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Its the end of the road for us.

mr luvpants

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Guest The Pom Queen

You caught me out John, I thought "oh no, what have they done to you now". Congratulations to you both, I know how much work has been put in to this application and well done Lisa for getting to this stage.

I must admit (for selfish reasons) part of me is sad. Over the last few years you have been a great member of the forum, never a wrong word spoken, very helpful, oh and not forgetting those sexy photos:wink: I am worried that we will loose you as such a great member now you have your visa. We see this happen to so many people that once they arrive they don't return to PIO:cry:

Anyway, that's just me being selfish and really.... well I hope you have a wonderful new life down under.

Big hugs to you both


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You caught me out John, I thought "oh no, what have they done to you now". Congratulations to you both, I know how much work has been put in to this application and well done Lisa for getting to this stage.

I must admit (for selfish reasons) part of me is sad. Over the last few years you have been a great member of the forum, never a wrong word spoken, very helpful, oh and not forgetting those sexy photos I am worried that we will loose you as such a great member now you have your visa. We see this happen to so many people that once they arrive they don't return to PIO:cry:

Anyway, that's just me being selfish and really.... well I hope you have a wonderful new life down under.

Big hugs to you both



Ah, Thanks Kate. But I am not going yet and will help whoever I can. I still have loads of research to do so I aint going anywhere yet.Oh, talking of sexy pics, I dug another couple out for yer. The missus is going to kill me!:cool:





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Guest The Pom Queen
Ah, Thanks Kate. But I am not going yet and will help whoever I can. I still have loads of research to do so I aint going anywhere yet.Oh, talking of sexy pics, I dug another couple out for yer. The missus is going to kill me!:cool:



Oh John thanks for that. I can remember when no one believed those photos were you and Lisa, we thought you had taken it out of a magazine.:biglaugh: You make a wonderful couple and deserve lots of happiness:wubclub:

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Guest guest33730
Oh John thanks for that. I can remember when no one believed those photos were you and Lisa, we thought you had taken it out of a magazine.:biglaugh: You make a wonderful couple and deserve lots of happiness:wubclub:


Ok so that's what you need to do to make it on PIO!!


Here's mine then


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Guest Chinabird



I'm new here today. I come from the same town as mr lurvpants. We ourselves are in the final stage of our migration to Brisbane. We applied for our visa a month before him and got our case officer the day after he did. We have met all requirements with just a piece of medical paperwork to be located.


We started last January with all of the paperwork and are awaiting 176. Nerves are high and we can't sleep. Check emails in the middle of the night.


Congrtaulations to mr lurvepants!! We wish you all the best even though you got your visa before us.

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi John


WELL DONE, JOHN & LISA!!!! :jiggy:


Your first post had me worried, wondering what on earth had gone wrong and why you were suddenly ditchng the visa application process....


Bar steward! You knew that the post would worry everyone on PiO!!!


You must have submitted a "decision ready" application in order to get a visa in such a very short time, so VERY well done there!


Now that you know that you can do this - ie mastermind the application and get the visa - it will give you LOTS of confidence in sorting out Ash's application for her next.


Trust me - it is worse when you act for a close member of the family than when you are dealing with your own affairs. I worried myself stupid about my beloved mother's application for a Contributory Parent visa. Objectively I knew that I had covered every possibility. Subjectively I still worried in case I had missed something vital.


I had sorted out the Balance of Family Test direct with DIAC (which was complicated in our case because Mum has a daughter in Oz, a daughter in the UK and a step-daughter in the UK. Mum's Parent visa application had been rejected in 1993 because all 3 of us were treated as Mum's "children" even though she only gave birth to the two younger ones herself. The DIAC website at the time contained two different fact sheets which contradicted each other about this. If the first fact-sheet applied, Mum would be up sh*t creek without a paddle. If the other fact sheet applied then there would be no problem with the BoF Test. Lady Muck (my half-sister) refused to look at the DIAC website herself - she was convinced that DIAC would put spyware into her PC and watch her every move thereafter for all time. I told her to stop being ridiculous but she can be as stubborn as she is stupid.


I thought, "Right. I'm a lawyer and this law is written in English so it won't be rocket science to read the legislation itself and see what that says. I've no legal qualifications in Aussie law but this can't be that difficult to sort out." The legislation repeated the exact same contradiction as the fact sheets, with no indication about which of the two provisions was supposed to prevail.


I was about to instruct Parish Patience (Aussie Immigration specialist solicitors) in Sydney. I thought we might have to ask the Court in Oz for a Declaration about which way was up, given the clear contradiction. Then I thought, "Hang on. PP are bound to ask you whether you have asked DIAC and if so what DIAC think the law is..."


