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Everything posted by wrussell

  1. A RMA must disclose particulars of commissions received or expected, but do not always do so. Lawyers do not have to, but sometimes do. My solution is to not to seek or accept commissions from course providers, insurers, travel agents, or any other party. That did not stop the ATO from sending a form letter threatening me with dire outcomes for failing to declare commissions.
  2. Under the current regulations and processing rates 10 years would probably bring you pretty close to a PR grant.
  3. (be paid) or having paid such costs seek to recover them from the employee. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/employing-and-sponsoring-someone/sponsoring-workers/learn-about-sponsoring/cost-of-sponsoring
  4. Yes! My clients paid my professional fee, stage 1 and stage 2 and lost the first 2 of these payments when they applied (and presumably were granted) a refund of the stage 2 payment. They hoped in vain for refund of all the fees paid to VETASSESS.
  5. All costs relating to sponsorship and nomination must be met by the employer and must not ne paid wholly or in part by the visa applicant/s.
  6. I have had well qualified clients in similar circumstances abandon their applications and take a refund after waiting 12 months + . The relevant assessing authority was not even answering the phone at the time.
  7. I follow R G Menzies who said: If you can get it on one page I shall read it. I might have been too cryptic.When I was school they used to hand out 6 of best to those who could not precis War and Peace to 3 pages. I thought you wanted to ascertain whether it was THE department or some other party barking. It was not THE department*. * Department name Abbreviation Start End Department of Immigration DI 1945 1974 [9] Department of Labor and Immigration DLI 1974 1975 Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (I) DIEA 1975 1987 Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs DILGEA 1987 1993 Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (II) DIEA 1993 1996 Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs DIMA 1996 2001 Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs DIMIA 2001 2006 Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (II) DIMA 2006 2007 Department of Immigration and Citizenship DIAC 2007 2013 Department of Immigration and Border Protection DIBP 2013 December 2017 [3] Department of Home Affairs Home Affairs 2017 Present
  8. If Australian PR is granted and activated by a quick visit the holder can come and go as s/he pleases for 5 years. UK degrees that were not cut out of a cornflakes packet are recognised as comparable to an Australian degree. Advanced academic standing is sometimes granted on subject completed basis and sometimes on a years complete basis.
  9. Yes, 30+ years, 19+ as a registered migration agent. There are some good people in a bad system, but for the most part you might as well talk to a brick wall.
  10. They waited for 5 years after their eligibility date to lodge their second stage documents. In the good old days an applicant could front up with a paper application and have it dealt with in 30 minutes or so.
  11. It is not good practice to pay for travel before visas are granted. It is a better strategy to pay a small deposit with the balance to be paid subject to visa grants. You are unlikely to be assisted in this matter by contacting immigration.
  12. You might expect a RMA to advise you how to proceed for about the cost of a visitor visa application.
  13. 5 years. I do my best to ensure that my clients read and understand their visa grant letters.
  14. Do the documents I submit need to be certified? Uncertified colour scans are accepted. Under the current rules a travel exemption will not be needed. Specific information taking into account the particulars of your case would require a paid consultation.
  15. If they're living abroad, probably not. Certainly not!
  16. If you have claimed work experience that was deducted by the ACS you might want to edit your EoI.
  17. Any registered migration agent who regularly posts on this forum could advise you.
  18. Information on immigration department websites is simplistic, often misleading and sometimes wrong.
  19. Have you consulted a registered migration agent?
  20. They would not recognise integrity if it sprang up and bit them on the bum.
  21. After I received the attached ATO threat I had a telephone discussion with an ATO officer about charging less than the average industry fees (mostly due to my bro bono work) which could have come from only the OMARA that records an RMA's average fee claims, sometimes. Name case. We discussed a subclass 410 for which I had charged $250, including GST. I had called up the clients' previous 410 application, changed the date, had the clients sign it, added their new photographs and a cheque for payment, shoved the lot into an Express Post Envelope and asked them if they wanted another cup of coffee before they left to post the application on their way home. Total runtime, about 30 minutes. How much do you think I should have charged for half an hour, 2 coffees and an Express Post envelope? We then discussed whether the ATO wanted to face an action for abuse of office. Case closed! OMARA and ATO.pdf
  22. If your agent was a REGISTERED migration agent s/he must let you know whether a commission was being received from an insurance provider, or other party. Find out. Shoving a snout further into the trough might explain part of the costs you are facing. I always advise my clients to make their own insurance and other arrangements that attract a commission. I have never taken a commission from any party and I never shall. This did not stop the Australian Taxation Office from sending me a form letter threatening dire consequences for failing to declare commissions. NOTE: You cannot legally hold OSHC if you do not hold a student visa. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
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