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Hi Guys and gals

Not posted for a long while. We were hoping for a 2nd vac request before end of june so we could pay at the 1.54ish rate. No joy though, only more questions about wifes disabilities and her ability for independant living. Now hoping that they take about 3-6 months to sort it out and hopefully the exchange rate has lifted so our meager funds will meet the cost.

I really feel for all those people that have had to withdraw so creating a shorter waiting time for those applying. I fear we may be joining the withdrawns as the exchange rate has just about killed it for us.

First, our house is only modest and although paid for will still not give sufficient funds to buy even the cheapest standard house in Perth.

Second the cost of everything will wipe out our savings, we had hoped to keep about half when we first started.

Third, and biggest kick in the teeth, if we withdraw for say 2 yrs, AND the exchange rate rises to about 2.10, with the increase in the visa charge and best guess of another 15% over the next two years, it will cost just the same as going now.

To those with sufficient funds to buy houses at a reduced A$475,000, and those with funds to cover the 2nd vac charge the very best of luck. You are truly the lucky ones but please dont forget the less well off that have had to give up the dream because of very greedy self centred *ankers that really should be in prison.

Sorry rant over, Put whatever letter you wish in place of the star.

The only smiie I would use here would be one committing suicide so I have declined to add.

Will comntinue to post help because I have learned a lot on this journey, just wish I could finish blogging from Oz.

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So sorry things have not worked out for you as planned. I really feel for you, you must be so disappointed. Keep that dream alive - it may still happen.


We are going with a lot less than we originally hoped for but even with a much reduced amount of dosh to play with, being near our family makes any struggle worthwhile.


When we started to dream the £1 bought nearly $2.40 and we could have afforded a lovely house (maybe with pool) and still have plenty of savings to keep us but now we'll be lucky to afford a small courtyard home and may have to consider working part time if the value of our pensions plummet further.


We still think its worth it though! I don't think we would be much better off staying in the UK with the way things are going.

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Hi Guys and gals

Not posted for a long while. We were hoping for a 2nd vac request before end of june so we could pay at the 1.54ish rate. No joy though, only more questions about wifes disabilities and her ability for independant living. Now hoping that they take about 3-6 months to sort it out and hopefully the exchange rate has lifted so our meager funds will meet the cost.

I really feel for all those people that have had to withdraw so creating a shorter waiting time for those applying. I fear we may be joining the withdrawns as the exchange rate has just about killed it for us.

First, our house is only modest and although paid for will still not give sufficient funds to buy even the cheapest standard house in Perth.

Second the cost of everything will wipe out our savings, we had hoped to keep about half when we first started.

Third, and biggest kick in the teeth, if we withdraw for say 2 yrs, AND the exchange rate rises to about 2.10, with the increase in the visa charge and best guess of another 15% over the next two years, it will cost just the same as going now.

To those with sufficient funds to buy houses at a reduced A$475,000, and those with funds to cover the 2nd vac charge the very best of luck. You are truly the lucky ones but please dont forget the less well off that have had to give up the dream because of very greedy self centred *ankers that really should be in prison.

Sorry rant over, Put whatever letter you wish in place of the star.

The only smiie I would use here would be one committing suicide so I have declined to add.

Will comntinue to post help because I have learned a lot on this journey, just wish I could finish blogging from Oz.

Pete and Marg

My heart goes out to you both

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Hi Guys and gals

Not posted for a long while. We were hoping for a 2nd vac request before end of june so we could pay at the 1.54ish rate. No joy though, only more questions about wifes disabilities and her ability for independant living. Now hoping that they take about 3-6 months to sort it out and hopefully the exchange rate has lifted so our meager funds will meet the cost.

I really feel for all those people that have had to withdraw so creating a shorter waiting time for those applying. I fear we may be joining the withdrawns as the exchange rate has just about killed it for us.

First, our house is only modest and although paid for will still not give sufficient funds to buy even the cheapest standard house in Perth.

Second the cost of everything will wipe out our savings, we had hoped to keep about half when we first started.

Third, and biggest kick in the teeth, if we withdraw for say 2 yrs, AND the exchange rate rises to about 2.10, with the increase in the visa charge and best guess of another 15% over the next two years, it will cost just the same as going now.