So I e-mailed DIAC, explaining the facts and showing that the law would produce two different outcomes for Mum depending on which of the provisions is supposed to prevail. The legislation itself provides absolutely no clue and it did not take genius to work out that decisions made by the MRT are not binding. The question has never been tested in Court etc etc..... Where was I supposed to go next?


DIAC replied within 24 hours. They had foreseen Mum's difficulty and apparently their Policy team had ruled that the provision which does not disadvantage the Parent applicant is the one that must be used. That idea is a right camel by way of a "legal solution" but at least it is fair and at least it will do.)


Then I worried about Mum's visa meds because she is physically disabled. Nobody has ever gone into that question more closely than I did but as far as I could see, Mum woulld be OK on her meds as well. I had three different doctors involved with that. We had Mum's GPs in England and in Oz plus the local Panel Doctor in the UK. They all read the medical reports and all agreed that Mum is disabled because her back was physically injured in an accident, not because she is ill. Sure, Mum is in a wheelchair and relies on a walking frame at home but apart from that she is very healthy, they all insisted. A lay person like me does not have a hope of understanding the doctor-to-doctor jargon in the medical reports but the jargon meant something to the 3 doctors.


As far as I could see, Mum's meds would be OK. So I made the visa application and spent the next 9 months panicking in case a gremlin was lurking somewhere but I had not spotted it......


I know that you have been through much the same thing (albeit for different reasons) for much longer than I had to be - you have had to cope with 4 changes to the guts of the provisions by the Minister and the ANMC as well, making the whole thing hugely uncertain and all the more worrying as a result.


I also know because I have been there that you can remain reasonably detached until the visa application is submitted. You can still pull out of the whole thing and just walk away from Australia. You believe / assume that you will be able to maintain this detachmemt after the visa application is made.


I found that you can't. Once the visa application is submitted, it has been submitted because you insisted that the whole thing would work. It is a completely different type of responsibility from sorting out which way is "up." Suddenly the whole family is relying on nothing except your own belief that you were right and that you remain right. They depend on the one who has done the visa work to BE right, not just to hope that s/he is right. They can live with it if you have let them down but it is still an awesome responsibility, as I know only too well.


Afterwards, you wonder why you collected wrinkles, worrying yourself stupid about the whole thing every day. Yhere were no hidden gremlins because you didn't overlook anything. The person concerned isn't completely willing to believe that until the visa is actually granted, though.


However, once you know that you were right, the sense of relief is enormous.


LOADS of people supported me along the way. LOADS. Some days I worried more than others and my fears came bubbling to the surface. Then I wailed at my close friends from the forums because nobody who has not been through this visa nightmare or isn't going through it can ever imagine the sheer hell. "Usual friends" all think that you are fussing and they wonder what on earth makes Australia worth fussing about in the first place, so trying to talk to any of one's "normal" close friends is a complete waste of time. They just assume that you have gone bonkers and they find the whole Aussie visa thing very boring for themselves, I found!


The friends that one makes via the forums are one's real friends whilst the visa application is being planned and then is happening. They are the people who understand why one is having emotional nightmares about the whole thing. They don't hold it against you and they realise that you are not crackers either. The fact that they understand is worth its weight in gold because it reassures you that you are not crazy, I found.


You now have to help Ash, and her application will be more complicated than Lisa's, with new things that you will have to learn as you go along. However you WILL get there. You are careful enough that you spot all the gremlins and if you are like me, you read everything at least 10 times on different days to make absolutely sure that you have interpreted everything correctly and have understood everything properly.


It is easy for me to say, "You'll be fine with Ash, just as you were with Lisa." That is easier said than it is to have to go through the nightmare all over again, I know.


But you WILL be fine and you will have loads of help from your Poms in Oz friends.


Lots of love to you, Lisa and Ash. :hug:




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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi john,


congratulations mate, you are going to have the most fantastic life, you two out of everyone on PIO are the most upbeat and positve about emigrating to Australia and i am sure it will be the dream move you are looking for, all the best,



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Bloody hell! I even got a nice comment of Aldo! (only joking mate:biggrin:)


We promised some good friends that we would not go till they were married which is the 18th December. We will not have the time and money to come back so we will stay till then. We also have quite a lot planned with friends this year as well and we don't want to let them down. Lisa has also changed wards so that she will be more employable as her last ward was too specialised.


Flights are booked for Xmas day at 1805. Cathay Pacific to HK, 2 nights there and then partay time!



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