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What are the main reasons for returning to UK?


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"What has country of birth got to do with anything? An outmoded concept for weak people."

..and.......“Just real glad to escape the 'great unwashed'. Phew those poms stink!”


Been there -

You may see yourself as one of life’s strong and determined achievers, and maybe your decision to leave the UK was the foundation for all that you have subsequently achieved. If so, I have no quarrel with any of that. What I don’t understand is why you need to kick the shins of the people who remain in, or have decided to return to, the UK. You are posting on a MBTTUK forum so there is a good chance that most people posting or reading these threads have some affinity with UK life. There are other forums perhaps better suited to general cut and thrust banter about the meaning of life in general (if that is the sort of point you have been trying to make).


Unfortunately I have no clue as to the real purpose of your recent posts, as you lost me once you resorted to playground name-calling.

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woo hoo. I can see that this thread seems to have gone off the original track a wee bit maybe. But I am so excited that I have to share my "main reasons for returning to the UK." I say excited because we have finally, fully and completely made the decision to go home.


I am going home because


I haven't settled here and I have very few friends (although I must say the two I do have are good)

I am EXTREMELY lonely

I actually don't appreciate the hot weather at all and for me it is more of a burden

I have to drive EVERYWHERE because a) the weather is so hot and b) everything is so far away

I miss the pub culture, my family and friends

I miss laughing a lot


However, I do not regret my decision to come here in the first place, nor do I resent Australia or my husband (well maybe I am still a little upset with the ultimatum but nothing I can't get over now)


Most of the people I have met are nice and friendly, there are rude ones (but they are everywhere).


Much of the service I have had has been rubbish but that might be my luck.


TBH now I will look fondly on Australia cos I have learned so much about myself on the journey and most of all it has made me appreciate the UK. (Oh and it has cured me of my bug phobia). BUt I will say that it took me a LONG time to see the positives with being so down and all.

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We have lived here for 4 years absolutely loved the first 2 and thought it was forever. Went for a visit home after 2 years enjoyed it more than I thought I would and it set off the homesickness, then my dad got ill. He passed away last November and after the third extended visit home I realised where I wanted to be and it wasn't in Australia. We wanted to spend our life with my family and friends and have the kids with their Grandparents who are left not away from them.

We have excellent jobs here good income but for nearly two years have had the ache to return home which hasn't gone away. Nothing against Australia it has been good to us but I so miss the English culture my family, my life long friends and so much more.

I am concerned about the work etc that is why it is taking us so long to return but I keep having to remember we will be a long time back so enjoy the rest of our time here.

No regrets though, don't think to hard about it or you won't do it we just said lets go and applied and went didn't think of any consequences you can't. Its harder to return in our circumstances than it was to come here.


totally totally can relate to your circumstance. For us now the move back is much more daunting and difficult than the move to come here. Anyway good luck x

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woo hoo. I can see that this thread seems to have gone off the original track a wee bit maybe. But I am so excited that I have to share my "main reasons for returning to the UK." I say excited because we have finally, fully and completely made the decision to go home.


I am going home because


I haven't settled here and I have very few friends (although I must say the two I do have are good)

I am EXTREMELY lonely

I actually don't appreciate the hot weather at all and for me it is more of a burden

I have to drive EVERYWHERE because a) the weather is so hot and b) everything is so far away

I miss the pub culture, my family and friends

I miss laughing a lot


However, I do not regret my decision to come here in the first place, nor do I resent Australia or my husband (well maybe I am still a little upset with the ultimatum but nothing I can't get over now)


Most of the people I have met are nice and friendly, there are rude ones (but they are everywhere).


Much of the service I have had has been rubbish but that might be my luck.


TBH now I will look fondly on Australia cos I have learned so much about myself on the journey and most of all it has made me appreciate the UK. (Oh and it has cured me of my bug phobia). BUt I will say that it took me a LONG time to see the positives with being so down and all.


Great that you have decided, I have the same feelings as you, but can't make the decision due to kids, lack of money and overall being bloody scared as we can't even afford to have a visit back to see how we feel.


Good luck



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Guest The Pom Queen

I am so happy for you, what a great post, have you a date set for your return?Hopefully you will get Christmas with your family and friends.


woo hoo. I can see that this thread seems to have gone off the original track a wee bit maybe. But I am so excited that I have to share my "main reasons for returning to the UK." I say excited because we have finally, fully and completely made the decision to go home.