To those with sufficient funds to buy houses at a reduced A$475,000, and those with funds to cover the 2nd vac charge the very best of luck. You are truly the lucky ones but please dont forget the less well off that have had to give up the dream because of very greedy self centred *ankers that really should be in prison.

Sorry rant over, Put whatever letter you wish in place of the star.

The only smiie I would use here would be one committing suicide so I have declined to add.

Will comntinue to post help because I have learned a lot on this journey, just wish I could finish blogging from Oz.



I feel your pain....we are in the same boat :cry:



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Hi Guys and gals

Not posted for a long while. We were hoping for a 2nd vac request before end of june so we could pay at the 1.54ish rate. No joy though, only more questions about wifes disabilities and her ability for independant living. Now hoping that they take about 3-6 months to sort it out and hopefully the exchange rate has lifted so our meager funds will meet the cost.

I really feel for all those people that have had to withdraw so creating a shorter waiting time for those applying. I fear we may be joining the withdrawns as the exchange rate has just about killed it for us.

First, our house is only modest and although paid for will still not give sufficient funds to buy even the cheapest standard house in Perth.

Second the cost of everything will wipe out our savings, we had hoped to keep about half when we first started.

Third, and biggest kick in the teeth, if we withdraw for say 2 yrs, AND the exchange rate rises to about 2.10, with the increase in the visa charge and best guess of another 15% over the next two years, it will cost just the same as going now.

To those with sufficient funds to buy houses at a reduced A$475,000, and those with funds to cover the 2nd vac charge the very best of luck. You are truly the lucky ones but please dont forget the less well off that have had to give up the dream because of very greedy self centred *ankers that really should be in prison.

Sorry rant over, Put whatever letter you wish in place of the star.

The only smiie I would use here would be one committing suicide so I have declined to add.

Will comntinue to post help because I have learned a lot on this journey, just wish I could finish blogging from Oz.

You dont have to buy, bank the cash at 6% and rent,or leave most of it here and still rent,Im sure you could find some type of small job to help,we are all in the same boat the rate was 2.4 when we started out on the journey but hey ho ###t happens,keep going.


cheers Mike.

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Hey Pete and Marg


Get an exciting, or slightly exciting Plan B.


We got our visas when the rate was sensible. So we have two expensive visas that we now have to use. Since shelling out the exchange rate has moved against us and has meant that there is no prospect of actually settling in Australia until both house prices and the dollar return to sensible levels. That may never happen.


Had the rate been 1.5 when were were asked for the 2nd VAC we would have quietly withdrawn and come up with a Plan B. I expect this would have involved long holidays in Australia as and when we could have afforded it. But there has to be a point when the alternatives are more attractive than sticking rigidly to something that's not going to make you happy in the long term.


I really hope you can find a way through, but in the meantime you've got a lot of support on this forum.


Best wishes



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You dont have to buy, bank the cash at 6% and rent,or leave most of it here and still rent,Im sure you could find some type of small job to help,we are all in the same boat the rate was 2.4 when we started out on the journey but hey ho ###t happens,keep going.


cheers Mike.


Although we're doing it, there are lots of people who dislike renting; for very good reasons. When you've always owned your own place, however small, you're not at risk of having it sold out from under you, periodic rent inspections etc.

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Hey Pete and Marg


Get an exciting, or slightly exciting Plan B.


We got our visas when the rate was sensible. So we have two expensive visas that we now have to use. Since shelling out the exchange rate has moved against us and has meant that there is no prospect of actually settling in Australia until both house prices and the dollar return to sensible levels. That may never happen.


Had the rate been 1.5 when were were asked for the 2nd VAC we would have quietly withdrawn and come up with a Plan B. I expect this would have involved long holidays in Australia as and when we could have afforded it. But there has to be a point when the alternatives are more attractive than sticking rigidly to something that's not going to make you happy in the long term.


I really hope you can find a way through, but in the meantime you've got a lot of support on this forum.


Best wishes




Here, here! Mike and Sue

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Although we're doing it, there are lots of people who dislike renting; for very good reasons. When you've always owned your own place, however small, you're not at risk of having it sold out from under you, periodic rent inspections etc.

