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Is Aus$80K/year enough to live on?? Seriously?


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I'm a nurse who is looking at emigrating to Australia.


The salary I think i would receive is as title. How does this compare? Is it reasonable, and enough to live on in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, etc? I will receive an extra Aus$500/fortnight rent allowance as well.


My husband will not be working over there and we will all get PR (along with the 3 kids) through my job.


We don't live an extravagant lifestyle here in the UK and I earn £50K/year and after rent, etc save about £500/month.


I appreciate your help.




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So are you the sole earner in the UK, if you earn £50,000 and still manage to save £500 then i would say yes deffo.


What you are quoting is doable, you sound pretty savy with money there so im sure you would be the same here.


As a family of 5 in Perth, we managed on that no probs. Sounds like your not daft enough to just shop wherever, prob dont have a need for designer clothes, willing to go looking for a bargain.


Now over to the doomslayers

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Guest JonnyNI

Fifi69 - that is very encouraging. It is just my wife and I at the minute but we are soon to be a family of 4. As I am more than likely going to be the sole earner over there, for the first while anyway, I was thinking that I would need to be earning a minimum of AU$100k, preferably closer to AU$120k.


Decision time is at my doorstep though. I am defo going over in late Feb to validate my visa but if I want to go over and stay I have to hand in my notice tomorrow!!! Don't know what to do!!!!



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Oooh hard decision. I can only tell you as it has been for us.


All savings used up in getting here, but we had already secured and put down bond on a rental. OH earns $85,000, ive only managed to do a bit of temp work here and there.


Rent $650 pw, for a 4 x 2 with pool in the metro area. Never any major energy bills to speak off not like the whoppers that used to land on our mat in the UK.


Food shopping can be expensive if you just use Coles or Woolworths, even more for IGA's. Instead we use our local farmers market for fruit and veg, for things like rice and spices use the local indian/chinese supermarket. Get friendly with the local butcher and they will do you deals on your meat.


Furniture really cheap if you know where to look. We bought a huge eight seater theatre type sofa (ones with cup holders and lay back seats) for $1000, plus loads of other new quality stuff for cheap as chips. If you want to go down the 2nd hand route, car boots etc it is even cheaper.


Loads of free things to do if your watching the pennies.


A Car will set you back though, especially if you want a more larger safer model. Ive just paid $2000 for an 18 year old Renault (low mileage though). A new or nearly new car the price will make you weep


Ive rushed this post and could add more but i just wanted to try and give you a quick lowdown on how far your money will go


Good luck sounds like whatever you decide youve got changes coming your way

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I would say yes, My parents only earn about $50,000 between then and have been low earners all there life in Australia.. so it must be possible... but I too am over welmed by the stats, average wage of $70,000 compared to the UK £26,000.... as I get 25% more than UK avg im thinking surely I have to aim for 25% more than Australian avg, but thats 100,000.... I aways saw that as a rich persons wage as i was growing up in Australia but I think wages have gone up a lot in the last 10 years....

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I posted a similar thread this morning, I will be the sole earner and even if I didn't receive formal offers, the companies I spoke with talked about 120K...

We have babies as well and we're not 'sophisticated'...so we should be fine...at least I hope...

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If you hope to maintain your current lifestyle then no, $80k won't be enough, especially not in Sydney or Melbourne. Of course you could scrape by, many do but I am guessing you aspire to thrive rather than survive. If you think that you are currently on almost twice the national average salary you would be needing to look at around $135-140k for an equivalence. Most families servicing a mortgage these days are on two incomes.

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could it not be the case tho that the avg salary is a false figure in some ways as maybe there are less low paid workers in AUS? My mum works in a Bank as a Loans approver type person in aus not sure of the job title and she only gets 45,000 I think so not all jobs have super high salary... I would expect Mum to be on the UK average if she was doing that job here.

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could it not be the case tho that the avg salary is a false figure in some ways as maybe there are less low paid workers in AUS? My mum works in a Bank as a Loans approver type person in aus not sure of the job title and she only gets 45,000 I think so not all jobs have super high salary... I would expect Mum to be on the UK average if she was doing that job here.


Of course not all jobs have super high salaries which is why most families have to have two people working to make ends meet. The OP is on a nice whack in UK but would be faced with quite a relative reduction in Aus. The rental allowance is nice but would need to be topped up for nice Sydney areas especially.


When we left Aus a year ago I paid everything on credit card and paid it off each month and what with running 2 cars and no mortgage/rent for the two of us oldies the average was $5k per month ie $60k pa and apart from a little bit of DiY we weren't profligate with our spending. On moving to UK and still using the Aus credit cards and only running one car my average spend is around $3.5k per month for very similar outlays.

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The salary I think i would receive is $80k. How does this compare? Is it reasonable?


We don't live an extravagant lifestyle here in the UK and I earn £50K/year and after rent, etc save about £500/month.


Errm... Just a thought but 50k GBP is about $80k AUD... and things cost a lot more here in Oz.

So I'd assume you'll find life tighter here - as rent especially costs more.


Another way to look at it is: 50k GBP is about double the average salary of the UK. Whilst $80k is a little over the average in Oz!

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could it not be the case tho that the avg salary is a false figure in some ways as maybe there are less low paid workers in AUS? My mum works in a Bank as a Loans approver type person in aus not sure of the job title and she only gets 45,000 I think so not all jobs have super high salary... I would expect Mum to be on the UK average if she was doing that job here.


