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About chickibabes

  • Birthday 12/09/1981

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    <p>Hi Danielle!!</p>

    <p>Sorry just seen your message... I have bot been on here for weeks. I haven't heard from my registration either, its getting on my nerves as today is the 90 day timeline they give you. I'm so annoyed!! We just moved in our new place in Caulfield. It's really nice and cozy. But still have got no furniture... And 4 days away from Xmas is not funny anymore... No furniture, money, job... God it's like torture!!!</p>

    <p>When did you send your papers to AHPRA? I'm going now to moan again.... For a change, it is what I have been doing lately all the time!!</p>

    <p>Have you got a job? I can't remember what I sent you in the message so I'm rather lost... Haha. Used to live in Manchester, not missing it a bit!!! Awful weather there....!!!</p>

    <p>Good luck with your papers and hope to keep in touch!</p>

    <p>Rafa x</p>


  2. Hi, You are welcome for info, hope it helps and fingers crossed you might get yours without all extra hassle. I originally sent my application at beginning of July this year to Melbourne...kept on calling to see if they had received it as I had been offered and accepted a job offer (was supposed to start 8th Nov!). Anyway, no avail when calling. Noone knew anything, just kept getting told told that 'no news is good news' which is bloody frustrating when you don't even know if they have received it! Anyway, came here on 6th Oct and kept calling as advised to...told not even on the system, and that they weren't even dealing with overseas apps yet as didn't even have a system in place to process them! Then got a letter to say they had taken money. Called again, no info given. AFter numerous calls, then got told was being dealt with by Sydney as Melbourne were too busy to process my app. Finally got through to the case worker in Sydney. She told me that she hadn't received my IELTs cert and NMC good standing paperwork! They had lost them between Melbourne to Sydney! So had to get those sent over again. Also, my documents that I had all certified by a solicitor in the UK were not good enough - had to recopy everything and have it all certified by a JOP here, and they wanted more money! I tried the sob story saying I couldn't start my job and I had no money etc, but the case worker was a bit tough and showed no sympathy! Phew!! A lot of hassle...and stress! Still not started the job but have registration as of this Monday just gone which is a big weight off my shoulders! Thought would never get it! It has only taken 5 months...!!! When did you submit your paperwork and which state are you applying for? Keep in there, I have had days after speaking to the case worker where I have just sobbed and actually thought about telling her where to stick her registration (after she told me that my diploma meant nothing!). When I did my training, 95% of the students were doing a diploma, for the simple faact of being guarenteed a bursary through training! Just persevere with it, and keep me updated! Danielle x
  3. Hi Endotruducing, I have just got my registration, but I had this same issue before I was granted it as I was informed by my case officer in not so many words that a degree wasn't worth the paper it was printed on! I basically sent her certified copies of all my ceertificates of every single study day that I had been on since qualifying. I also typed up an essay of a description of what each study day entailed. I know it sounds like stating the obvious, but my case worker told me that she needed more evidence to show that I was actually competent! Therefore, even for my ILS, I wrote that this was a course aimed at learning how to save someones life in a critical condition, learning how to recognise someone who could be about to arrest etc, and then continuing care post resus.... I did her a 4 page essay on my study days - I just thought that the more info I gave, the better, and less chance of her coming back for more! I don't know really what Project 2000 is, but I had to send a transcript of clinical hours from university as even though I had sent her the one that I got when I graduated, apparently it wasn't good enough. The one sent from uni showed an indepth description of each module completed, and what each student placement entailed, and the number of hours completed for each placement and module. She didn't believe me when I told her that basically I couldn't qualify without completing a set number of hours - both placement and theory. So, I don't know if you have to send one of these, or if you already have but thought I would prepare you just in case they say you need one. I also had to pay uni £25 for them to do this for me. Hope this helps. Good luck! Danielle x

    <p>Hi Clak,</p>

    <p>How are you?</p>

    <p>Thanks for your message - I just logged on last night for the first time in ages, and noticed your message so apologies for the delay in replying!</p>

    <p>Brief update - I am here now! Renting a house in Manor Lakes, still waiting for registration which should hopefully not take too long, but have also been offered a job at the Mercy which is great and I can't wait to start!</p>

    <p>Do you mind me asking where abouts you are living then, and do you still work at the Mercy? My husband and I have both been admitted there since we have been here and both experiences have been wonderful and very positive.</p>

    <p>Do you fancy meeting up for a coffee sometime? I am open to new places as the only place we really know so far for a nice coffee is a shop in the Plaza!</p>

    <p>Once again, sorry for just replying to your message, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.</p>

    <p>Danielle x</p>



    <p>Hi Zeneco,</p>

    <p>I have just come on PIO for a quick nosy and noticed that you had sent me a message...so apologies for the delay in replying!</p>

    <p>My husband and I got here on 6th October and are living at Wyndham Vale. Not started work yet as still not got my registration - long story! Hopefully though, it will be in the next few weeks!</p>

    <p>Am glad we are here, although the odd day is hard when I get thinking about friends and family! </p>

    <p>Whereabouts are you living and how long have you been here?</p>

    <p>I can't believe that it is less than 2 weeks til Christmas...I am struggling to get in the spirit as it doesn't feel anything like Christmas...blame the weather and lack of Xmas songs that usually start in November in the UK!</p>

    <p>Would be nice to hear from you, and again, apologies for the delay! I won't leave it so long til I check here again!</p>

    <p>Danielle x</p>


  6. Hi, Wondered if anyone can help?! I have my permanent visa for Australia, and am looking to make the move in October this year. Just been offered a job at the Alfred, Melbourne but am now looking to register... The whole system has changed since it is now a national registration scheme, and the website is pants, and complicated! They are also not taking any calls at the moment which mean you have to e-mail them and then wait goodness knows how long to get a reply! My queries are: 1. The website and application form for registration says that you have to have the IELTS certificate sent directly from the IELTS board...I however sat my English test in May 2010 and so have my origincal certificate, but need to know if I send a certified copy of it that it won't be returned to me as it isn't the original and/or not from the IELTS board. 2. I also have to have a certificate of good standing or registration status sent from the NMC direct to AHPRA...but how will they know when they get this, that this relates to my application? 3. How long does the whole registration process take? If I am moving there in October, and wanting to start my job November, will I be registered in time, and how do they send my registration to me? I know this seems like I am asking a lot at once, but I am really confused and frustrated with an already tedious task being made even more tedious and difficult! I appreciate any help or feedback on this! Thank you, Danielle xx :arghh:
  7. <p>p.s. they are actively recruiting at the moment and if you recommend someone, you and they, both get $1000 when they start!</p>


    <p>Hi </p>

    <p>I noticed in a reply to a thread that you have mentioned looking at settling in the Point Cook area and being a nurse. I work at the Werribee Mercy Hospital which is 5 minutes from Point Cook. It is small hospital - medical, surgical, pallative care, maternity, special care nursery, mental health and emergency department - but is a really nice place to work and I would recommend it. Let me know if you want more information. </p>



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