There are a lot of people who dislike a lot of things but if it is a means to an end then at least consider it,we are all heading for a totally life changing experience so we need to be somewhat flexible in both our views and plans.

Lots of things change aswe sail through life and we have got to adapt things to cope with them not throw the towel in at the first obstacle.


Cheers and good luck with your plans



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There are a lot of people who dislike a lot of things but if it is a means to an end then at least consider it,we are all heading for a totally life changing experience so we need to be somewhat flexible in both our views and plans.

Lots of things change aswe sail through life and we have got to adapt things to cope with them not throw the towel in at the first obstacle.


Cheers and good luck with your plans




I feel real sympathy for Pete and Marg, and Phoebe too, and along with everyone posting here,have had to change my plans over the last 3 years. I too will be renting not buying, at least for a year or so, and I will have to work part time. However there are advantages in both of these-I will meet more people and will be able to take time to decide where I really want to live etc.


For me though, the advantages of being close to the family and living in a great place like Sydney outweigh the financial pain...lets just hope someone wants to employ me!



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I feel real sympathy for Pete and Marg, and Phoebe too, and along with everyone posting here,have had to change my plans over the last 3 years. I too will be renting not buying, at least for a year or so, and I will have to work part time. However there are advantages in both of these-I will meet more people and will be able to take time to decide where I really want to live etc.


For me though, the advantages of being close to the family and living in a great place like Sydney outweigh the financial pain...lets just hope someone wants to employ me!



If you go into the job market in Australia with the atitude you have you will soon get a job and do well remember" the glass is half full," employer are looking for people who not only want to work but need to work,and believe it or not some folks still respect the British work ethic.


good luck Fiz.



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Hi Guys and gals

Not posted for a long while. We were hoping for a 2nd vac request before end of june so we could pay at the 1.54ish rate. No joy though, only more questions about wifes disabilities and her ability for independant living. Now hoping that they take about 3-6 months to sort it out and hopefully the exchange rate has lifted so our meager funds will meet the cost. ...........



Hi Pete & Marg


I know it must seem as if everyone posting here is comfortably off and looking forward to starting a new life in a new home in a new country but that is just not how it is for everyone. I know there are others like us who when we started out on this journey had great plans. We always knew that we didn't have enough to buy a house outright and had enquired about a small short term mortgage to top up our capital. Well that was when we made our plans at 2.2, worst case scenario. What a joke that turned out to be. So now we are here and we are having to rent and no, I don't like it one bit, for all the reasons given before. I gnash my teeth about it frequently as do others around us but we are here and enjoying our new life and being so close to our family. We have found some super new friends through PIPS. Please don't despair, if you are able to get the visa I would go for it. Don't lose sight of the reasons you filled in that form in the first place.


Good luck


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Hi Pete & Marg


I know it must seem as if everyone posting here is comfortably off and looking forward to starting a new life in a new home in a new country but that is just not how it is for everyone. I know there are others like us who when we started out on this journey had great plans. We always knew that we didn't have enough to buy a house outright and had enquired about a small short term mortgage to top up our capital. Well that was when we made our plans at 2.2, worst case scenario. What a joke that turned out to be. So now we are here and we are having to rent and no, I don't like it one bit, for all the reasons given before. I gnash my teeth about it frequently as do others around us but we are here and enjoying our new life and being so close to our family. We have found some super new friends through PIPS. Please don't despair, if you are able to get the visa I would go for it. Don't lose sight of the reasons you filled in that form in the first place.


Good luck



Hear, hear, Cath, you couldn't have put it better, we are exactly the same, even to the point of taking a hit on the sale of our property here in UK, but despite all the money problems, it will all be worth it to join up with our family in Busselton, nr Perth in August, and join you and the other PIPS for a well earned drink, or two!!!

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Today after reading all the upset...struggles of everyone...really unnerved me...what are we doing....there was i telling everyone ..oh I would live in a shed if I can be near my family...but today ....oh I have sobbed...not for the first time in this process and I dont expect the last...

