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Healthy Eating


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I look into some peoples trolleys and think..do you buy that every week?? Do you think you eat a healthy diet? I think most people nowadays have a basic undestanding of whats good and whats not...


I buy a lot of unprocessed food, I make my own chicken nuggets and fish bites for my youngest...wholemeal bread, milk, fish, eggs, lean meat, potatoes, veg, fruit, make my own biscuits and cakes...healthier than shop bought...lots of garlic and chilli in our food, oats..a superfood, broccoli..also a superfood, berries, bananas and oranges...


I see a lot of gimmicky stuff on the shelves, teddy bear biscuits, sugary dessets, breakfast cereals made almost entirely of sugar..whats that all about multi coloured brekkie...I only buy weetbix, oats and muesli.



I think we could be better...probably too much fat, love the feta and lamb....how healthy is your diet?

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I'm 53 and have always eaten everything I have ever wanted, I have just had a number of tests and everything is tickety boo and when I am ever asked about my health on those tick sheets, I answer No' to everything. I suppose I'm lucky really, but my alcohol, curry, pizza, Chinese take outs and roast beef dinner diet regime seems to be working for me, lol


I do think emotional well being plays a big part in your health, if you are unhappy and depressed I think your health really suffers, maybe that's why I'm so fit and healthy for my age, I'm happy go lucky and love a laugh.


Listen to Dr Hoff :wink:


Lighten up folks, it's not good for yer health.

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I think we have quite a healthy diet without being too rabid about it. We do have take aways probably once or twice a month and we do eat out fairly regularly, but I don't think I've ever had KFC or anything like it. I make my own nuggets (or I did when our kids were small) burgers using extra lean mince and no salt. I make my own curries from scratch so I can cut down on the amount of fat used, and no salt. Tonight we had sweet and sour pork, chicken and cashew nuts and fried (no oil) rice.

I make porridge in winter and in summer we have fruit and yoghurt for breakfast. I've just made my first ever batch of jam using strawberries and raspberries we picked last weekend and used half the amount of sugar usually used.

Time to join the WI?? No, I think not....

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We eat a primal/paleo diet in the main, so lots of veggies, good pastured meat (with the fat), fish, eggs, good fats like olive and avocado oil and butter. OH and I don't eat grains at all, and have maybe one piece of fruit every couple of weeks, neither of us like it because it is too sweet (i.e full of sugar) and would rather eat veggies. The kids eat slightly more grains in terms of they have a sandwich at lunch time but otherwise they have rice, and they have one to two pieces of fruit a day. The girls also eat a bit more dairy than OH and I do (homemade full fat yoghurt and milk). They sometimes pester for biscuits and chocolate, and I do let them indulge because for the rest of the time their diet is good. We drink water, coffee, tea (and wine :biggrin:!) and the girls have either water or milk. They do not have low or reduced fat anything, they do not have fruit juice or squash and I never give them anything with sweeteners in.


Fat is essential to health, particularly in children whose brains are still growing and developing, so I don't believe a word of this low-fat nonsense that has been pedalled over the last thirty years. As a population we eat less fat than ever, yet are becoming more and more obese.

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We eat pretty healthy. Also try to eat mainly organic. Do eat fats and I am a fan of fat as believe it can be good for you. We eat a fair few grains - porridge for breakfast is often, also eat a lot of things like lentils and eat a LOT of rice. Particularly at work.


Tonight will be salmon with dill and cooked with butter. Kipfler potatoes and peas. Tomorrow it's a roast pork with the trimmings.


I think a lot of people do not understand fat or how it changes by product. For example, the fat on beef, if the fat is yellow because the animal was grass fed is actually good for you. Compared to mass produced beef with white fat that has not been aged and is bad for you.


Milk is showing to be one that has been poorly understood even by the governments. We were all told / forced to drink pasteurized milk. Now, studies are showing the people that still drink unpasturised milk have a fraction of the allergy issues and asthma.