With the average wage on around $65,000 before tax far from all are on super salaries...

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I would say that $80 will be doable, but it will give a worse lifestyle than what you have at the moment unless you are living in central London.


I think to mention someones lifestyle and say whether it would be better or worse here would require a lot more info about what their lifestyle currently is and what they are hoping for. If they are going to be happy going down the beach or to parks for a free barbie then that's going to improve their lifestyle with no extra outlay.

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I'm a nurse who is looking at emigrating to Australia.


The salary I think i would receive is as title. How does this compare? Is it reasonable, and enough to live on in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, etc? I will receive an extra Aus$500/fortnight rent allowance as well.


My husband will not be working over there and we will all get PR (along with the 3 kids) through my job.


We don't live an extravagant lifestyle here in the UK and I earn £50K/year and after rent, etc save about £500/month.


I appreciate your help.





Families can and do survive on $80k, however to the question how does it compare to your current £50k then the answer is not very well. You should want to get well over $100k to have anything like similar financial standing. I was going to make the same point that someone else did, your UK salary is not far off twice national average, the Australian one just a little bit over. You will feel that.

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Hi, on first joining this site I always found it strange how people usually answered this question by saying 'everyone's life is different so no one can you tell what you will be comfortable on' I always thought surely they could at least give a good idea however I'm now beginning to understand what they mean.


Im also a nurse we are moving to South Australia, we have 2 kids and my husband will not work due to childcare and my income will be lower than yours. I only have 6yrs experience so I'm expecting a salary of $65k however with shift allowances and centrelink help I have calculated that we should get by ok on our standards, that's not saying other families could on the same income.


Here in the UK I am the only earner on 27k and we get by ok and ave still managed to save for Australia so I Definately now understand why people say this question is diffilcult to answer.


I have friends who live in Melbourne and just tonight she sent me her costs of living for her self, her husband and 1 child and they are much lower than I've saw some say on here, she only pays 150pw for food shopping by shopping around at markets etc, lives in the city in an apartment for 350pw, everyone is different.


Whats important to me is that I have enough money to pay the bills each month without worrying and if my kids ask for a certain toy or for sweets at the shop then I can buy them without having to worry. (to a degree tho, won't be buying them $100 toys every day lol) or they want to attend a school trip and I don't have to count our pennies first to see if they can go! I'm aso more than happy driving a $3k ford festiva to get us started!

to me that's a comfortable lifestyle, to others that would not be, a comfortable life style to them may be being able to go to a fancy restaurant once per week, go to the zoo every weekend, go on holidays every year, have loads of savings, drive 2 new cars etc.


I have spent weeks/months researching what I think our cost of living would be and I'm happy with my figures, ive spoken with many families via pm's who earn similar to me and live similar lifestyles etc, I fully understand its impossible to know for sure until your actually living there however spending literally hours every day researching this one thing, I think I'm pretty happy with what I've calculated for us.


Good luck :)

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I think to mention someones lifestyle and say whether it would be better or worse here would require a lot more info about what their lifestyle currently is and what they are hoping for. If they are going to be happy going down the beach or to parks for a free barbie then that's going to improve their lifestyle with no extra outlay.


They may be going to parks and the beach in the UK. Also, the free museums, tramping through the dales or mountains and things. The buying power and so hinge like the quality of housing is goingnto be significantly less on $80 than on £50k. I know some people do not mind moving to another country for a worse lifestyle, but personally, I have never understood it.

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They may be going to parks and the beach in the UK. Also, the free museums, tramping through the dales or mountains and things. The buying power and so hinge like the quality of housing is goingnto be significantly less on $80 than on £50k. I know some people do not mind moving to another country for a worse lifestyle, but personally, I have never understood it.


Like you say they MAY be going to parks and the beach in the UK, they've not provided enough information to say what their lifestyle is like there so to presume they are going to have a worse lifestyle here is jumping the gun.


I used to go to parks with the youngster before we came but he was usually in his pushchair, with a waterproof hood over the top and I was dressed in warm clothes and sometimes a rain mac. The highlight of the week was going down to the park to feed the ducks to kill some time. Going to a park or beach here is a totally different kettle of fish.


As for the museums and tramping (appropriate word) through the dales and mountains with a youngster, well you can keep that.

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Australia is a rip off full stop everything is 3-4 times more expensive over here $80k is not a lot of money I am a single man in Melbourne who does not go out or live an extravagant lifestyle and I can safely say that I need 55-70k on my own just to survive here. You will be living in Aldi!!!! not that there is anything wrong with it, I just spent $100 there for food for the week!

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Australia is a rip off full stop everything is 3-4 times more expensive over here $80k is not a lot of money I am a single man in Melbourne who does not go out or live an extravagant lifestyle and I can safely say that I need 55-70k on my own just to survive here. You will be living in Aldi!!!! not that there is anything wrong with it, I just spent $100 there for food for the week!


Rubbish, massive exaggeration.

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Prove me wrong lad!


Well lad, you said everything 3 to 4 times more, so easy. Petrol, wine, parking, public transport, meat, depending where you shop for clothes about the same. We just had the SIL and nephew with us over Christmas they went out shopping for shorts and T shirts. My missus took them to K-Mart, Target and Big-W and they came back with stuff they really liked even the 17 year old nephew with shorts and T shirts $5 - $10. Now don't give me the old crap like, yes but it's all crap made in China, 'cos the cheap crap that you can buy in England is made in the same place.

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