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What are the main reasons for returning to UK?


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i agree about the uk. definitely not saying things are always greener elsewhere but the uk is going to the dogs especially where i live, theres no jobs, nobody can get a mortgage so we're stuck private renting and paying someone elses mortgage for them. everybodys got their on opinion and at least those people have tried it out even if they didnt like it. id much rather say ive tried it rather than sit and think " what if "


good luck to you if you return back to the uk, you never know, maybe you'll miss australia after all

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i agree about the uk. definitely not saying things are always greener elsewhere but the uk is going to the dogs especially where i live, theres no jobs, nobody can get a mortgage so we're stuck private renting and paying someone elses mortgage for them. everybodys got their on opinion and at least those people have tried it out even if they didnt like it. id much rather say ive tried it rather than sit and think " what if "


good luck to you if you return back to the uk, you never know, maybe you'll miss australia after all

I've no delusions about the UK or Australia Stacey. They're both different and having experienced both I'm looking forward to having some time in the UK warts and all. Australia is far from perfect, and even the most prepared immigrants will take time to adjust, but the pommy wingeing thing eventually wears thin let's face it. Lots of people move to Australia and can't settle and good luck to them if they want to go home, but the bloke with the toothache and a penchant for bananas takes the cake. I blame his missus for not hiding his shoes the day they were due to fly out to Oz. Some people shouldn't venture out of their street unless it's for a fortnight in Benidorm....Syd

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lol was it not a woman called lara that wrote it? shes just put the exact same message on another thread that had nothing to do with the bad things about australia!! i hope she doesnt take this the wrong way.. putting that comment on a thread about returning to the uk is fine but if shes putting it on other threads nothing to do with that then its a bit rude and could be offputting.. thats just my opinion tho and maybe im just overeacting lol. quite funny tho about the bananas, i guess some people just cant live without them hehe! personally i hate them so lucky for me!

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Just a reminder that the topic of the thread is why people return to the UK, everyones reasons are their own and because of that quite valid for them, because those reasons may not fit into how we view them, does not make them wrong.

This isn't an UK V Aus thread with one country better than the other. Please respect the perceptions and views of others.

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sorry, i apologise!



It's directed at everyone - these threads are often hijacked when they offer very sound advice to those who are contemplating the move to Aus or thinking of returning home. The 'mine is better than yours' mentality offers little of value to those seeking genuine information.

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I'm trying to take something positive from your post but you take the wingeing pom thing to a whole new height. Come home mate the country needs you, and Oz doesn't deserve you. You might get back just in time for the next recession.


Thank you for illustrating and articulating what I was thinking, but unable to put into words without sounding rude to the poster. We land Brisbane on 10th August and wish to take part in the current non-recession economy



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i was the same and probably didnt say what i meant correctly and ended up sounding rude! wasnt meant to be like that, i just meant that theres no need to be so negative about things especially to people who didnt ask to hear it. But everyones entitled to their opinion and i guess this forum is all about finding out the good and bad about things!

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The OP is right to inquire why people return some after only being here a short time others longer.


When migrating you need to have a list of things that you love about the place you are leaving. Non negotiable list, then investigate whether these non negotiable things are available where you are going. If not you can bet your bottom dollar its going to peeve you.


If you love the family around the door every week or weekend in the week, speak on the phone go to every family outing or celebration, then you will not like migrating. Family will be missed majorly.


If you are not prepared for children to whinge about not liking it because Johnny down the road is not talking to them then you will be on the first plane back. Children settling all depends on the children and how they integrate. If they whinge to other kids about how bad it is here, then they will be on the black list.


Migration is not easy for anyone but a lot make a great success of it because they are looking for something different, those that look for the same, hand outs etc are going to be disappointed.


Its about time the NHS started to make people stand on their own feet and look after the disadvantaged rather than give middle class welfare in my view. I know I have to pay for the dentist and it makes me look after my teeth so that I keep the costs down.


We have to know who we are and what we want to be successful in the migration game.

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Migration is not easy for anyone but a lot make a great success of it because they are looking for something different, those that look for the same, hand outs etc are going to be disappointed.


Its about time the NHS started to make people stand on their own feet and look after the disadvantaged rather than give middle class welfare in my view. I know I have to pay for the dentist and it makes me look after my teeth so that I keep the costs down.


We have to know who we are and what we want to be successful in the migration game.


Spot on, the NHS is tumbling....never gave me a days work and we keep hearing about how they need more nurses. Well ,theres one right here and he ain't needed?! Been private sector for me and now Ozzie nursing.


It is my head, my teeth and you are right I take responsibility! :wink:


'We have to know who we are and what we want to be successful in the migration game' Correct.......


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Thank you for illustrating and articulating what I was thinking, but unable to put into words without sounding rude to the poster. We land Brisbane on 10th August and wish to take part in the current non-recession economy



G'Day Fluxta. Good luck mate on moving to Brissy, a great place to begin your adventure. You probably know the exchange rate isn't in your favour and you'll find things a bit more expensive. Roll with the punches and enjoy the positives. On the other hand property isn't doing well at all up there and you might find a bargain, I hope so......Syd.

