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Would you have come to Australia if it had the same climate as the Uk

chrisrich 5

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Guest AKA63029

Short answer 5, NO.


The weather is NOT the be all and end all, but (IMO) it does help my mindset a little, even when it becomes a little too much to bear.


Cheers Tony.

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It wouldn't be Australia as we know it. The weather affects many things.............crops..................landscape...............mindset of the people etc. So, without knowing what it'd be like with a different climate, I don't think one could answer truthfully.

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Guest tandcmum

I don't think so no, it is the sunshine that enables the outdoor lifestyle we are after so i doubt we would move there if the weather was as shocking as it is in Scotland. There are other reasons we are going which are adventure, chance to exprience a new culture etc but the weather does have a pull too. Saying that we also very seriously considered moving to Canada where it most definatly is not year round sunshine

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Guest guest36187

To be honest, I think I would have. Climate is not the be all and end all and we still did things in UK when it was bucketing down! I remember being down at Southend with my young cousins on what is affectionately called "our cryogenic day out"!!!! It was freezing, but we still went, still had a picnic and still had a blinding time.

We came here for a change in work/home pace and we got it! We still have days where hours are mental and days are long but the overall balance here is much better for us

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Guest AKA63029

I KNOW this sounds daft, but if the temps were similar the fishing would not be what it is in OZ.


As I said, daft I know and a blooming silly reason to move to the other side of the world. But is was 'one' of the main instigators when I was younger, and still is to a degree.


Cheers Tony.

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I certainly don't hate the UK actually it has loads going for it, but not it's crappy weather, I consider it bad enough to warrant my emigration. Oz is the only hot English speaking country apart from the US (to much strange politics) and S.Africa (Have to have a death wish to live there). So the choice was not a difficult one. I do hope that there will be many advantages to moving to Oz but at this point sunshine is good enough for me. Oh yes there is also the possibility of owning a few acres where as in the UK it is totally out of reach

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My immediate response was no because I want to be closer to family and I know that there is a better life for me over there; the weather for me is just a bonus.


But what JohnDoe said got me thinking ... The weather really does affect so many things, including people's disposition. I know I'm a lot happier and relaxed when the weather is good, so I wonder whether it really would be as appealling if the weather was more like the UK...

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Not a chance! I'm from the Highlands and winters are like Siberia - ok, slight exaggeration! Having said that, I still find Perth winters a little chilly...to the point where people make fun of me. I don't miss the constant drizzle and the biting winds. I believe the village where I'm from had a total of 33 rain free days in 2011. Now there's a reason to move!

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Our move wasn't about weather it was more about living and working in a different country - we didn't want to move to a sunny England. Australia was an easier option for me visa wise than US or Canada, to continue working as a nurse I needed our move to an English speaking country.

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You've used the analogy about your OH getting fat, but if your OH was fat in the first place would they really have still had the same appeal. Any problems from being fat at the start of the relationship would be there and may well put you off. All I'm saying is that under those circumstances would you honestly have taken the time to get to know them in the first place?

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Not a chance! I'm from the Highlands and winters are like Siberia - ok, slight exaggeration! Having said that, I still find Perth winters a little chilly...to the point where people make fun of me. I don't miss the constant drizzle and the biting winds. I believe the village where I'm from had a total of 33 rain free days in 2011. Now there's a reason to move!


Saying all that i can now see why you moved.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I would probably still have moved as I prefer the open space, either that or I would be looking at Scotland

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We would have still made the move, we came for the pace of life and a bit of an adventure, we were at a stage in our life where the kids were grown up and leaving home (well almost and we hoped they would come too, they were included as dependents on our visa) and also prompted by the fact that my sister had already made the move and my Dad had decided it was the place he wanted to be.


Here in Melbourne the weather is not that different from the UK, especially in recent years with all the rain! it is milder though and I have not worn a coat (heavy winter) since we got here.


I do not think I could cope with a UK winter!


We did not leave because we hated UK or because we were unhappy with our lives there and do not see Oz as better than UK, but it is different

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The weather was a very big bonus to me - I'm not sure we would have moved here if it rained as much as where we came from. It depends very much on where in the UK you take as your starting point. The SE can be very sunny and dry, the NW very wet and dark and drizzley. If we moved back to the UK I wouldn't chose the area we left as I found the weather affected my mood a lot.


In December people kept telling us that by the end of January we would be weary of the heat and dryness, and we'd be praying for rain, but we weren't - we loved the whole summer. Still can't believe how fab it is :biggrin: we love it!

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