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It looks like another war


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I have just gone down on my knees and thanked God that my husband is no longer in the armed forces.


My heart bleeds for those who will lose loved ones when the UK gets involved in a pointless war, in a country which is no threat to the UK or its assets.


Lets hope Russia blocks any military action. It is a strange old world when Brits have to rely on the Russians to prevent military action.

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Yes, it seems like another war is on the brinks or someone has his eyes on Syria's resources. Stage seems well set after a few investments.


As a wise man once said, "this world can never experience peace until there is profit in war".


I think if someone had their eyes on Syrian resources they would have been in there last year when they first had an excuse.


I don't really like wars and I especially don't like wars that seem to be motivated for the wrong reasons (Iraq), however it does appear something needs to happen to help the civillian people in Syria who appear to be living in a terrible situation at the moment. If there really has been chemical attacks then personally I think that is a red line that is crossed and the UN needs to react.


I hope whatever happens does so for the right reasons.

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It's a joke..! Why the •••• can't we keep our noses out of other people's business .. Gassing 1400 people is awful , but let somebody else have a go at sorting it out


I completely hate war but how can you stand by and watch people get gassed. Didnt you see all those children on the news? Innocent people

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I am probably going to be annihilated for this but I will put my ha'penny worth in.


Yes, it's terrible that these things are happening in Syria and there are human rights atrocities happening all over the world, which need to be highlighted and sorted out but it is not the responsibility of the British Government to sort these problems out whilst in the UK, there are paedophiles and abusers getting away with atrocities due to a lack of resources and funding within the UK which is seeing services cut across the board, because when the Government (laughingly) ring-fenced services, they forgot to tell the majority of the electorate that this ring-fencing would mean that budgets were to remain the same for x number of years (while the costs of utilities etc rose and rose).


If the Government find the money to fund war, then they can find the money to sort out home-grown problems and I seriously suggest that Cameron et al. look closer to home if they want to take responsibility for fixing and solving problems.

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I completely hate war but how can you stand by and watch people get gassed. Didnt you see all those children on the news? Innocent people


Easy......................look at Bosnia/Sarajevo/srebrenica/ and the UN's impotence there. The failure to act to protect the Muslim populace led to the radicalisation of many of them. There's absolutely no need for "War". Surgical strikes are all that's needed. It will also send a clear message to Iran and hezbollah in lebanon to keep their noses out of Syria's affairs. America and it's allies should act without waiting for the inevitable Chinese and Russian veto at the security council.

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I think if someone had their eyes on Syrian resources they would have been in there last year when they first had an excuse.


I don't really like wars and I especially don't like wars that seem to be motivated for the wrong reasons (Iraq), however it does appear something needs to happen to help the civillian people in Syria who appear to be living in a terrible situation at the moment. If there really has been chemical attacks then personally I think that is a red line that is crossed and the UN needs to react.


I hope whatever happens does so for the right reasons.


Personally, I think the UK needs to stop going in and trying to rectify the problems in the Middle East. However, I do agree that the use of chemical weapons is intolerable and the UN need to take action, but that is it the UN, not the UK, the Yanks and France (the normal suspects). If Iran and Russia on are on the side of Syria then it will be a War!

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Easy......................look at Bosnia/Sarajevo/srebrenica/ and the UN's impotence there. The failure to act to protect the Muslim populace led to the radicalisation of many of them. There's absolutely no need for "War". Surgical strikes are all that's needed. It will also send a clear message to Iran and hezbollah in lebanon to keep their noses out of Syria's affairs. America and it's allies should act without waiting for the inevitable Chinese and Russian veto at the security council.


Exactly this and then of course the situation was then aggravated by a war with Iraq, which even non-Muslims questioned in terms of legality. Now we live with the consequences of those decisions. Going to war against Syria is a big mistake and a huge burden financially for the UK to bear at a time when the country is on it's knees.

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The problem is that getting the UN to act would be almost impossible as it would be blocked by Russia who is a perm member of the security council. Possibly China as well.


I hate war, and i can understand why the government has not wanted to do anything in Syria till now - the final product after Assad is gone is probably going to be worse and comprise of some fairly radical islamic fighters. But, the world can not watch chemical weapons being used and the sad fact is, the rest of the world wont act. So, the UK and US will be forced to.


The one bit of positive, is that i dont think it will involve land forces. It will probably be a short air campaign aimed at a few strategic targets to send a message.

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It's a joke..! Why the •••• can't we keep our noses out of other people's business .. Gassing 1400 people is awful , but let somebody else have a go at sorting it out


Yeah.....send the Italians in ..............:policeman:

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I sincerely hope we stay out... Let the UN deal with this. How many more wars does the UK need to be involved in!!! Why is it that only the US and UK get involved? Though it brought a tear to my eye seeing those dead children I feel that we CANNOT get involved. Iran have already stated their stance on western involvement and feel that this could cause more harm than good. We also have to see a larger picture here and get the fuller story as the media can stir propaganda... I'm not saying that there was not a guilty party here and certainly not saying that the Syrian Leader had no involvement however need to know all facts first before jumping to conclusions...