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Guest guest30038
G'Day Fluxta. Good luck mate on moving to Brissy, a great place to begin your adventure. You probably know the exchange rate isn't in your favour and you'll find things a bit more expensive. Roll with the punches and enjoy the positives. On the other hand property isn't doing well at all up there and you might find a bargain, I hope so......Syd.


Depends on suburbs Syd. Properties are holding in my suburb and anything up to 550k seems to hold anywhere...............it's the upper end of the market that's just starting to suffer.

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Guest mozziebite

If you are not prepared for children to whinge about not liking it because Johnny down the road is not talking to them then you will be on the first plane back. Children settling all depends on the children and how they integrate. If they whinge to other kids about how bad it is here, then they will be on the black list.


I think it takes a bit more than a couple of whinges from the kids Petals to send you back home, theres whingeing and then there's downright withdrawal caused by all sorts of stuff. You make it sound as though Little Johnny stamps his foot and gets, it was far deeper than this for us. Anyway, I am happy your kids settled if you have any but its awful when you see their personality change from being sunny happy kids to miserable ones.

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I really don’t understand why this thread or any other thread on MBTTUK has to degenerate in this way. The OP asked people to clarify why they return to the UK, and people have responded with their reasons.


Is it really necessary to berate people, make fun of their reasons or imply that they somehow lack strength of character? I doubt many people go though the emotional stress and the financial strain of moving across continents not once but twice, on a whim. There will always be an alternative view, but it should be possible to express it without belittling others. That’s it – soap box now dismantled and placed on e-bay.

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Guest Nik Sudden

Hi everyone. This is my first post and a situation i could really use a hand with. Im 16 years old and 3 weeks ago i moved to Australia. My mother, step-dad and two sisters moved over here earlier this year at the beginning of february whilst i stayed in england with my Dad to do my GCSE's. I moved here with a friend who has since gone back to the Uk as he was only here for a holiday, so currently im on my own in terms of friends. My two sisters love it here, they are both slightly younger (15 and 13) and my mum and step-dad also are settling in really well with good jobs and are making new friends. I have visited Australia 3 times before moving so i had a fair idea of what it was going to be like (i know its not the same as living here) but now that im here it just doesnt feel right? I've spoken to my mum about moving back and at first she was adamant i stay here at least 6 months to settle in but since has changed her mind and has said its my decision. Im looking to do an apprenticeship, and know that here i have a better chance of getting one that pays more and leads to better oportunites. My dad has said that if i want to move back to england i can and well i really do at the moment. As im 16 as soon as i leave australia and start doing my apprenticeship i will only be able to return to australia on my own accord. Im expecting the answers of 'you should wait it out and see how you feel after 6months when you've en-rolled in a college over here and made friends' but if after 6 months i still dont like it and i go back to england and my friends have moved on i will have missed out on the period of time i had to myself with them before i started further education. Ive spoken to my dad about getting apprenticehips in the Uk and it appears that i can get one there relatively easy as well, although i am running out of time to apply for the ones i want. If i leave it too late i will end up having to start the course next year. The main reason im un-sure wether to stay or go is Family, Friends, education and money. My sisters here are really upset at the thought of me going and are sure that if i stayed i'd love it. However, i also have a half brother and sister back in england eager to have me back. I know that im young and have my whole life ahead of me, but surely then the choice i make isnt that much of a big deal and that if i do go back to the uk i'll be just as happy as i could be here? Im so un-sure at the moment and any words of advice of what you think i should do would be much appreciated (if they are nice words - i have read a few of the past posts and im not looking to be mocked, i would just like some help) Thank you :)

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Hi Nik and welcome to PIO!


Wow, what a big dilemma for you. As you say, there will be a lot of different views as to what you should or shouldn’t do, but ultimately you need to make the decision that feels right. Talk it over with everyone, friends, family, ex teachers …anyone who knows you and is worth listening to. You are in the best of positions as you are young, you have the support of family in Australia and in the UK, and you have options to consider. At your age very few decisions are for life, and even if further down the line you think you made the wrong choice, you will have the time and opportunity to put it right.


Sorry, I can't be of more pratical help, but I wish you all the very best for a bright future!:yes:


(On a separate note, the Mods may decide to move this post to a thread of its own?)

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dont be silly you wont me mocked lol, sounds a really hard situation to be in, i feel for you! if im honest i would just stay there for at least 6months, you honestly might like it. its better to give it a chance, i think its harder to get back to oz if you leave. i would swap u in a second, im 21 years old and there are no jobs or opportunities for me here, thats part of the reason why i want to move. i just want a better quality of life. Have another chat with your mum and dad, its good that you've got their support. im sure you'll make the right choice for you, nobody can tell you what to do, its whatever you feel is right.


best of luck and take care x

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Hey Nik,


You sound like a really sensible 16 year old with a big decision to make! Should you stay or should you go?! I think only you can make that decision, and you never know, in time to come, you may decide that you made the right one.


