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Everything posted by Bobj

  1. Just had a squiz at T’ville used cars and there are quite a few on the Ingham Road, maybe Wheelz and Wheelz would be ok, seeing they have a 5 star rating. Cheers, Bobj.
  2. I don’t know of any car dealers in T’ville or Charters, but the distance between the two is a 1.5 hour trip. The road is generally good to excellent with a few downhill curves…And a great number of ’lead feet’ drivers! In my day, several years ago, CH used to be called “The World” by the locals and it had the first stock exchange in Australia. cheers, Bobj.
  3. So are mango leaves and custard apple leaves.and coconut fronds, those big things you have to chop into three pieces to remove them. But warmer. Cheers, Bobj.
  4. It was a tad quiet when I w ent there. In fact, it was just a number of fields with a a few cattle.. Cheers, Bobj.
  5. G’day mate, having never been to Tassie, I cannot comment on the pros and cons of of the state and it was well. over 50 years ago when I lived there in the SW. My concern would be you and your good lady having a good circle of friends and activities..Hope, your retirement will be long and happy. Cheers, Bobj.
  6. I just show them my white hair. Cheers, Bobj.
  7. Mackay hospital is having a $200m upgrade as the city is constantly growing. Around 10 years ago it had a $600 m upgrade. the house prices seem very low compared to bigger cities. Where I live is about 50 km NW and it is only a 35-40 minute commute. Look up Mackay realty. Cheers, Bobj.
  8. Hospitality industry? Look at the fabulous Whitsunday/Mackay region. with beaches galore It is a sugar cane, banana and mango growing area and very little else. The city of Mackay is about 150,000 population and is the port for the sugar and the centre for the coal mines in the hinterland. Cheers, Bobj.
  9. Bobj

    UK to Rural Qld

    In October, I will have been in Australia for 60 years. In that time I have only spent 2 years in cities and have had a fabulous life living in 'rural' towns, from The Kimberlies to more, err, 'civilised' towns in the New England Ranges to the Whitsundays when I retired 25 years ago. In deed, I live in a community that has no shop and is a 45 minute drive to Mackay for groceries and, unfortunately, a hospital. As far as I am concerned, the trick is to find a place where you have most of your pastimes, Never regretted the choices Mum and I made and I dare say we had a better life than a great deal of city people who are caught up in a rat race. It might not fit every one's life style, but it can be rewarding. Up town and down town Bay Cheers, Bobj.
  10. Barramundi fishing all year round. A 2 minutes walk to 2 pristine beaches and a view of the Fabulous Whitsundays. Living in a National Park, Wallabies, bandicoots, whistle and burdekin ducks on most lawns, mango, frangipani and poinciana trees in most gardens. Cheers, Bobj.
  11. @Blue Flu You seem to have a habit of taking any thread and going off track to suit your own agenda. If you want to start your own thread, that is fine, but just comply with the scribe’s thread, there’s a good chap. On reflection, you must have been really upset to find your retort to me being erased and having to repeat your minor tirade. Cheers, Bobj.
  12. The day you were born, I was preparing to emigrate to Australia. I went from Bradford to London to Australia House to query why they had given my mate his sailing orders, but not mine as we applied the same day. Upshot was we left England in September that year. And I am still loving life in this wonderful country. Cheers, Bobj.
  13. 55 minutes commute. Cheers, Bobj.
  14. Freshwater barra taste very muddy. They are always released. However, those from the sea are really fine to eat. And only 2.4 km away, along the rocks. Cheers, Bobj.
  15. No barramundi fishing in Tassie…But there is in Mackay! Cheers, Bobj.
  16. The trick is to live where holidays are normally every day Or, to put it another way; live where you can enjoy your hobbies and pastimes....I live in the Whitsunday area and have been retired for 25 years...Think of all those lovely coral trout! Cheers, Bobj
  17. As @Marisawright says, look at Domain. Try https://www.google.com.au/search?q=domain+realty%2C+howard+springs&client=safari&channel=ipad_bm&sxsrf=APwXEddTQjyA_uWyhONsyHLP5geboZJ4AQ%3A1680590528297&source=hp&ei=wMYrZKi9D_zi2roPhf6aqAY&iflsig=AOEireoAAAAAZCvU0EVye8ollyploL9arhe_75YqiOHZ&ved=0ahUKEwionczLz4_-AhV8sVYBHQW_BmUQ4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=domain+realty%2C+howard+springs&gs_lcp=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_CYgBxsoBkgEGNi0yOC4xmAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz Howard Springs is close to Palmerston Cheers, Bobj.
  18. G'day Sacey, have a squiz at Coolalinga, the tourist park: https://www.coolalingatouristpark.com.au/facilities https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/in-coolalinga,+nt+0839/list-1 Coolalinga is about 26 km south of the Darwin. Also, Virginia, still a bit closer to Palmerson: https://www.oasistouristpark.com.au/accommodation/cabins/ I have stayed at Coolalinga on a couple of occasions and my only gripe is the cabins are a bit small, otherwise a great place, Also, there is a good shopping precinct within a 5 minute walk. Cheers, Bobj. PS. Don't let the "nay sayers" get you down. The Darwin is a great place. Also, look at
  19. Here we go again! Same garbage spouted when a young couple want to start a new life in a country they love. @Blue Flujust put a sock in it, mate, all you seem to do is whinge about everyrhing Austalian and then rabbit on about global politics. Get out of the rut and enjoy life, there’s a good lad. Cheers, Bobj.
  20. Bobj


    "Where you are happiest" is the term. Since the age of 5 when I first met my D.O.D when the war ended and the Japanese prisoners of war were released. Dad would regale me with the stories of Australians' exploits and their attitude so much that the seed was planted. In the 60 years I have lived in Australia, I have always had a feeling of "this is home" and never regretted a second of that time. Cheers, Bobj.
  21. Another good thread ruined by world politics and sabre rattlers Cheers, Bobj.
  22. I have seen frost in Hall's Creek. In Kununurra in the depths of the Dry, we used to go to the open air cinema with 2 blankets, 2 over the deck chairs and 2 over each and a sweater each andlong trackies as the evening temps would get down to 10C. Cheers, Bobj.
  23. To Ollie, mate have a squiz at Mackay, central Coastal Qld. It has 2 fairly large hospitals, one private and the Base Hospital. It had a $407 million new section only about 6 years ago and is having a $200 m Plus addition .So, I would say the job market could well be in your favour. Mackay has a population of 126,000 people and is well endowed with brilliant beaches, north and south. I have no idea about thr property rental, however, many homes near the beaches are about $350 k. An added bonus is its proximity to the Whitsundays. Cheers, Bobj.
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