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Those that are moving back to the Uk after 2+ years in Aus


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No, it's only now I'm getting older that gradually I've realised I don't want to die here.


At first everything was fine and I just got on with life. The last few years have I have really found myself feeling very detached from everything, like I walk around in a bubble, life goes on around me but I don't feel part of it. I get by on a day to day basis and can't really be interested in anything here any more. Luckily my OH feels the same way so we are heading back as soon as we sell the house. I have been here 20 years and my OH almost 25 years.

We live in a lovely spot and I almost feel a bit guilty that I don't want to stay here---but I don't.

I also have to say I've found it very difficult to make any lasting friendships here beyond the superficial, maybe that's just me though, I'm not the kind of person who needs to know loads of people.

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Those that are moving back to the Uk after 2+ years in Australia..........


Did you know early on that you wouldnt ever settle?


Why do you ask? Are you having doubts that you have done the right thing? We did, first my OH after 6 months and we came home for a holiday, but we had a baby in oz so it gave everyone a chance to see her, then me a year later, we had everything packed up ready to ship, flew home and changed our minds after a week, lucky we were able to stop the shipping. Moved from Melbourne to Perth, for various reasons didnt work, came home with everything that time. After a good six months home guess what - wrong move!! Going back yet again, back to Melbourne. hopefully the last time - our furniture is getting dizzy haha - most of it in storage here anyway so still wrapped from the last move! Please if you are, dont be silly and impulsive like us, make sure its what you want to do.

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Guest Guest66881

No, it's only now I'm getting older that gradually I've realised I don't want to die here.


This makes real sense to me, why? i don't know but it does.

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No, it's only now I'm getting older that gradually I've realised I don't want to die here. .


Its impressive that you are thinking so far ahead, for me I'm quite happy to die anywhere (so to speak) as long as my immediate family is near!


Those that are moving back to the Uk after 2+ years in Australia..........


Did you know early on that you wouldnt ever settle?


I'm sure that you have heard this before, you have to give a place a minimum of 2 years before making a decision, any less time then that you haven't given it a fair go! We all go through a whole range of emotions when we emigrate ranging from hating a place to totally loving it at different times. It seems that there a specific times that Expats (Saffas at least) seem to leave, normally 2, 5, 8 years of living in a country other then their own.


I think that people worry to much about whether they fit in or not, hell many of us don't "fit in" our countries of birth and may not "fit in" anywhere, just because we are not the norm. I personally plan on getting on with living to the fullest when I get to OZ and not worry about fitting in and if all my friends are Pommie and Saffa Expats so be it . I'm not going to try and be an Ozzie, because basically I can no longer be one nationality and I flatly refuse to downgrade my BBQing skills. Like wise I'm not going to put myself under pressure to settle if it happens great if not we will start learning another European language maybe French, Spanish or Kiwi.

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A half relative of mine returned at around 81 years of age to UK after a stay of almost four decades. Never gave any real hints of desire to return until close to leaving. Although had been over in UK preceeding move setting things up.

The desire to return to ones country of birth I believe can come at any stage of life,regardless as to how content one has been in Australia or any other country fot that matter.


Just brought to mind was speaking to an English fellow of 71, in the pub on St Patricks Day. He is returning to BlackPool to die as he said after more than 41 years in OZ.

It's just a thing that can creep up on any of us.

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Guest guest17301

I'm so sorry you've not settled Kelly, remember you had your doubts after the reccie. Look all I know from my experience is that I know 2 families who dont like it here and have never settled, one is always chopping and changing her mind about whether to return and has never truly settled. Theyve been here over 3 years and have felt this way from day 1. The other people Im thinking of went home after a few years I think and are now back here for work but still not 100% with it all. I think 1st impressions count and if it were me Id be struggling now.

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You've already voiced maybe Perth isn't the place for you. Perhaps rather than going out from 'Australia' as a whole not being for a person/family, consider that it might be town/city/state. And that you may be better suited elsewhere in Aus. Its a big place, plenty of people move around and settle happily somewhere more suited to them.

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If by settle, did you know that Aus was not the place you wanted to spend the rest of your life - then, yes, I knew from the start that I would want to leave at some point. However, I was quite happily able to live in the place for a couple of decades, perhaps always at the back of my mind was that this wasnt forever!