We had my husbands gratuity after 38 years in the RAF..,we have sold our house...but for alot less than what it was worth a couple of years ago..we are due within the next couple of weeks to pay for our 173 leave for Melbourne on the 15 th August...if we stay here...we can have a nice home ...holidays...but no family...well not our only child and our two grandchildren...I have today sobbed ...are we doing the right thing...will I be happy to rent for the rest of our lives...our house will NOT buy us a house in OZ ...but we will have the money to invest to pay rent...to say Im scared is to say the least...we have lived in lots of rented housing...but that was RAF...safe...no checks until you moved...we are trying to work out all options...perhaps our daughter and son inlaw could buy ...for us to rent...perhaps we could find a very small plot of land and afford a small new build..then we dont have the crippling stamp duty in Victoria...we will have around $400.000 absolute tops...leaving us with NOTHING...so along with my family here being upset that im leaving...today has all been just a bit too much...but i know we are in the same boat as lots of you on here...i know i can come and talk about these feelings ..of being scared...of are we doing the right thing...and i know if we all just keep paddling...we will all get there...and see our grndchildren grow up...not just be a face at the end of a web camera...so i will continue to house hunt...both to buy and to rent...to fill my head 24/7 with this whole process and know soon i will be there and hearing and feeling my grndchildren and knowing i can see them any day i want...some days are alot harder than others ...we can get there with places like this to share to give and receive support...thanks everyone for being there for me x

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Today after reading all the upset...struggles of everyone...really unnerved me...what are we doing....there was i telling everyone ..oh I would live in a shed if I can be near my family...but today ....oh I have sobbed...not for the first time in this process and I dont expect the last...

We had my husbands gratuity after 38 years in the RAF..,we have sold our house...but for alot less than what it was worth a couple of years ago..we are due within the next couple of weeks to pay for our 173 leave for Melbourne on the 15 th August...if we stay here...we can have a nice home ...holidays...but no family...well not our only child and our two grandchildren...I have today sobbed ...are we doing the right thing...will I be happy to rent for the rest of our lives...our house will NOT buy us a house in OZ ...but we will have the money to invest to pay rent...to say Im scared is to say the least...we have lived in lots of rented housing...but that was RAF...safe...no checks until you moved...we are trying to work out all options...perhaps our daughter and son inlaw could buy ...for us to rent...perhaps we could find a very small plot of land and afford a small new build..then we dont have the crippling stamp duty in Victoria...we will have around $400.000 absolute tops...leaving us with NOTHING...so along with my family here being upset that im leaving...today has all been just a bit too much...but i know we are in the same boat as lots of you on here...i know i can come and talk about these feelings ..of being scared...of are we doing the right thing...and i know if we all just keep paddling...we will all get there...and see our grndchildren grow up...not just be a face at the end of a web camera...so i will continue to house hunt...both to buy and to rent...to fill my head 24/7 with this whole process and know soon i will be there and hearing and feeling my grndchildren and knowing i can see them any day i want...some days are alot harder than others ...we can get there with places like this to share to give and receive support...thanks everyone for being there for me x

Well said good luck and god bless.





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perhaps we could find a very small plot of land and afford a small new build..then we dont have the crippling stamp duty in Victoria...we will have around $400.000 absolute tops...leaving us with NOTHING...



When we were in Oz in April/May/June we made appointments to see 'self build' companies, we were very impressed with one in particular....a 2 bed 'granny flat' was around $55,000, ok fairly basic but everything you needed and it can always be 'added' to to personalise it. If you don't have the knowledge to build yourself there are companies who will build it for you for around $35,000 worst case senario the price would almost double so you could have a house for under $100,000 :yes: of course you would have to also buy a small plot of land to put it on but with around $400,000 it is do-able......it's just another alternative one I feel is worth looking at if you feel you are facing renting for the rest of your life......and something to focus your mind.......good luck with it all :wink:



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Hi I Know How you feel, as I felt exactly the same way. We are now in sydney and it has been the best decision we have ever made. we thought we would be better off in the uk, but wanted to be with our family. We have less money than you and we are managing very well. we are renting at the moment. It is a one bedroom flat, fully furnished, has a swimming pool and is close to both our daughters we are paying $380 per week this is considered a good area. Our plan is to buy a house with a granny flat with one of our daughters, they can easily pay the mortgage but do not have the savings for the deposit. This is where we come in, we will have our own space. We are not working but our daughters pay us for child care. We also get paid to babysit their friend children. we are also Mystery Shoppers which gives us extra money. We love being with our girls and our grandchildren, and we are having the time of our life. Love love Sydney. Please believe me you are making the right decision. Nothing is more important than being with our kids. Good luck and follow your dream.x

