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Ditch the Australian Flag or not ??


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I would vote in favour of a new flag. I think it would be good for Australia to have their own flag without the union jack in it.


I sometimes get the aussie and nz flags mixed up as they are very similar. Even though Australia is a commonwealth country, it has no more ties to the old mother land than any other country.


Canada is a commonwealth country as well, yet their flag is their own (maple leaf), no signs of union jack on that one.




just my opion !!

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I would love the Aussies to have their own flag but i don't think they are ready to cut the apron strings yet. The northern cross seems popular but the limp wristed liberals will bleat about it being associated with white supremacists bla bla bla so if it does change it will probably be something like the Abo' flag with maybe a rainbow and some emblem depicting its achievements (maybe a rotary washing line):wink:



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Guest guest30038

According to polls (tonight's news stated), the vast majority are happy with the flag as it is. The folk that were interviewed stated that the flag as it is, is what they feel signifies their identity and the average "joe blow" didn't associate (think too much about) the Union Jack part as resembling colonialism or ties to the UK.



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Our Flag wears the stars that blaze at night,

In our Southern skies of blue,

And a little old flag in the corner,

That’s part of our heritage too.


It’s for the English, the Scots and the Irish,

Who were sent to the ends of the earth,

The rogues and schemers, the doers and dreamers,

Who gave modern Australia its birth.


And you, who are shouting to change it,

You don’t seem to understand,

It’s the flag of our laws and our language,

Not the flag of a faraway land.


Though there are plenty of people who'll tell you,

How when Europe was plunged into night,

That little old flag in the corner,

Was their symbol of freedom and light.

It doesn’t mean we owe allegiance,

To a forgotten imperial dream,

We’ve the stars to show where we’re going,

And the old flag to show where we’ve been.

It’s only an old piece of bunting,

It’s only an old piece of rag,

But there are thousands who’ve died for its honour,

And shed of their blood for OUR FLAG.

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on the 7pm project they showed a 'mock up' flag with the Union Jack being replaced by the aborigional flag .... have to say it looked pretty good.


They pull the same one out every year. If they are going to ditch the union jack it shouldn't be replaced with someone elses flag in the corner.

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Guest themikey
on the 7pm project they showed a 'mock up' flag with the Union Jack being replaced by the aborigional flag .... have to say it looked pretty good.

Maybe just the word "sorry" instead of the flag......

and after speaking to some Australians about it, I don't think it is going to happen anytime soon!

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Guest wanderer

I don't know about most Australians but for me there's nothing worse than the likes of the Ray Martins of the country with nothing better to do with their time whinging about our flag or whether we should be a republic and have Waltzing Matilda as a national anthem.


The Flag is the Australian flag and has been since federation of the states.

It'll not make an iota of difference to the country other than a heap of $$$$$ being wasted to be a republic and Waltzing Matilda may be a nice folksy song but we have quite a reasonable one as a national anthem and sung right with gusto it's a great one, even as GSTQ was too.


I'm not a monarchist either but why blow $$$$ on something that does not need it when there are people without timely access to good medical care for instance.


Krudd and his kronies are masters at drumming up what they would hope will hit the heart strings while the country flounders under his leadership.


If Ray don't like Australia or our symbols he could always emigrate.

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As Australia does not have a diverse media (more a medium), and Rudd being John Howard light, one maybe surprised at the number of seemingly conservative Australians who question the relevance of the flag, they are not Irish background either.


Personally I am more concerned at the rabid American style flag waving that goes on, or like one observes in less confident developing countries, but like the republic issue, may not change soon (although rumours if Labor gets in again next election it will be on the table again).


But republicans etc. are a bit pessimistic, see this article, with comments:

Flag-wavers, politicians and jingoism push a republic further away. AUSTRALIA should become a republic. But it won't for a very long time, if ever. There's a better than even chance that the change won't come during the lifetime of any Australian alive today.

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Guest wanderer
Personally I am more concerned at the rabid American style flag waving that goes on

That's a huge huge problem once a year for what is quite likely a fraction of the community but nothing wrong in wanting to recognise your countries flag and show it.


