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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Guest siamsusie
Application lodged today (18/11/09) - Personal Character form 80 completed but no medical/police checks yet

Payment taken today (18/11/09)


Ours is a difficult case as my husband has had 2 heart transplants so will be shocked if the govt say yes straight away, keeping our fingers crossed tho

Donna, I know a family with many complications and they all got in, each case on its merits, crossing my fingers for you brave people:hug: ss xx
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Janie, good luck and good luck telling your mum. I totally understand where you are coming from as I was so scared. My parent were pleased as they know I am unhappy here without my man but still sad. My mum is positive and she says "its not like years ago when people went on the boat and we never saw them again"!! They just feel it is so far away. I am dreading saying bye to them and my friends, going to have christmas here but dreading that day as know they will be upset but I have to make a conscious effort in my head to look at it like I am only away for a while and be home soon. Sometimes I think I look it it like their comparison to the boat but know I will be back soon. As i said, good luck with it and get her on skype with a webcam ! makes such a difference! sin:hug:


Thanks SIN. My mum already uses Skype so will def be keeping in touch regularly with that. I told my Mum that we are definitley off in January and it didn't go down well (as expected). I feel like such a bad person as I am breaking my mum's heart. I just hope that she will get used to the idea and realise that it's not as bad as she thinks. I'm pretty sure she will. Will be spending Christmas with my family too so that will be a good chance to spend some quality time together before the move.

Anyway, lots to do now...hand in resignation, give notice on flat and organise moving everything! Exciting Stuff. Good luck to you too:smile:

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Lodged offshore spouse visa application in London on 4 November, payment taken the next day. Asked for further proof of r/ship and medicals on 6 November. Gave further proof of r/ship on 11 November and medicals submitted on about 20 November. Visa granted on 26 November. We were surprised we were asked for more proof of the r/ship - we have a child together who has been granted Aussie citizenship already.


It's harrowing when you are waiting, because you start to wonder - what if they don't grant it? Consequences. That can lead into 'they'd BETTER grant it!!! :(' which doesn't help.

If I was to give any advice it would be -

put yourself in the shoes of the case officer. Hundreds of applications in their in-tray, a perception that 'some people would say anything to get into Australia', and a sense of 'if in doubt, do not grant'. Therefore, try to 'be of assistance' to the case officer as they go about their difficult and thankless task of processing applications. You may then find that they are trying to help you too.


Best of luck!!

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Jayde, it does take a while to put together and at the time it feels like it is taking ages! Have you got much more to do?

I have almost all the application and proof ready, some of the stat decs I asked for have arrived and we are about to get to police clearances and put it all together in a package, it looks fairly large though, hope we are not sending too much.


Then it will be organising the medical, (we have tried to get the letter from OH specialist, but still waiting on that)


Now I am wondering what the holidays will do, whether they have a delay while people are away, but all being well we will send it off in the new year.

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Guest donnabeer74

Thanks guys. We are hoping they will look favourably at the fact that we have already got our daughter citizenship by Descent and we are applying for the same for our son - that just leaves my husband


We have been asked for him to get medicals and police checks so least they haven't said NO straight away. Unfortunately he is currently in hospital with pneumonia :( First time he's been hospitalised since his transplant nearly 4 years ago


Lodged forms at Aussie House 18/11/09. Payment taken 18/11/09. Request for medicals and police checks 20/11/09

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Guest catriona

Hi i'm a newbie.


Sent in my off shore de facto pack on thursday 26th Nov 2009. No police check or Meds but with form 80.


Did give them a call regarding certified docs done here in the UK; the guy said the application isn't weighed too much of stat decs; just as long as i had sent an completed the 2 main forms and made payment, will keep updated with progress

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Guest catriona

lame. can anyone help.


got an email back and a case officer.


Basically she wants more evidence of our relationship jan - april 2009 (this is when i stayed as a guest at my partners parents in aus on a long holiday). all i can think of is a statement from my mother in law and i also have my australian tax number registered to that aussie address. do you think that'd be cool?


i feel so low about it :(

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Guest siamsusie
lame. can anyone help.


got an email back and a case officer.


Basically she wants more evidence of our relationship jan - april 2009 (this is when i stayed as a guest at my partners parents in aus on a long holiday). all i can think of is a statement from my mother in law and i also have my australian tax number registered to that aussie address. do you think that'd be cool?


i feel so low about it :(

Hi Catriona,

Without knowing your details is always difficult to make a comment. What were you doing between Jan - April 2009? You mention that you were on holiday, but was the time spent together as a couple organising your future life together i. engagement, marriage, obtaining a home together? . I would have thought a TFN at your partner's mothers address would have little bearing on your case, this could be just a poste restante address (in their eyes). Its a bit like a jig saw , and DIAC would like to see the final picture.:hug: Susie

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Guest siamsusie
we were holidaying together. that was all.

what else can i do?!

:hug: Catriona, if you go through all the various posts vis a vis spouse/de facto relationships, you will see what we have had to produce. Even the married guys (like myself or Happy Lass etc) have had to provide a mountain of paperwork. I cannot advise you because I havent seen your submission, and to be frank if in doubt you really should seek professional advice. Howling Placenta is another who filed for a de facto she will tell you what was involved. Holidaying together is one aspect but DIAC are looking for commitment and existing/future plans. Joint bank accounts/Wills/Bills/Letters/Cards/....Mpur is another lass who has been asked to wait until January I think. DIAC have become imo more stringent on the "genuine aspect" of Spouse/De Facto Visas for obvious reasons. If you are unsure and have lodged your case already (which may be the case from your post) and are in the vicinity of London why not pop into Australia House and have a word:hug: Susie
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we were holidaying together. that was all.

what else can i do?!

