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Whats bad about Australia (2)


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Everyone has got their own reasons for wanting to move to Australia and obviously a dislike of the UK is one of many reasons as is the dream of a new life in a new country with much better weather. But for the sake of balance for all those posts who say Australia is the best place or England is rubbish, what is bad about Australia?

For me, and I am Australian and of my forty odd years lived for 17 of them in NSW and Queensland, it is the seemingly ridiculous beaurocracy, the overbearing police, especially in NSW (have you ever been pulled over) and my new worry is the new Labour Government is going to screw the whole place up.


Don't get me wrong, I love Australia and hope to be back soon, but is not the land of milk and honey that some think it is.


This post is just for balance and is not an Australia knocking thing.


Over to you

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Guest stockies

Beaurocracy ! Hope i spelt that right..........But then would it be the same if I was Australian and moving to any other country ?

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I'd have to admit the distance is bad.

Cost of living, well in WA anyhow, is more.

The lack of competition in general for everyday products. There seems to be a monopoly on everything.


But on the up side the weather is great, as are the poeple and living is so much better, so I suppose its the price you have to pay.


I love it.

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No day light saving in WA (thanks to the NO voters)

Only one late night shopping night (although OH thinks its great)

Bunnings - My OH goes at least twice a week, I think he's trying to visit everyone in the Metro

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Guest proud2beaussie

From my point of view ,after 44 years,and having lived and worked in every state,as well as having lived and worked in New Zealand and worked in the US for a short period I can honestly say that there is nothing bad about Australia that is unique to the country,for example Australia has no higher level of bureaucracy than other countries,I mean try getting a permit to start a restaurant in London and then you see real bureaucracy.

And yes Australia has drought and flies,and the droughts can be long but other countries have them too,along with the flies.

Australia is not a utopia,but I have never met an Australian that thought it was,most sensible people recognise that Australia has many problems including a lack of key infrastructure like transport and health services and a need to desperately improve things like broadband internet services to regional areas,but none of these things make it a bad place to live and they are in many cases outweighed by the positives of living in a country which has some of the most spectacular scenery on earth,has 17 world heritage sites and has some of the friendliest people you could ever meet.

Land of milk and honey?-absolutely not,but it will do for me.

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Guest Graham from Oz

I`ve lived in Tas, Qld, SA and WA, i have NO plans on EVER living anywhere near Sydney or Melbourne. Im currently in England with my english wife and her 4 kids after being here from xmas till end of march then returned in april and am still here until october, up untill i met my wife and travelled over here last year ide never been out of oz, didnt even have a passport, im 37 years old. i can see why people want to leave, 63,000,000 ppl living in a country that can fit into Australia 32 times, aprox 40,000,000 cars on the road, my 14 yr old stepson has nothing to do except gather in a park with his mates and get into trouble, cost so much just to take the family out for the day, can do the same thing in oz for free, my neighbour gets up at 4am to be at and start work at 8am then gets home at about 8-9pm never realy get to see his children awake and to top it off gets paid peanuts, give me Australia ANYDAY, i LOVE Australia its the luckiest country live in, and i hope to bring my wife and kids home soon.

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for me its the bald man in the good guys advert!!! that man freaks me out always has done and now he's in the shower :biglaugh:





In your shower???? :wideeyed: OMG someone call 000


Hmmm really hard to find anything wrong with Australia.......


The mozzies and flies, but i guess they are there because of the wormth........


Maybe I've been away to long, but every time I hop off the plane a big smile beems across my face and all is forgiven.

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Guest proud2beaussie

I actually think there is plenty wrong with Australia,but as I was trying to say in a roundabout way in my last post,I don't think the bad things are really any worse than in other countries and they are not enough to stop me wanting to be here.

We have the same problems as places like the UK,US etc,underage drinking,binge drinking,drugs,crime etc,but I still love the place,just as much as proud Brits love the UK.

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Guest proud2beaussie

If I was answering a similar question about Britain I would have to say car insurance ads,specifically the one with the dog that says "Oh Yes !" and the other the admiral with the parrot,and not forgetting "Sheilas Wheels":arghh:

Oh and one more bad thing about Australia-I hate daylight saving with a passion-

I used to have 62 cows on this property and in summer I was milking them in total darkness and then on hot days it's bright sunlight till about 9.00pm,and when it's been 40 degrees since about 10' in the morning that is very hard to take.