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I am probably going to be annihilated for this but I will put my ha'penny worth in.


Yes, it's terrible that these things are happening in Syria and there are human rights atrocities happening all over the world, which need to be highlighted and sorted out but it is not the responsibility of the British Government to sort these problems out whilst in the UK, there are paedophiles and abusers getting away with atrocities due to a lack of resources and funding within the UK which is seeing services cut across the board, because when the Government (laughingly) ring-fenced services, they forgot to tell the majority of the electorate that this ring-fencing would mean that budgets were to remain the same for x number of years (while the costs of utilities etc rose and rose).


If the Government find the money to fund war, then they can find the money to sort out home-grown problems and I seriously suggest that Cameron et al. look closer to home if they want to take responsibility for fixing and solving problems.


Totaly agree with you.

The Government need to start looking after the people in our country, before they start sending out troops ,costing the UK billions of pounds.

There are some dreadful atrocities all over the world,that get ignored,but it seems any country with oil,the UK and US get involved in.

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it seems any country with oil,the UK and US get involved in.


Dunno why this is quoted so many times as a bad thing. Economies would collapse, social order would disintegrate, if oil production wasn't protected....................seems logical that any nation would want to protect the supplies, and the constant emphasis that it's all about oil company revenues seems very naive to me.

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Totaly agree with you.

The Government need to start looking after the people in our country, before they start sending out troops ,costing the UK billions of pounds.

There are some dreadful atrocities all over the world,that get ignored,but it seems any country with oil,the UK and US get involved in.


This is just so completely right and it seems that the Middle Eastern leaders know exactly how to hit back at the West too - they raise the price of oil and hit the West where it hurts most - in the pocket.


Cameron also needs to take a long look at his history books. After any mobilisation of troops, depression/recession always hits due to the expense involved. Whilst I can sympathise with the innocent people dying in Syria, I also sympathise with the thousands of girls in Africa subjected to female circumcision but I don't necessarily believe that the Government should invade Ethiopia, Nigeria and the Sudan. I also sympathise with Palestinians (strongly) but I don't think there should be a war with Israel.


Cameron needs to sort out his own backyard before he starts peeping over the neighbour's fences. Especially when those neighbours don't even live on the same street.

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Dunno why this is quoted so many times as a bad thing. Economies would collapse, social order would disintegrate, if oil production wasn't protected....................seems logical that any nation would want to protect the supplies, and the constant emphasis that it's all about oil company revenues seems very naive to me.


Yes countries have to protect the oil supplies, but at the end of the day, the Governemnts that are getting involved will play the Human Rights card, to justify thier actions,if there is a Military strike on Syria.However Human Rights issues are ignored in many other countries.That is the point Im making

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Dunno why this is quoted so many times as a bad thing. Economies would collapse, social order would disintegrate, if oil production wasn't protected....................seems logical that any nation would want to protect the supplies, and the constant emphasis that it's all about oil company revenues seems very naive to me.


But the Middle East did put the price of oil up and the consequences were recession.

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This is just so completely right and it seems that the Middle Eastern leaders know exactly how to hit back at the West too - they raise the price of oil and hit the West where it hurts most - in the pocket.


Cameron also needs to take a long look at his history books. After any mobilisation of troops, depression/recession always hits due to the expense involved. Whilst I can sympathise with the innocent people dying in Syria, I also sympathise with the thousands of girls in Africa subjected to female circumcision but I don't necessarily believe that the Government should invade Ethiopia, Nigeria and the Sudan. I also sympathise with Palestinians (strongly) but I don't think there should be a war with Israel.


Cameron needs to sort out his own backyard before he starts peeping over the neighbour's fences. Especially when those neighbours don't even live on the same street.


I think this will just be another war, that will go on for years and years and can never be won.There will be thousands of lives lost and it will cost billions.Money that could and should be spent on the UK.

But its always been the same the US, says " jump", and we ask "How high"

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I think this will just be another war, that will go on for years and years and can never be won.There will be thousands of lives lost and it will cost billions.Money that could and should be spent on the UK.

But its always been the same the US, says " jump", and we ask "How high"


I've got to agree and not only that, the more that the UK wars against Muslim nations, even though this isn't a war about religion, the more disenchanted the Muslim youth become and consequently they are then an easier target for these nutters that want to radicalise them.


I've seen it happen, someone I know was on the terrorist watch list for 3 years. Coincidentally, that was after a very iffy trip that he took to Syria actually, but the point is, that Government need to stop poking it's nose in whenever oil is at risk (or possibly at risk) as it's putting all of us at risk from more terrorist attacks.


These nutters are very good at twisting things and justifying why terrorism is a way forward and it's frightening to listen too as they don't want to listen to reason. Getting involved in Syria is just another excuse for the militants to start up again.

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