Do you mean you were travelling together or that you were on holiday and staying with her at her address? What sort of evidence did you send with your application to cover that 4 month period?


Susie is right about the mountain of evidence you need to provide even and that mountain is still expected even when you are married! We applied in October and were told to bring all our 4 years worth of evidence with us to our appointment. If you're applying for the partner visa as a de facto couple then you must provide evidence for each of the 12 months immediately prior to lodging your application (registering your relationship can reduce that period but that comes with its own caveats and may not apply to you - and likely won't if your application is already being assessed).


Either way, a chat with an RMA would be the best next step you can take.


Evidence-wise, an itinerary would be a good starting point, as would Stat Decs from your partner's family and any friends, any and all bills, invoices etc. sent to you both (not necessarily in joint names) to that address, photographs and things like your reciprocal medicare card will help.


Good luck :smile:

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Guest catriona

evening all!


we have been together and living together since october 2006 and we went over for 3 months so i could meet her family and for us to chill out!


i've sent evidence from all 3 years; joint bank acc statements/joint gym membership/car insurance covering both of us. lots of legitimate things. as much as possible. the plan is to send a statement from her folks (australians), my folks, my tax bits registered to her parents house, some ebay reciepts where i purchased bits for our van and they are addressed to me at the in laws. its so hard and really sad as like i say been together almost 4 years!! i just hope and pray otherwise god knows what'll happen to us! we're engaged, we have a pet cat and have lived like i said together for 3 years. its crazy. hopefully they'll take into account that



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Guest catriona

ooh just scoured my email from jan-april and found reciepts for hotels booked for us 2; travel insurance in both our names, airport shuttle for 2, coach booked for us 2 to the airport. hope that helps!

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sounds like you are on a roll, amazing what stuff we can use when we are up against it, credit card and bank statements can back up some of our claims too, good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
ooh just scoured my email from jan-april and found reciepts for hotels booked for us 2; travel insurance in both our names, airport shuttle for 2, coach booked for us 2 to the airport. hope that helps!


Catriona I sympathise but can only advise on my own experience. I have been living apart from my boyfriend since june and I got my visa in October. we have been together since 2004 so we thought we would have issues but what we made sure of was that all our forms were date perfect and matched and we accounted for our time apart by providing evidence of calls etc. we werent interviewed either but we have a mortgage together and we had £30,000 saved so we submitted bank statements to show we werent idiots so account for every minute, send them flight details, did you send postcard to anyone and from both, show pictures etc. Prove you have lived together since 06 if thats what it is and leave no gaps, show them you are being truthful, give them cv's , give them your educational background, give them things they dont ask for but everything to show you are a good candidate and you will not be a burden on the country.


Any questions - IM me. I got mine in 2 days which was a miracle but I sent spo much in that there was no doubt and no gaps and not sure what else they could have asked for as I sent supporting evidence for 5 years and not just 12 months.


Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


To update my stats;


Sub 309 submitted with Meds, 40/47/80 forms - 16/10/09

CO assigned - 20/10/09

ACPO clearance re sent - 22/11/09.


No further contact to date. Waiting with patience. Been away from partner for 5 months now.


regards, Brent

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Hello there...


Submitted 309 with Police Check & paid fee - 03/12/2009

Received call & email from CO requesting medical check - 08/12/2009

Medical carried out - 12/12/2009

Nothing further, but very early days I guess!


We got married 8 weeks ago in the UK and hubby is now back in Oz due to work. Can't wait to join him!! (For obv reasons, but also it's soooo cold!!)


Linzi x

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Guest siamsusie
Hello there...


Submitted 309 with Police Check & paid fee - 03/12/2009

Received call & email from CO requesting medical check - 08/12/2009

Medical carried out - 12/12/2009

Nothing further, but very early days I guess!


We got married 8 weeks ago in the UK and hubby is now back in Oz due to work. Can't wait to join him!! (For obv reasons, but also it's soooo cold!!)


Linzi x

:hug:Congratulations Linzi, I am sure your visa will come very quickly now. Happy New Year 2010:hug: Susie xx
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I think it sounds more than enough!!! Tax returns to their address and a statement from your mother in law. Don't be daunted by the process, you sound like you have a good application. I was on this thread back in April when I was applying - we had been together 6.5 years and I had to have a phone interview because my application was apparently boderline. Loads of people came and went with their visa's and I didn't get mine till August!! (Am in brisbane now). They just need to account for all the time and that 3 months probably looked like a grey area.

Best of luck


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  • 2 weeks later...



im new 2 this. my wife is in afghanistan and im in oz. i sent her visa aplication on 18/04/09. with police nd medicals nd everything required as proof of marriage.i had to do an assurance of support in augaust and now everything is complete just waiting 4 visa bt it has been so long. ny1 wana share their experience or advice?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's me:


Subclass 100 (I hope!) - Submitted 07/01/10

Payment taken - 12/01/10

CO Assigned, Medical and Police Certs requested - 14/01/10

Police Cert sent via Special Delivery - 26/01/10

Medical completed - 05/02/10

Medical results sent by Panel Doc to Australia House - 15/02/10

CO Acknowledged receipt of medical results (after prodding from me!) - 18/02/10

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