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I'm not sure on the grain issue...good or bad? We eat a lot of oats, wholemeal or wholegrain bread, rice...can't abide Brown rice or pasta though so stick to white, bad I know. I make a lot of my own biscuits and slices. We drink pure unsweetened fruit juice. I don't ban tomato sauce as I know its a way to get tomatoes into my son, I buy reduced salt and sugar ones. I do buy sweetened things like diet yoghurt for me and I use sweetener in my tea...

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Lots of veggies for me, noodles (udon), soups, pearl barley, potatoes, home made meat balls with turkey mince and carrot, pasta about once a week if that, and bread is a treat (that I adore indulging in). I must admit I'm not big into fruit but I have a smoothie for breakfast every day (I know, I know, it is sugar in its main because it's not even in its raw state, but I have my reasons) with a banana, apple, frozen berries and then yogurt and full fat milk in, then I add some oats and whizz it up. Half a litre of that in the morning keeps me going until lunch time, and it's yummy, so it works for me. Lunch is usually what was dinner the night before, then dinner I always make from scratch. Tonight we're going out for dinner, however, and I had a fair bit of 'junk' food today in the form of bread, a few crisps, and some cookies (picnic at O'Reilly's), so I class today as a fat day! One thing I have found is that here in Aus, it's much much easier to buy fresh and cook from scratch, and, you burn it off far easier because the weather is usually nice enough to walk about in. The dog needs walking each day anyway so we go to the lake and then another usually at the beach if we have time. I love it, I love the food I cook and eat, I'm losing weight again, and I'm exercising. I realise some people prefer Paleo, some prefer no carb/meat/fruit/grain/gluten etc. but I have long since learnt that depriving yourself of the food you like can backfire drastically, so instead I just eat them sparingly. If I'm out I'll always grab a sushi roll instead of a Maccas, etc.

I'm pretty food snobby though and do look in some people's trolleys and think 'Why would you eat that!' but hey ho.

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I'm going to fess up and be really honest!, On my first ever trip to Woolies I was so excited to compare the 'tv dinners' to what I had adored in my old Sainsburys! I was slightly traumatized to discover they don't do them!!! (Or didn't as they are slowly emerging...) I'm not a cook, the kitchen is my enemy and my lovely hubby does the cooking in our house, it really relaxes him and he enjoys it! however, on not being able to buy myself a chicken dinner, I have learned how to cook one from scratch with fresh produce and I have to say there is nothing finer, I've had a bit of an epiphany so to say and I get quite stressed at the thought of paying absurd prices for a bag of iceberg lettuce when I can spend 5 minutes of effort and have 10 bags worth for a quarter of the price!! So not by choice initially, but very happily now I am by default eating much more healthily!!

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My OH and I eat pretty health but I have to put my hand up and say my kids' diets are trash. I did make my own chicken nuggets when I wasn't working but now I work full time they just get the stuff from the freezer in Coles. They do both like fresh chicken though and spaghetti bolognase, which I make myself from scratch (complete with red wine - is that a bad thing to feed to kids?). My eldest will also join us if we have roast beef, steak or white fish. However, after my eldest only ate diarylea sandwiches for lunch and pasta and pesto for tea for several years when he was younger I am just grateful that they both eat a variety of different things and that they seem to be getting better as they get older. We are about to introduce a reward chart for trying new things which I hope will open up both of their diets to some more healthy food stuffs.

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Theres nothing wrong with freezer food if you choose wisely, my son will have chicken tenders (breast meat) with mash and frozen veg a few days each week...you just cant cook from scratch every night when you work. Stuff like beans on toast and egg on toast all good food when you're time strapped!

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My OH and I eat pretty health but I have to put my hand up and say my kids' diets are trash. I did make my own chicken nuggets when I wasn't working but now I work full time they just get the stuff from the freezer in Coles. They do both like fresh chicken though and spaghetti bolognase, which I make myself from scratch (complete with red wine - is that a bad thing to feed to kids?). My eldest will also join us if we have roast beef, steak or white fish. However, after my eldest only ate diarylea sandwiches for lunch and pasta and pesto for tea for several years when he was younger I am just grateful that they both eat a variety of different things and that they seem to be getting better as they get older. We are about to introduce a reward chart for trying new things which I hope will open up both of their diets to some more healthy food stuffs.


