fact you went with not so much of a security net helped you in many ways, gives you that little extra kick and motivation to get going and do what it takes to get the job done, all the same, very brave and fortune did its job! as you say you were lucky but I really believe in this life you make your own luck and if you don't make the effort luck will be much harder to find so again, I have the uppermost respect for you both and am well pleased for you!!!!


Hey Pablo, how you doing? not sure if you remember me but we used to have a good bit of football banter when I was on here before, I think at that time you were trying to sell your house to make the move, how is that all going? are you there yet? been so long since I was last on here.

Anyway, mate I totally hear and agree with what you say as in Balanced opinion, if everybody thought it would be a walk in the park moving to the other side of the world and be plain sailing, fall into a job, bigger house, no home sickness, and no police because its Australia!! surely they don't need them!!! then there would be more silly people walking this earth than you could shake a stick at!

But the point of Laura's post is to highlight the positive side, help a few people calm there nerves, ease a bit of pressure and even maybe help those who had a little doubt get back on track and just go for it.

So yes lets have the balanced view mate, the good and the bad, but this is one of the good post's, lets enjoy it and the fact even with backs against the wall Laura and Mark have made it work.

Also, for me, reading a post like Laura's might even get me back on PIO for a while, and then you can let the banter roll on again, your looking good this season, and with the man up front putting them away for fun you might even have your name on a cup!

Just not the prem mate! ;)


Look at me, back on for 5 mins,,,two posts and already writing books, sorry all, I am that guy they all shake sticks at :)


Thanks Laura

Thanks Pablo


Good to be back on PIO ;)



Ahh fantastic..No matter where you live getting into the city is hard. I don’t know what traffic is like into Melbourne but, I used to commute to Leeds from Halifax and that was a nightmare. I work in the city now and have a one hour commute but I rarely hit traffic but that’s probably because I work predominately night shifts. The roads do seem much bigger here but they attack you for speeding big time.

Aw you’re the same as us. We wanted to move to Brizvegas but the SS was quicker for S.A. In a way Im glad it worked out like that as house prices are cheaper here and it means we can save more for when we do eventually move to Brisbane.


The lack of funds and security definitely gave me the motivation to get out and find a job. I think some people are under the impression that I fell into work and that’s not what happened. It wasn’t all sweetness and light looking for a job, infact It was really hard…. I spent countless hours emailing and calling around hospitals in S.A with countless knock backs. I am still only on a temp contract but I found it was best to work agency and get myself established and make contacts. If you work hard you will get recognized and I am now waiting for my temp contract to be moved to a perm one.


I have the uppermost respect for you both and am well pleased for you!!!!

Thank you for this that means a lot




It was by no means a walk in the park for us. Without going into the in’s and outs of our personal life fully, Our marriage was tested to breaking point and it was really hard to get a balance right. We have a smaller house than we initially had in the UK (we lived in a static caravan for 18 months prior to moving in order to save). I miss my family like crazy and shortly after we arrived I had a phone call from my dad saying that my younger sister was in hospital and also my grandad had a heart attack and arrested. Now obviously this made me feel really guilty that I wasn’t there for my family and even in 5 short months we have been tested but, I do not see the point in foccusing on the bad things. Me and my husband have a better life we know where we want to be. My older sister is coming out in May and I now have the money and right lifestyle to be able to treat her to an amazing holiday in Queensland and that makes me really happy.


Kevin, I am so glad that you have found something in this post that has helped, that’s all I wanted. I know how I felt and I would have loved to find a post that was positive before me and Mark left. I will not be on here much after this thread….I promised a few on here I would do an update and wanted to follow through on this.


For anyone that would like some help or advice I am on facebook. I am happy to speak to anyone about worries or any concerns they might have. Good fortune comes around and influenced by our actions. Selfless acts have been proven to increase happiness… So here is my link (at the bottom of my post) and if you’d like to know anything you know where to reach me.


To all of you perusing your dreams I hope that your life takes you where you want to go. I wish for you all what you wish for yourself.

Thank you so much for all of your well wishes, it means so much to me.


Ill leave you with this one to think about…….



All my love,


Laura. xxx

pm - for Facebook link.


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Thanks for asking, we have our visa, yay! Selling the house ( realtor already has a buyer - about 90 % chance), we will go towards the end of March. Spending some time on the way in Canada and in Czech Republic with families, then heading to Australia! If you feel like it, I wouldn`t mind to see some photos from SA/VIC :yes:. Looks like finding a job was a piece of cake for you, that`s good.


Ahhhh CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I looked on your timeline but couldnt see anything. I hope that the house sale goes through for you, that would be brilliant. OOOhh canada would be amazing!!!


Ill try and pop some piccies on for you now... Ill have to try work this computer.


