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Would you have come to Australia if it had the same climate as the Uk

chrisrich 5

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Let's put it this way; I expected Australia to be extremely sunny when I visited. It rained almost the entire time, and that was high Summer. Still loved it. Still loved everything about it. The sunshine is just a bonus.

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My husband is Australian, so yes, we'd always split our time between the two countries. That said I've always said if Scotland had better weather I wouldn't be so keen to go, and would maybe put the foot down! If Portugal wasn't in a recession, I'd love to move there, and that is purely based on the weather factor!

I also spent a year in Canada and loved it there, met hubby there, and often say wish he'd been Canadian rather than Aussie!!

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Guest Bazinga

I've only ever been to Oz between May-July and it was the wettest time since 1886. Def not good for the outdoorsy activities Oz is known for. I also was absolutely freezing in Canberra and was not impressed. I'm a Southern softie from London! I also hate hot weather so no the climate makes no difference to me.

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I just asked my husband this question as I saw the thread and his answer was the same as mine, which is yes we still would. We are both in the Netherlands at the moment and the climate's pretty similar to the UK, however, we both agreed that it would be the change of lifestyle and general attitude of people that we are looking forward to. At the moment, as I'm not born here in the Netherlands, my language limitation is limiting my availability to the jobs and opportunities that I can do. Because of some of the decisions made by the politicians here last year, I am now redundant and there are severe cuts to my job and job sector here. In Australia however, the industry is still booming and there I would also have the opportunity to re-train or specialize into something that is related that I would never have the opportunity due to the language barrier and limited English courses.


So yes, in short, we would still go to Australia! :)

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Originally I was going to say it would have made no difference, because principally I am here for business opportunity, not to emigrate. We have a completely open mind on whether or not we'll end up settling here


But I'm not so sure. I do really like living in shorts most of the year, I like warmth, I like being outdoors, I like swimming and all of that stuff is so accessible. Also it makes it much easier for my family to settle here, and that was my biggest concern in coming here - fortunately my wife loves it and my son's settled reall well. And I agree that it probably makes peoples' outlook a lot sunnier and that makes life here easier/more enjoyable/more pleasant. So it probably wouldn't be half as attractive a place to live if it were cold and grey. Driving back this afternoon with the car roof down, a bit of music on and my son mucking about trying to act cool in his hat and sunnies in the back, both of us loving the warmth and sun, did remind us (again) of how good life can be here

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