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It looks like another war


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Libya was supposed to be just about humanitarian action, yet it ended up with allied forces helping to overthrow Gaddafi. Libya as a nation is now a complete mess and a breeding ground for radicals and is in the middle of civil war. The help we provided actually has not helped in the long term at all, and more civilians are probably now dead as a result of the ensuing civil war, than if we had just left Gaddafi to get on with it.


The same will happen with Syria, and yet last year Cameron was saying that Syria was too big a snake to poke with a stick. Lets hope he sees common sense before too many young men and women die as a result of his actions.


I feel sad for the Syrians, but it is their problem to deal with, not ours.


Throughout history, when democracy has been successfully established, it has been done by the citizens of the country, not outsiders. If we overthrow Assad, all that will happen is that another dictatorship will take over (which may be even worse than the current regime - think Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt), or it will end up in Civil War - which we will also end up paying for.


The UK does not have the money, or the number of people left in the armed forces, to take on another country's problems.

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A very good reason for Australia to find an alternative to oil i.e. ethanol. Time we stopped jumping to the US demands to join them in conflict. Very very sad I agree but it is time we consentrated on dealing with our own issues. With Egypt on the brink and now Syria things could get real nasty in the middle east, if we get involved it gives them a reason to attack Australia, be that as the restriction of oil supplies, or terrorist attacks sorry time to stay out of things.

Some very concerning news reports http://www.eutimes.net/2013/08/putin...-against-saudi...

- See more at: http://xrepublic.tv/node/5103#sthash....CiCepS89.dpuf

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A very good reason for Australia to find an alternative to oil i.e. ethanol. Time we stopped jumping to the US demands to join them in conflict. Very very sad I agree but it is time we consentrated on dealing with our own issues. With Egypt on the brink and now Syria things could get real nasty in the middle east, if we get involved it gives them a reason to attack Australia, be that as the restriction of oil supplies, or terrorist attacks sorry time to stay out of things.

Some very concerning news reports http://www.eutimes.net/2013/08/putin...-against-saudi...

- See more at: http://xrepublic.tv/node/5103#sthash....CiCepS89.dpuf


You take what those rags say as gospel?

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Guest Guest66881

Why does America have to get involved, this is a war between two countries that as sadly turned ugly, both sides are anti 'western' so why should we all get involved via bombing missions etc, get him out then who takes over - the Taliban, then what?

I am not condoning the use of gas what so ever but this just looks as if Obama as said one to many things and now is obliged to act, it also defers any other criticism hes getting back home at the moment.

It also looks as if he's looking for allies to help cushion the blow if strikes do take place, learned from the WMD debacle i see.

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Why does America have to get involved, this is a war between two countries that as sadly turned ugly, both sides are anti 'western' so why should we all get involved via bombing missions etc, get him out then who takes over - the Taliban, then what?

I am not condoning the use of gas what so ever but this just looks as if Obama as said one to many things and now is obliged to act, it also defers any other criticism hes getting back home at the moment.

It also looks as if he's looking for allies to help cushion the blow if strikes do take place, learned from the WMD debacle i see.

Yes and who is to say these countries that the US goes sticking its nose into want to be a democracy anyway. They have been rules by Sultans and the like for years, and though to the west it may not be the ideal, IMHO it was a hell of a lot better than the mess the US left Iraq in and will leave afganistan in.

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No not entirely but I have friends living in Russia and I can say that they are "very" concerned at the rift rapidly growing between Putin and Obama on many issues


And you don't have to live in Russia to get the same feelings. The problem is, that we (syria) wouldn't be where we are today if the Russians hadn't opposed certain sanctions/actions in the first place. Obama is coming in for all the stick when IMHO, Russia has aggravated the situation.............even sending advisors and continuing weapon sales to the regime. The US stood back initially and refused to supply the rebels whilst russia continued to send weapons to prop up a dictatorship.

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And you don't have to live in Russia to get the same feelings. The problem is, that we (syria) wouldn't be where we are today if the Russians hadn't opposed certain sanctions/actions in the first place. Obama is coming in for all the stick when IMHO, Russia has aggravated the situation.............even sending advisors and continuing weapon sales to the regime. The US stood back initially and refused to supply the rebels whilst russia continued to send weapons to prop up a dictatorship.

Sure understand that this should have been shut down 2 years ago, Cutting off weapon supplies might have worked then, now it is on the brink of a major Middle East war. And if the government does get kicked out of power who moves in then ? The Muslim Brotherhood ? What did Nostradamus say ? and the 3rd world war will begin in the Middle East ?

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Sure understand that this should have been shut down 2 years ago, Cutting off weapon supplies might have worked then, now it is on the brink of a major Middle East war. And if the government does get kicked out of power who moves in then ? The Muslim Brotherhood ? What did Nostradamus say ? and the 3rd world war will begin in the Middle East ?


Well the first two did begin in Europe so it's about time they had their turn.

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Well the first two did begin in Europe so it's about time they had their turn.


I would prefer no one to have a war, why on earth cant man learn to live in peace, yes I know power and greed. Very sad, time for some prays I think.

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There won't be an invasion. That is not Obama's style.

He is more like Clinton I think in that he will certainly strike some miltary targets as punishment and cause Assad a lot of pain, but there is no way he will do a full scale invasion.


So talk of war is over the top. Obama doesn't wan't that.


But in my view US is a superpower and needs to act when these atrocities occur. Russia has a lot to answer for in selling weapons to Assad.

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I sincerely hope we stay out... Let the UN deal with this. How many more wars does the UK need to be involved in!!! Why is it that only the US and UK get involved?

It's not....Australia is usually right in there with them. In the Vietnam war the UK kept out but Australia joined in with America

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The world cannot afford another war. The last resort should be surgical strikes, but if US invades into Syria then this can prove to be a catastrophe for the region.


Assad should just step down, how can he even sleep with so many deaths on his hands.

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Guest Guest66881


Overseas weapons sales by the United States totaled $66.3 billion last year, or more than three-quarters of the global arms market, valued at $85.3 billion in 2011. Russia was a distant second, with $4.8 billion in deals.

China doesn’t even show up as a blip on the screen. The Post buries in the piece that China is “the sixth-largest arms exporter in the world.”

So dominant is the United States in worldwide arms trafficking that—get this!—US arms sales to a single country, Saudi Arabia, totaled $33.4 billion last year. That amount surpassed the entire total of US arms sales to all countries in the world in 2009, $31 billion. A commentary by a Wall Street analysis site notes happily: “The news confirms how critical defense, airplane, and agricultural exports are to the overall American trade balance.”



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Australian uranium going to India, to help them create nuclear weapons the list goes on.


You're going off the rails now.

As far as I'm aware Australia has not yet sold any uranium to India, and will not until we receive a cast iron undertaking that uranium will not be used for nuclear weapons.

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Guest Guest66881

Not off the rails just outlining what makes countries tick (no pun) money is king, as are trade agreements, no country can stand tall shouting this when they have more than likely done that, who are we to really know?

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