I am going home because


I haven't settled here and I have very few friends (although I must say the two I do have are good)

I am EXTREMELY lonely

I actually don't appreciate the hot weather at all and for me it is more of a burden

I have to drive EVERYWHERE because a) the weather is so hot and b) everything is so far away

I miss the pub culture, my family and friends

I miss laughing a lot


However, I do not regret my decision to come here in the first place, nor do I resent Australia or my husband (well maybe I am still a little upset with the ultimatum but nothing I can't get over now)


Most of the people I have met are nice and friendly, there are rude ones (but they are everywhere).


Much of the service I have had has been rubbish but that might be my luck.


TBH now I will look fondly on Australia cos I have learned so much about myself on the journey and most of all it has made me appreciate the UK. (Oh and it has cured me of my bug phobia). BUt I will say that it took me a LONG time to see the positives with being so down and all.

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As I said once before, sometimes, even as you are thinking how much you hate it here, it's slowly, VERY slowly growing upon you but you don't realize it until you get back to UK.


Then, as you slowly re-adjust to British life, whilst missing OZ, the process repeats itself, hence the 'ping-ponging!'


The other possible problem is going back for a holiday when you are out of the regular 'five days on, two off' routine and everything seems marvellous, particularly if you go back in spring or summer.


'Oh to be in England now that April's here......'

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Great that you have decided, I have the same feelings as you, but can't make the decision due to kids, lack of money and overall being bloody scared as we can't even afford to have a visit back to see how we feel.


Good luck




Good luck Liz. It really is a total bugger of a situation. I empathise completely.:cool:

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I am going home because



I am EXTREMELY lonely

I actually don't appreciate the hot weather at all and for me it is more of a burden


I miss laughing a lot


However, I do not regret my decision to come here in the first place,




I have picked out what rang true with me when I was making the decision to return to Scotland.


Despite making some really good friends, I found myself to be really lonely in Australia - can't really give an explanation for feeling like that !


A stint working within Dermatology put me off the sun all together and I found that I spent more time indoors than out !


I too will never regret anything about Australia - just glad that I had the chance to experience it - warts and all -

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Great that you have decided, I have the same feelings as you, but can't make the decision due to kids, lack of money and overall being bloody scared as we can't even afford to have a visit back to see how we feel.


Good luck





Liz, you're not the only one who unable to make a decision, a lot of others are in a similar situation, including myself.

Sometimes it's just too complicated...

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Liz, you're not the only one who unable to make a decision, a lot of others are in a similar situation, including myself.

Sometimes it's just too complicated...


Yep everyday trying to decide what's best for all of us. Nice to know I'm not alone in this though.




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I too am contemplating a move back home and have a 2 week visit leaving next Thursday. My move to Oz was completely changed when my long term partner ended our 9 year relationship and so its put quite a different spin on things for me but I think the thing I miss the most about home is that feeling of belonging! I just don't get that here and don't know if I ever would!


Good luck to all that are on the move back!




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I'm in a 'funny' (i.e. NOT funny) situation because, although I'm not working, I do (still) have a bit of cash & enough Qantas Frequent Flyer Points, to go any time I feel like it. I guess the problem is that part of me DOES feel like it and part does not! Talk about being wishy washy!


I miss the routine of a job, not just any job though, one that I like and I've only really had that twice, both in England, once in 1978, and again in 2008, and I quit both to come to OZ.


What has changed is that I no longer have a Mum & Dad to welcome me at Heathrow and then mollycoddle me for as long as I liked - i.e. from six weeks to twelve years!


Now it would mean arriving at Heathrow with nobody to meet me, hiring a car or the Nationl Express Bus at Terminal 3? Down to Southampton to find a B & B, no nice home from home to move into. OK, I could move back into my house but I'd need to go through all the rigmarole of furnishing it, finding a job. I don't know if I am up for doing it all again.

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As I said once before, sometimes, even as you are thinking how much you hate it here, it's slowly, VERY slowly growing upon you but you don't realize it until you get back to UK.


Then, as you slowly re-adjust to British life, whilst missing OZ, the process repeats itself, hence the 'ping-ponging!'


The other possible problem is going back for a holiday when you are out of the regular 'five days on, two off' routine and everything seems marvellous, particularly if you go back in spring or summer.


'Oh to be in England now that April's here......'



Quite spot on. I have to agree with you here.

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I am so happy for you, what a great post, have you a date set for your return?Hopefully you will get Christmas with your family and friends.


thanks x:cute:.


Def won't manage Christmas this year but hope to be there for the Great British Summer (if you can call it that).


I am very very happy now.:biggrin:

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