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The flag waving is just a trend that has merged in the last 10 years. I think the big majority is just people in their 20's (and the odd older wally) who seem to think it is a cool thing to do and all jump on the bandwagon. They all wear santa hats to the pub at xmas too but I don't think they believe in santa claus. Prior to this it was seen by most australians as jingoistic to be overly flag waving and I think most still feel this way - hopefully the gen y's will move onto some other fad soon. It didn't help that the newspaper gave thousands of those little car flags away for free. So bloody annoying.


On another note I have seen some diggers interviewed on the flag issue and some said they didn't fight for the Australian flag - they fought for Australia - and said that quite a few didn't like it - just as they don't now. I think it is a furphy to assume people then were all one minded - they weren't then and they aren't now - healthy debate has always been a good thing.


I believe the current flag and not being a republic portays Australia as the colony she no longer is - have had a few SE Asians say they assume Australia is still a colony - one even said that the editorial in their main paper stated that Australia can't become a republic as Britain will then no longer send us money :arghh: This perception harms our reputation as a modern independent nation worth investing in.


It is also very generic, easy to mis-identity, hard to relate any specific Australian qualities about it from a non Australians point of view. Would love us to have a great flag to pass down to future generations just like the UK, US, Canada etc have. Flags and symbols do get changed for the better sometimes by many nations - it is not impossible to do.

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Guest wanderer

I suppose there's all sorts of stories we can make up about the flag but what it symbolises has some place for many.

The Australian Flag

. link to moden era settlement

. federation, the states and territories

. the southern cross is not only something of a connection re where Australia is but also a symbol of an important part of Australias history and development.

Eureka Stockade - Australia's Culture Portal


As to fighting, most of our armed services people with the exception of the PNG/Pacific/singapore theatre of ww2 have not actually been fighting for our country but representing it in other theatres of war in distant locations, thousands having given their life for good causes and the flag is the country that were a long way from, representing it with pride.


It makes me laugh which is better than crying about the ignorance of some people and surely it is an open opportunity to give them a present of a reference to some Australian History sites.


They may even discover that it is not too likely to counter a kangaroo in Sydney's or Melbournes main streets.


Australia for many decades has been a substantial international trading nation, particularly with Asian countries and I suppose you can pity ignorant souls and those that may have something of an inferiority complex on where they live or how they feel some may think of it.


In all my travels I've never yet come across anyone who has questioned Australia as being anything else other than Australia or perhaps the land of vegemite sandwiches downunder .

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My only issue with Aussie flag is that it has been used too much by racist bogans in gang colours and hence these days its become more of a symbol of racism.


Its the same flag from white australia days and used heavily by racist tools during Cronulla riots.


Hence it makes sense to ditch it and adopt the Aboriginal flag.


That will have a positive impact in our society in many ways. Its the best way to bring national reconciliation with aboriginals who are at always unease with Aussie flag, and allows us to rightly acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands.

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Guest wanderer
My only issue with Aussie flag is that it has been used too much by racist bogans in gang colours and hence these days its become more of a symbol of racism.


Its the same flag from white australia days and used heavily by racist tools during Cronulla riots.


Hence it makes sense to ditch it and adopt the Aboriginal flag.


That will have a positive impact in our society in many ways. Its the best way to bring national reconciliation with aboriginals who are at always unease with Aussie flag, and allows us to rightly acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands.


Do you not think you could have racists about no matter what flag we had and whether or not they were Bogans.


The white Australia immigration policy days were but a phase in political life and yet it would also be interesting to see immigration figures from those years.


Was Cronulla about racism or an attack that had be made on another of Australia's icons, our Surf Life Savers and beach girls in Bikinis.

Granted, there were fools involved, before, during and after and not all waving an Australian flag.

If it was heavily racist, I'd suspect we would have seen quite a bit more of like activity since.


And so then you can use some commonsense on what you want to do, or don't worry be happy while others do.


As to traditional owners of Australia or the planet for that matter, how far do you want to go back to establish ownership?

The next Ice Age will have the planet back a bit like it was 120,000 years ago and a lot of intercontinental walking possible and only armies to likely stop it, that also just being a worse version of stone age specimens taking by force.


Yep, at some stage, some black fellas were bumping off other black fellas to decide who ought to be where and then the Ice started melting and paddling dug outs too far was a bit too hard to go fighting.

Kind of like the Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Hannibal, Gengis Khan etc. etc.