Work is a funny one, I started with NASA as a locum nurse but they have plenty of work. I worked in some horrific places and some really good ones. I made myself known and tried to work hard on shift. From there I made contacts accross Adelaide. How i struck it luck was, my current boss works in a service in Adelaide and I contacted him prior to leaving as he had a job advertised. I made a nursing portfolio and sent it to him and he invited me in for a chat. He made me a casula employee and then offered me a full time temp contract. I am now waiting for this to be made perm so we will see. The temp contract and casual is fairly stressful BUT worst case scenario...there are plenty of jobs as a locum through NASA.


Ahhhh I am SO pleased for you, honestly, this is fabulous news. I cant wait to hear about your move :) xxxxx

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Hi Laura


Im heading out in May alone till I find a rental for the Family, Think it's better that way as I don't mind where I lay my head but the wife! that's a different story!!

We think we will end up in Point cook for a while as rentals are cheap, Looked at a few house's when we were there in 2012, they looked ok for a start, nice clean area but I have heard a few bad things about the traffic into the city but will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Quiet happy not to work in the city if poss, we were aiming for Brisbane at first as I have a very close friend there but could only get State sponsorship for Vic but its not a bad second choice, really loved the place so will give it a go but am sure we wont buy a house till we get to Brissy.

I think the fact you went with not so much of a security net helped you in many ways, gives you that little extra kick and motivation to get going and do what it takes to get the job done, all the same, very brave and fortune did its job! as you say you were lucky but I really believe in this life you make your own luck and if you don't make the effort luck will be much harder to find so again, I have the uppermost respect for you both and am well pleased for you!!!!


Hey Pablo, how you doing? not sure if you remember me but we used to have a good bit of football banter when I was on here before, I think at that time you were trying to sell your house to make the move, how is that all going? are you there yet? been so long since I was last on here.

Anyway, mate I totally hear and agree with what you say as in Balanced opinion, if everybody thought it would be a walk in the park moving to the other side of the world and be plain sailing, fall into a job, bigger house, no home sickness, and no police because its Australia!! surely they don't need them!!! then there would be more silly people walking this earth than you could shake a stick at!

But the point of Laura's post is to highlight the positive side, help a few people calm there nerves, ease a bit of pressure and even maybe help those who had a little doubt get back on track and just go for it.

So yes lets have the balanced view mate, the good and the bad, but this is one of the good post's, lets enjoy it and the fact even with backs against the wall Laura and Mark have made it work.

Also, for me, reading a post like Laura's might even get me back on PIO for a while, and then you can let the banter roll on again, your looking good this season, and with the man up front putting them away for fun you might even have your name on a cup!

Just not the prem mate! ;)


Look at me, back on for 5 mins,,,two posts and already writing books, sorry all, I am that guy they all shake sticks at :)


Thanks Laura

Thanks Pablo


Good to be back on PIO ;)


Good to see another Surrey man on PIO. We are Brisbane bound next year......wish it was sooner but work and other issues make 2015 sensible and realistic for us. Obviously I am taking a different route to you as I married an Oz citizen 11 years ago and I am a lot older.

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Thanks for asking, we have our visa, yay! Selling the house ( realtor already has a buyer - about 90 % chance), we will go towards the end of March. Spending some time on the way in Canada and in Czech Republic with families, then heading to Australia! If you feel like it, I wouldn`t mind to see some photos from SA/VIC :yes:. Looks like finding a job was a piece of cake for you, that`s good.


















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There isn't a day goes by on PIO without a pom telling a porkie about Oz. So obvious to those of us who've been here a while but gobbled up hook line and sinker by the gullible


I have been here a while now. I have also lived in a number of other countries and lived in a huge array of cultures.


Oz is a great country. As are many others - including the UK.


To say I have been round the blockna few times would be an understatement. As a number of the members on here know. In that time I have learnt a few things


The first one is that people who shout anywhere / anything down a lot are actually in that place themselves. Seen a lot of people who bash gays only to be secretly gay themselves but too scared to come out. The same principle applies.


The other option is a normal troll. See them on every part of the net and feel pretty sad for them as there us clearly a part of thei life that isn't working and so feel the only way forward is to stir.


I have just been through your previous posts and it seems you are a mix of the two. I couldn't find a single one that was offering genuine help. That is very sad and I hope you will find a way of developing socially and personally.

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I have been here a while now. I have also lived in a number of other countries and lived in a huge array of cultures.


Oz is a great country. As are many others - including the UK.


To say I have been round the blockna few times would be an understatement. As a number of the members on here know. In that time I have learnt a few things


The first one is that people who shout anywhere / anything down a lot are actually in that place themselves. Seen a lot of people who bash gays only to be secretly gay themselves but too scared to come out. The same principle applies.


The other option is a normal troll. See them on every part of the net and feel pretty sad for them as there us clearly a part of thei life that isn't working and so feel the only way forward is to stir.


I have just been through your previous posts and it seems you are a mix of the two. I couldn't find a single one that was offering genuine help. That is very sad and I hope you will find a way of developing socially and personally.

I too have lived in any countries. You couldn't possibly have gone through my previous posts as there are thousands of them.

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