You are lucky that you have got a supportive family both sides of the world so I am sure that whichever country you decide to stay in, and potentially get an apprentice in, you will be well supported. And with the bonus of having your friends in the UK.


Perhaps you should sit down and write a list of pro's and con's for each country, looking at all aspects such as career, friends, family and anything else you can think of that may affect your decision.


I wish you luck in whatever you decide. And don't forget, you are 16, you have your whole life ahead of you, so if things don't work out as planned, you could always try the alternative :-)


Good luck!


Danielle x

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I moved countries just a bit younger than you and it is hard. However it gets better and really I think its where you are going to have the best employment opportunities in the future. Its not what you earn at 20 its what you earn at 30.


You have two families and are very lucky in that respect. The one thing though is that if you stay you will get citizenship and at that time you then have a real choice of where you want to be and can return to Uk for a while if you like, stay or return to Aus.


Your friends as you say will move on but friends tend to do that anyway when we are young. They move around for all sorts of reasons and new friends come into our lives.


If you stay and do an apprenticeship here then you will meet lots of different people.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do I am sure you will be successful at it.

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Hi Nik,


I have friends whose daughter actually came after they'd completed A levels and she certainly struggled a bit due to not knowing anyone and having no friends to go out with/shopping/movies etc., That's all changed since she started at Uni and has now got a friendship group. It's possible that if you start a TAFE Course here that something similar may happen - you'll develop a friendship group and you may feel more settled. However, you have the added bonus of having your dad and other siblings in the UK too - whatever you decide you'll be with people you care about and who will be supportive

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Hi Nik


If you have already validated your visa and it is a PR visa then you would have time to finish your apprenticeship and still move over if that is what you wanted to do (5 years from validation usually)


If you want to go to UK then go, there is nothing magical about being here and even though it floats your parents' boat for the moment it may not always be what they want out of life. If you can pick up an apprenticeship then go for it - they arent that easy to come by here and I know that there is a big push for them in UK at the moment so take your opportunities with both hands.

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Hi everyone. This is my first post and a situation i could really use a hand with. Im 16 years old and 3 weeks ago i moved to Australia. My mother, step-dad and two sisters moved over here earlier this year at the beginning of february whilst i stayed in england with my Dad to do my GCSE's. I moved here with a friend who has since gone back to the Uk as he was only here for a holiday, so currently im on my own in terms of friends. My two sisters love it here, they are both slightly younger (15 and 13) and my mum and step-dad also are settling in really well with good jobs and are making new friends. I have visited Australia 3 times before moving so i had a fair idea of what it was going to be like (i know its not the same as living here) but now that im here it just doesnt feel right? I've spoken to my mum about moving back and at first she was adamant i stay here at least 6 months to settle in but since has changed her mind and has said its my decision. Im looking to do an apprenticeship, and know that here i have a better chance of getting one that pays more and leads to better oportunites. My dad has said that if i want to move back to england i can and well i really do at the moment. As im 16 as soon as i leave australia and start doing my apprenticeship i will only be able to return to australia on my own accord. Im expecting the answers of 'you should wait it out and see how you feel after 6months when you've en-rolled in a college over here and made friends' but if after 6 months i still dont like it and i go back to england and my friends have moved on i will have missed out on the period of time i had to myself with them before i started further education. Ive spoken to my dad about getting apprenticehips in the Uk and it appears that i can get one there relatively easy as well, although i am running out of time to apply for the ones i want. If i leave it too late i will end up having to start the course next year. The main reason im un-sure wether to stay or go is Family, Friends, education and money. My sisters here are really upset at the thought of me going and are sure that if i stayed i'd love it. However, i also have a half brother and sister back in england eager to have me back. I know that im young and have my whole life ahead of me, but surely then the choice i make isnt that much of a big deal and that if i do go back to the uk i'll be just as happy as i could be here? Im so un-sure at the moment and any words of advice of what you think i should do would be much appreciated (if they are nice words - i have read a few of the past posts and im not looking to be mocked, i would just like some help) Thank you :)


Hi Nick. When I was 16 I left home and headed to the other side of the world, not an easy decision but it felt right and my family were great about it. I became independent very quickly, but I had the benefit of having older people around me to look out for me and keep me in check. It's refreshing to hear from someone as young as yourself who can see the road ahead and is thinking of his future albeit with caution. Don't knock yourself out worrying about making mistakes mate because we all make them and you will too. Know your capabilities and don't be fazed by a challenge. Whatever decision you make won't be the end result. Good luck buddy and let us know how you get on...Syd.

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Guest Nik Sudden

I cant thank all of you enough, after reading the posts im a little less confused and worried about the situation. I'll keep you all posted of what happens in the next few weeks :)

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