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What a difference a week can make. Immi asks us can we pay and leave immediately. We clear our bank account paying 2nd vacs and flights to NZ last night and today we are estactic to say all 3 of us were granted. We are soooooo happy Kim


Dear Kim,

Congrats and all the very best to the 3 of you. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement given by you to all the forum members, and especially MY 173 visa issues:jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:.



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Thanks everybody for your support - my son and SOH in their new oz shirts and us celebrating on hot tub beach with champers. Back HOME now and our new life is certain now. Happiness all round. Will be watching out for those following us and it's WORTH the stress Kim image.jpg




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Thanks everybody for your support - my son and SOH in their new oz shirts and us celebrating on hot tub beach with champers. Back HOME now and our new life is certain now. Happiness all round. Will be watching out for those following us and it's WORTH the stress Kim [ATTACH=CONFIG]33752[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33753[/ATTACH]


Looking SO good!:smile:

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What a difference a week can make. Immi asks us can we pay and leave immediately. We clear our bank account paying 2nd vacs and flights to NZ last night and today we are estactic to say all 3 of us were granted. We are soooooo happy Kim


Congratulations Kim and family - fantastic news :jiggy:

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Hi Everyone, posting this on behalf of my parents as they aren't tech savvy :-)


Me and my husband emigrated 4 years ago and found connecting with people slightly ahead of us in a thread and helping those slightly behind us really beneficial.


For that reason I am starting this thread for people that may have submitted there offshore 143 visa prior to June 2016 and those that are about to.


Tip: Use your signature to update your progress dates so we all know lead times on every step:-)


My mum is 58 and my dad 62 so still great ages to enjoy the wonderful scenery and weather WA provides us!


Have a wonderful week everyone and please introduce yourselves :-)

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What a difference a week can make. Immi asks us can we pay and leave immediately. We clear our bank account paying 2nd vacs and flights to NZ last night and today we are estactic to say all 3 of us were granted. We are soooooo happy Kim


Huge congratulations Skeelsy!! Can't wait to be hot on your heels! :cute:

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Hi we submitted our 143 on 2nd June 2015 I noticed your location as secret harbour which isn't far from my daughter who is in Halls Head would be nice to keep in touch as hopefully we can pass on I for to your Mum & Dad and hopefully get to meet up fingers crossed in the future have a good week

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Hi K8kte and Hodgey58

There is already an Contributory Parent Visa thread on this site, that is very well used, for the purposes you talk about.


Please see:




I would suggest that you have a look on here, there are lots of us on there, all cheering each other on :smile:

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Market rate is 1.78 dollars to the pound.....expect less online or in the High Street.

Hopefully it'll go back up a bit. I know it's taken a hit because of the referendum result but it's been very up and down for a long time now, regardless of the referendum, so keep your fingers crossed. I don't think I'll get a visa before December, so I'm not going to start worrying at this stage.

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Hopefully it'll go back up a bit. I know it's taken a hit because of the referendum result but it's been very up and down for a long time now, regardless of the referendum, so keep your fingers crossed. I don't think I'll get a visa before December, so I'm not going to start worrying at this stage.


It certainly isn't good news, however when we applied it was around 1.5 AUD to £. We would far rather it be higher, but hopefully it won't sink as low as 1.5 again and will recover over the next few months. Fingers crossed.

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It certainly isn't good news, however when we applied it was around 1.5 AUD to £. We would far rather it be higher, but hopefully it won't sink as low as 1.5 again and will recover over the next few months. Fingers crossed.



Yes the the timing is awful isn't it? We were very lucky to get our visa money at two dollars to the pound, and glad we got it sorted in April. The brexit vote has come as such a shock, I was sure we would be staying in. We had planned to spend this year sorting ourselves out here in Wales and put our house on the market in Spring, hopefully moving out towards the end of summer 2017. Now we have the gloomy possibility of not being able to sell our house and are having a serious attack of the coulda woulda shouldas. - Fingers crossed it's not all as bad as it looks.

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Yep I've seen that one but they go back a way looking for recent posts


Hello K8kte and Hodgey58

I am on the thread that Val Tibenham talks of.

I have used it a couple of times and find it very useful reading others questions and answers.

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And there was me thinking I will have so much more time now I am not visa-bound anymore - now bogged down with private health insurance options, super decisions, to salary sacrifice or not salary sacrifice, tax allowable deductions/offsets???? TFN set up and list goes over several pages plus down on uk income by 10%. However, being close to these two gorgeous grandchildren makes it all worth while. image.jpg




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