Now this country whose flag some indigenous people may be uncomfortable with are only too happy to be conciliatory enough to use tinnies with outboards and get all manner of other benefits.

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Do you not think you could have racists about no matter what flag we had and whether or not they were Bogans.


The white Australia immigration policy days were but a phase in political life and yet it would also be interesting to see immigration figures from those years.


Was Cronulla about racism or an attack that had be made on another of Australia's icons, our Surf Life Savers and beach girls in Bikinis.

Granted, there were fools involved, before, during and after and not all waving an Australian flag.

If it was heavily racist, I'd suspect we would have seen quite a bit more of like activity since.


And so then you can use some commonsense on what you want to do, or don't worry be happy while others do.


As to traditional owners of Australia or the planet for that matter, how far do you want to go back to establish ownership?

The next Ice Age will have the planet back a bit like it was 120,000 years ago and a lot of intercontinental walking possible and only armies to likely stop it, that also just being a worse version of stone age specimens taking by force.


Yep, at some stage, some black fellas were bumping off other black fellas to decide who ought to be where and then the Ice started melting and paddling dug outs too far was a bit too hard to go fighting.

Kind of like the Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Hannibal, Gengis Khan etc. etc.


Now this country whose flag some indigenous people may be uncomfortable with are only too happy to be conciliatory enough to use tinnies with outboards and get all manner of other benefits.


I got no issues with Aussie flag but you cant deny the fact that it has been used in bad light many instances which makes many people have issues with it.



As for to establish Australia's ownership, you dont have to wade back to ice age for that. 400 years should suffice. Everyone knows the history and its not as complex as Israels where the land could have been belonged to anyone Jews, Arabs, Babylonians and what not hence the conflict there is so hard to solve coz everyone has their version of land's history.


On that note yeah, changing flag wouldn't fix aboriginals day to day issues for which they are solely to blame no doubt.

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I suppose there's all sorts of stories we can make up about the flag but what it symbolises has some place for many.

The Australian Flag

. link to moden era settlement

. federation, the states and territories

. the southern cross is not only something of a connection re where Australia is but also a symbol of an important part of Australias history and development.

Eureka Stockade - Australia's Culture Portal



"We" know these things but I think they are vaguely displayed and could be better represented in a new flag.


As to fighting, most of our armed services people with the exception of the PNG/Pacific/singapore theatre of ww2 have not actually been fighting for our country but representing it in other theatres of war in distant locations, thousands having given their life for good causes and the flag is the country that were a long way from, representing it with pride.



Some liked the flag, some didn't - just like now. We still send soldiers overseas and they still have varying opinions about it - if the minute a soldier died under a flag it was frozen static most of the great flags might not exist.


It makes me laugh which is better than crying about the ignorance of some people and surely it is an open opportunity to give them a present of a reference to some Australian History sites.


They may even discover that it is not too likely to counter a kangaroo in Sydney's or Melbournes main streets.



I would rather a strong flag that displayed our message rather than a flag that needs a cheat sheet handed out with it. :)


Australia for many decades has been a substantial international trading nation, particularly with Asian countries and I suppose you can pity ignorant souls and those that may have something of an inferiority complex on where they live or how they feel some may think of it.



Thanks for the pity :wink: IMO the messages we send out to the world can lead to real outcome differences for us as a nation - it's been proven - marketing makes a substantive difference and is not just about posturing.


In all my travels I've never yet come across anyone who has questioned Australia as being anything else other than Australia or perhaps the land of vegemite sandwiches downunder .


Let me take an Australian and Kiwi flag to the streets of the US and Asia and then I'll get back to you with the results. :twitcy:



Looks like we'll have to agree to disagree on this thread.

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Guest wanderer
Looks like we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

All of them actually.

I got no issues with Aussie flag but you cant deny the fact that it has been used in bad light many instances which makes many people have issues with it.


Suppose it depends on defining many as to relevance of a very few fools amidst a much more massive population.

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Past prime minister Paul Keating used the Republican debate to divert attention away from the disastrous state of the economy to great effect, so now a new Labour government is in, the hanger oner's like Ray Martin are bringing up this subject, it is a complete white elephant and rears it head now and again.

There is nothing wrong with the current flag and criticizing it just takes people away from the real issues of the day.

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