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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Visa applied for: Section 300 Prospective Marriage Visa





Dec 4 – visa application submitted



Dec 8 – visa application acknowledged

Dec 9 – xray

Dec 16 – medical

Jan 22 – told I had failed the medical but no reason given

Feb 2 – told that there may have been a mistake in processing the medicals and an incorrect conclusion may have been reached; case had been referred to Senior Medical Officer

Feb 17 – visa granted

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I was granted my visa today, just been to post off my passport still kinda in shock as it's been so long I didnt think it was going to ever come!


Now a mad rush to get flights to validate at easter, though I have till Oct to to do it. Only time I can do it really given hubby is a teacher and I'll be having babs mid July.

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me neither.... how long has everyone been waiting? to be fair im being real impatient. Submitted 20th Jan, CO asked for meds 22nd Jan, got evidence back 23rd Jan, Meds done on 25th Jan. CO received Meds Monday 8th Feb


So not long but ya know how it is!!!

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me neither.... how long has everyone been waiting? to be fair im being real impatient. Submitted 20th Jan, CO asked for meds 22nd Jan, got evidence back 23rd Jan, Meds done on 25th Jan. CO received Meds Monday 8th Feb


So not long but ya know how it is!!!


When you say CO received Meds Monday 8th Feb - does this mean he/she confirmed they have them? (Australia House website says they aim to process mail withing 10 days of delivery!)

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My experience with Australia House was good. My application was acknowledged within 2 working days of me sending it and at least one of those days must have been owed to Royal Mail. My CO generally answered e-mails within minutes. The hold up was in HOC.


I should also add that despite the mountains of paperwork that others have provided for their relationships, mine was quite thin - but evidently acceptable. I submitted various photos of myself and my fiancee together in different exotic locations, taken over the course of two years. Also, five statements from friends (well, one was my mother) to say that they'd met us and believed in us. Then personal statements from the both of us talking about how we met, how we sustain the relationship over distance, the plans we have, the job offer I have, the timetable leading up to a wedding. But really, that's pretty much it. Not much paper, but all genuine, heartfelt and consistent.

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Lol. It has taken me since months to get my application together, even using an agent!! And I've been with partner since 2001 and we have a child together!

Getting an application together is a hassle, but at least its within your own control (mostly). It's the loss of control when you fire in your application that plays with your mind - all you can do is wait. And wait. And wait.

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Yup 6 months was a drag, didnt think I'd ever get it but dont think yours will take that long. I had medical issues they were looking at then I got pregnant :o) so extra medical stuff.


I've just booked our flights with Etihad for April to validate. We aren't looking to move straight away, better to have babs here where I get maternity pay. And we would prefer to job hunt from here so we have employment to go to when we do make the move.

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I had real difficulty applying for jobs from the UK (i.e. not even a hint of an interview) until I used the magic words "because this is a move I will be making anyway, I would not expect to receive any relocation expenses". The first time I used these words I got an interview and was given the job. Coincidence?


Good luck with the job hunting.

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Guest lindawob

Ok I am new here but here goes my timeline..we are married with two kids,


11/02 application with meds,police checks and for 80 recieved

12/02 money taken

15/02 email from co requesting my kids birth certificates and the copies of their Aust passports

16/02 sent

18.02 got an email from CO saying she doesn't need anymore info and now in queue to be approved


Now waiting but not very patiently!!


any idea how long will it take??

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Guest siamsusie
Ok I am new here but here goes my timeline..we are married with two kids,


11/02 application with meds,police checks and for 80 recieved

12/02 money taken

15/02 email from co requesting my kids birth certificates and the copies of their Aust passports

16/02 sent

18.02 got an email from CO saying she doesn't need anymore info and now in queue to be approved


Now waiting but not very patiently!!


any idea how long will it take??

Linda you asked this question yesterday, and it was answered! you have lodged in London, it can take anything from 5/10 days to a few months. If you case is straight forward it could be a matter of weeks! Susie
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Guest lindawob

i know i know..didn t mean to repeat my question..just looking for someone with a magic ball!lol.but don t we all?i just have to be patient and wait.. Hopefully i ll be updating my status before i know it:)good luck to all in the same position:):cute:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest yougou

hello everyone i'm new here, i applied for australian spouse visa 309.

Applied from:australian high commission london

Nationality: Algerian living in london.

Date of lodging application:24 february 2010

police check: Yes, submitted with the application 24 february

medicals: Yes, submitted with application 24 february

form 80: Yes, submitted

Co assigned:25 february 2010

date visa granted: still waiting.

good luck for everyone and hopefully the process won't take long because i come from a high risk country(algeria).

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Best of luck Yougou. I visited Algeria (Algiers, Ghardaia and Tipaza) last year and enjoyed myself very much. Algeria is a beautiful and diverse country; not at all as people might expect. It's a shame to think that such a friendly place could be considered "high risk".

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Guest siamsusie
hello everyone i'm new here, i applied for australian spouse visa 309.

Applied from:australian high commission london

Nationality: Algerian living in london.

Date of lodging application:24 february 2010

police check: Yes, submitted with the application 24 february

medicals: Yes, submitted with application 24 february

form 80: Yes, submitted

Co assigned:25 february 2010

date visa granted: still waiting.

good luck for everyone and hopefully the process won't take long because i come from a high risk country(algeria).

So many best wishes on your Visa journey, I am sure you wont have to wait very long, London have been pretty good to us guys... I dislike labels eg High Risk, so disparaging! but one never knows London might be considered HR one of these days as well:cute: Best wishes Susie

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Hi every one,


I can finally share my timeline with you guys.


Application submitted: 29 June 2009 (frontloaded with medicals and police checks from Egypt and UK)

CO assigned and additional info requested: 9 July 2009

additional info submitted: 14 July 2009

Contact from case officer requesting some info by email: 25 February 2010

info submitted by email: 25 February 2010

visa granted: 3rd Mardch 2010 (subclass 100)


The visa took 8 months and 1 week in total. It was a long time, but it is well worth it. Good luck to every one.

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