I am so with you on kids diets!! My daughter ate so well until she got to 3 and could voice her opinions!! I have felt so guilty at the Jam Sandwiches I do her for school (that's all she eats!) but I was relived last week, I did a morning for the first time volunteering in the school canteen and the sandwiches I made up (as requested by the kids on their lunch orders) were truly hair curling!! I'm happy now to do Jam, it's her worst sin and she is good with eating fruit for morning tea!!

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Sushi is really good here. I like the little shops that do asian bits and pieces like samosas and spring rolls from a stall at Wanneroo market. The meals look really nice. Theres a really good cheap place for sushi etc in Lakeside Joondalup just across from red dot and big w

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I think you have to go with what works for you. I'm from a farming family who produced almost everything the ate - meat, veg, eggs, cheese. They all lived into their 90s. I can't eat the amount of fat they used to consume. I hate it, even full fat milk makes me gag and my parents used to think I'd end up as a surgeon I was so precise about cutting fat off meat! I love a rib of beef, but have to cut every bit of the fat off.

Too many pulses and seeds give me horrible stomach pains, so I eat them in small amounts. There is so much conflicting research and advice about what constitutes a good diet, I think it's best to go with what suits you and everything in moderation.

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Guest Guest26012

Eat quite healthily. Lots of fresh veg and fruit. Stir fry a lot in a vegetable oil. Sushi when we fancy it. No ready meals at all. Wholemeal bread but don't use butter. I usually have avocado on toast with a poached egg on top for breakfast. The occasional take out but very rarely. Eat lots of fish too.

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No,i dont eat healthily really,deffo not the weekend,chinee,roasts,quick things like burgers and onion rings,toast with proper butter, cant stick that bongo butter,i dont have any regime tbh,in the week i might sack the red meat a bit tho,i just think on and tell meself to have some fish,so i might just have salmon/Mackerel and pasta,tinned or fresh,not arsed,sometimes i'll have a snack tea if i cba cooking,spag on toast or something,i always have full fat milk too,on the plus side i rarely eat chips,its always mash,yes with a bit of butter

To be honest i cba with all the preaching that goes on in the press,so like i say,i sort of divvy the week up,weekend bad,midweek curb it a bit,besides,if i eat a pro biotic yoghurt it cancels all the bad stuff out,even the whisky.......

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Guest Guest26012
No,i dont eat healthily really,deffo not the weekend,chinee,roasts,quick things like burgers and onion rings,toast with proper butter, cant stick that bongo butter,i dont have any regime tbh,in the week i might sack the red meat a bit tho,i just think on and tell meself to have some fish,so i might just have salmon/Mackerel and pasta,tinned or fresh,not arsed,sometimes i'll have a snack tea if i cba cooking,spag on toast or something,i always have full fat milk too,on the plus side i rarely eat chips,its always mash,yes with a bit of butter

To be honest i cba with all the preaching that goes on in the press,so like i say,i sort of divvy the week up,weekend bad,midweek curb it a bit,besides,if i eat a pro biotic yoghurt it cancels all the bad stuff out,even the whisky.......



You need a good woman to cook for ya pabs! Lots would volunteer I'm sure?

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You need a good woman to cook for ya pabs! Lots would volunteer I'm sure?


:laugh:Dont you start:mad::wink:,nah i doubt they would be queueing up Cow:no:,i dont mind cooking tbh,most nights i used to cook when i was with her,done breakfasts for her sat and sun,i was main one who would do the roast,midweek it depended who was in first,mainly me because she had the gym after work

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Guest Guest26012
:laugh:Dont you start:mad::wink:,nah i doubt they would be queueing up Cow:no:,i dont mind cooking tbh,most nights i used to cook when i was with her,done breakfasts for her sat and sun,i was main one who would do the roast,midweek it depended who was in first,mainly me because she had the gym after work



Malcs a good cook although I have to twist his arm mostly to do it! He just makes such a mess though lol!

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