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I don't know if this helps anyone, but here in WA as permanent residents, and a first time buyer I believe you do not have to pay stamp duty and also get the first time homebuyers allowance (about $7,000) I believe. We too are agonising about what to do. Our money is still in the UK. We have looked at buying/building new and also establised houses but we think they are all highly overpriced and are thinking of renting for a while. I think house prices here will need to fall quite a bit. We have been told by various agents in the houses we looked at that it's a buyer's market at the moment.

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I don't know if this helps anyone, but here in WA as permanent residents, and a first time buyer I believe you do not have to pay stamp duty and also get the first time homebuyers allowance (about $7,000) I believe. We too are agonising about what to do. Our money is still in the UK. We have looked at buying/building new and also establised houses but we think they are all highly overpriced and are thinking of renting for a while. I think house prices here will need to fall quite a bit. We have been told by various agents in the houses we looked at that it's a buyer's market at the moment.


Queensland is changing it's rules for the first time buyer allowance to make it only available to a first time buyer anywhere in the world and not just in the state of Qld (as it was).


At the same time it will raise stamp duty for anyone else buying to fund this grant from 01/08/11 :sad:


Just to be clear, if you have bought a house in the UK prior to moving to QLD (like us) you will not get the first time buyer allowance.

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Queensland is changing it's rules for the first time buyer allowance to make it only available to a first time buyer anywhere in the world and not just in the state of Qld (as it was).


At the same time it will raise stamp duty for anyone else buying to fund this grant from 01/08/11 :sad:


In NSW we were eligible for the $7000 first time buyers allowance.


The stamp duty is on a sliding scale....you pay nothing for a house around $500,000 up to the maximum stamp duty once you reach $600,000.



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G'Day all


We're saying this in a subdued way, as we are acutely aware that others on the thread are not in such a happy situation, but we have just received the (now not-so-long awaited) email/letter confirming the grant of our 173 visas. The timing is just 5 days short of 13 months from the date of acknowledgement of our application.


Our only daughter in Sydney is urging us to get on a plane ASAP in order to validate the 173s so that we can upgrade to 143s – which we think will take a few months. Of course, the financial situation and exchange rate makes things much tighter than they might have been, but we are in the fortunate situation of being able to afford this and the follow-up 143s – albeit with some serious belt-tightening. We chose this route to spread the costs – but of course the end result will be to pay out more in total!


As some may know, we have had some medical worries (Mike's prostate cancer operation three years ago, following a heart scare – itself now known to have been fairly minor) but it should give heart to others in this situation, as it shows that with meticulous preparation, detailed reports from consultants – and a generous pinch of good luck – you can get through this. Deep thanks are due to the sadly missed (from this site) Gollywobbler for her enormous help and advice on this.


The very best of luck to all those who follow and worry.


Sue and Mike

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Congratulations....can you tell me why now upgrade...pay extra fees...if the next payment is invested ..wont it cover any increase...i didnt think thier were any added benifits with the 143 ...once again congratulations


G'Day and thanks


Well, we of course have two years in which to start the 143 upgrade process, but just in case there should be any more medical hiccups – not likely, I'm told, but fingers crossed! – it seems like a good idea to get a move on! (At least it should stop nagging from our daughter!!)


Also (and others may be able to confirm) I think the fees are increasing faster than inflation and any return from current interest rates.



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G'Day and thanks


Well, we of course have two years in which to start the 143 upgrade process, but just in case there should be any more medical hiccups – not likely, I'm told, but fingers crossed! – it seems like a good idea to get a move on! (At least it should stop nagging from our daughter!!)


Also (and others may be able to confirm) I think the fees are increasing faster than inflation and any return from current interest rates.



Are the fees not fixed at the date of the 173 or do they increase ???


cheers Mike.

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