Now very happily back in UK despite less than ideal circumstances (living with aged and increasingly infirm parents) and would say to anyone that finds Aus doesnt float your boat - cut your losses rather than continuing to bang your head against the brick wall, hoping that one day it is going to hurt less!!!

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Those that are moving back to the Uk after 2+ years in Australia..........


Did you know early on that you wouldnt ever settle?


no in answer to that. didnt know, is something that crept up on us. We moved around Nz & Aus for 10 yrs. Perth was the longest place that we lived & was 6 yrs. It was when we had the kids over there & after time, that we decided we didnt want to spend the rest of our lives over there.... Had a great adventure though, but am happy to be home.

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Guest guest17301
If by settle, did you know that Aus was not the place you wanted to spend the rest of your life - then, yes, I knew from the start that I would want to leave at some point. However, I was quite happily able to live in the place for a couple of decades, perhaps always at the back of my mind was that this wasnt forever!


Now very happily back in UK despite less than ideal circumstances (living with aged and increasingly infirm parents) and would say to anyone that finds Aus doesnt float your boat - cut your losses rather than continuing to bang your head against the brick wall, hoping that one day it is going to hurt less!!!


Agreed. Must be so hard to put into practice though.

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I made this thread, as I have heard from a few people that they have lived here in Australia for 2+ years & still arent sure its 'home' for them, so I just wondered how many others may also feel like this


We are staying here in Australia for at least another 3 years, then we will decide if our future is here or not ~ No rash decisions here, as kids are happy & thats the main thing

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Again, true comments.

I laughed at people who wanted to go home and die, but I understand now.

Yes,UK was grim under NU Labour....but I apprciate GB more now.

Once you migrate your head is always in both camps...

Reality with more sun and better leisure opportunities, thats it i'd say.

Need a million dollars to be comfortable too

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When I said I don't want to die here, I actually meant that I don't want to spend the rest of my life here. (and of course then die here)

We don't have children and neither my husband nor myself have any family out here, only each other, and we have brothers & sisters back in the UK and Europe.

We have reached the point where for us it's the right time to go back. Financially it's certainly not going to be the best decision we ever made, but the desire to be with family outweighs money and sunshine.

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For me it has not been a case of not settling. The first few years here were exciting and new. And then life settled into a familiar pattern that it was bound to do.


One feeling that has always been there though is a feeling that I don't belong here. In the early days I thought that would pass - that I was just in a new country but over time it would eventual feel like home.


Im not sure what it is. I have some good Australian friends and me and my wife have had a son here, bought a home and obtained Australian citizenship.


But every time we go back to the UK (every 2 years on average) I still feel like I've arrived home.


Now we have been here for 12 years the excitement has worn off. Sydney has become just too expensive and the benefit of the weather is far outweighed by what we miss back in the UK. We also now realise how important it is for our son to know his extended family, especially his granparents, better.


I don't regret coming here and I'm glad we gave it the time we did but it is definitely time to go home :)

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I thought you'd just bought a house? I'd consider that rash

In a way, yes.....we did buy quickly


But on the other hand, we knew we were gonna stay here for some years, we wanted our own home, a house came up that suited us so well & why pay $2200 per month to someone else?!

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Again, true comments.

I laughed at people who wanted to go home and die, but I understand now.

Yes,UK was grim under NU Labour....but I apprciate GB more now.

Once you migrate your head is always in both camps...

Reality with more sun and better leisure opportunities, thats it i'd say.

Need a million dollars to be comfortable too


No you don't, otherwise me and a bunch of friends wouldn't be comfortable.


Is the UK not grim now that Nu Labour have gone? From what I've been hearing since the new mob have been in it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

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In a way, yes.....we did buy quickly


But on the other hand, we knew we were gonna stay here for some years, we wanted our own home, a house came up that suited us so well & why pay $2200 per month to someone else?!


Well listening to the doom mongers who say that China/Oz is gonna crash and property fall by 40% I'd reckon renting would be the best option..................that is..................if you believe the silly feckers.

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Well listening to the doom mongers who say that China/Oz is gonna crash and property fall by 40% I'd reckon renting would be the best option..................that is..................if you believe the silly feckers.


Thanks for that......Nothing like cheering me up on a Friday afternoon!!! :dull:

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