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Guest guest17301
I actually think there is plenty wrong with Australia,but as I was trying to say in a roundabout way in my last post,I don't think the bad things are really any worse than in other countries and they are not enough to stop me wanting to be here.

We have the same problems as places like the UK,US etc,underage drinking,binge drinking,drugs,crime etc,but I still love the place,just as much as proud Brits love the UK.


I agree but from my limited experience of Australia I don't think you can compare the 2 countries in terms of the problems listed. There are too many variables including the fact that Britain is 100 times more 'built-up' than Australia. I live less than 20 miles from a major city and can honestly say that crime and anti-social behaviour doesn't seem as rife as where we lived in the UK-also 20 miles from a major city. I think what I'm trying to say is that's its obvious that crime etc exists everywhere but the prevalence of it is less 'in your face' here if that makes sense?? Maybe due to the size of the country?

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Guest shazza33

I have lived in Qld, N T , WA, SA and currentley VIC. As a child my family moved a lot and myself as a adult i moved a bit.


All time favourite, QLD. Love the weather! NT next love the people, we know what NT stands for ( NOT today, Not Tomorrow,Nother Time) and it's to hot to care about most stuff. Then the rest. Well except South Australia i found people ther to be rather rude.

I do a lot of travel and it's strange because i find a lot of people say that about South Australians.


But what's wrong with OZ, HMMMMM


mosquitoes!!! midg's and things that are realy small and itchy

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  • The cliquiness of social groups, unless you are anything less than pushy you will find it difficult making friends (look how many posts asking for friends on here).
  • Rain- I was rained off from work much more in Brisbane than i ever was in Spain or UK, its also a pain when you plan days out or BBQs and it chucks it down all day.


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Guest itskaren
I can only speak for Qld but my bug bears are,,,


Ridiculous Trade Licencing

The non-existent ''return'' phone call (no-one calls back when they say they will)

the state of lots of roads (tarmac wise)


Cal x



I have practically given up on anyone calling you back! It's laughable! The customer care in Australia (IMO) is non existent.:confused:

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Guest inlimbo

I liked Oz a lot....but



Seems to rain for days on end in the winter.

Price of a pint.

Expensive food.


Bloody flies.

TV is tripe and sooooooooooooooooo many adverts.

Squaking parakeets waking you up (why no national cull)?

No decent football to watch live.

Curries are horrible, they seem to think curry = Korma.

Expensive seconhand cars.

Where Brits are easy to get to know..Aussies are hard.


Hoons...Aussies seem to think it is cool to burn rubber all the time....it's sad.

Not as pretty as the UK.

No castles or national trust sites to visit.

Isolated in western Oz.....no europe on doorstep.

Supermarkets and shops close so early.

It gets dark so early.

Goverment are a joke (much like our own)

Apart from that it is OK.....





I am a WHINGING pom.......:biglaugh:

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Guest proud2beaussie
The customer care in Australia (IMO) is non existent

It's better than the UK where it takes 3 weeks to get a phone connected to a new restaurant despite 10 emails sent to BT.and no apology for their action which meant taking bookings via a mobile phone,only received an apology after threatening to sue them.

As for your comments inlimbo-here is my response.

Seems to rain for days on end in the winter.-Ditto UK

Price of a pint.-Ditto UK,not that I drink what they call beer in the UK.

Expensive food –Ditto UK,when I was there last week I paid £14.00 for a leg of lamb,($27.00 AUD) I can get the same size leg here for $16.00.

TV is tripe and sooooooooooooooooo many adverts-Ditto UK

Curries are horrible,-Ditto UK,Good curries is a UK myth.

Expensive seconhand cars.-UK cars are crap

Where Brits are easy to get to know..Aussies are hard.-Depends on how hard you try.

Grafetti.-Ditto UK (Have you been to Peckham lately ?)

Hoons...Aussies seem to think it is cool to burn rubber all the time-You’re in Kent,Been to Beckenham on a Friday night?

Not as pretty as the UK.-Prettier actually,you obviously didn't go to Katherine Gorge or Tasmania west coast.

No castles or national trust sites to visit-You didn’t look very hard-check out the national trust websites.- National Trust of Australia

Isolated in western Oz.....no europe on doorstep –Thank God

Supermarkets and shops close so early-Most large centres in Australia are open 7 days till 9pm.Western Australia and Queensland are exceptions.

It gets dark so early.-Gets dark at 4.30 in the UK in winter

You are correct though,you are a whinging pom.:laugh:

(Sausages are good in the UK though)

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