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_shel last won the day on May 15 2010

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  1. Sorry :embarrassed: still no other email address that I can see though! http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/australia/processing-centres/partner/
  2. Thats the right one. Melbourne wont be processing it, it's centralised by visa type. The reply you get from that email is from QLD & thats where I had to send all my second stage stuff and I'm in NSW.
  3. Whilst I understand your frustration it might not be the best move to get your medicals done if not asked. You could still be waiting and then have to pay out to get them again. I know that would just make me madder, long wait & double costs!
  4. Sounds like they may want to put your visa in. Congratulations :biggrin: The visa is linked electronically but it is often a good idea to get the sticker in your passport for ease. Many people will want to see it to prove eligibility such as healthcare & employers etc
  5. How did you pay? I used the form to pay by Visa, still took a few days from the day they got the application. If you paid by bankers draft it would take longer and dont count the weekend because as we know the world shuts over the weekend lol
  6. I never recieved any confirmation that they had my app, I just knew they had taken the money from my account lol. First I knew they were doing anything with it was about 2 weeks later when I recieved our documents back in the post! Then an email a few days after that from the CO requesting more info.
  7. Ha Ha I did that too. Had the highlighter pen all over my documents, wanted to make sure they saw the bits I wanted them too. Even put notes next to some things to show what they were actually looking at.
  8. Yup 6 months was a drag, didnt think I'd ever get it but dont think yours will take that long. I had medical issues they were looking at then I got pregnant ) so extra medical stuff. I've just booked our flights with Etihad for April to validate. We aren't looking to move straight away, better to have babs here where I get maternity pay. And we would prefer to job hunt from here so we have employment to go to when we do make the move.
  9. I was granted my visa today, just been to post off my passport still kinda in shock as it's been so long I didnt think it was going to ever come! Now a mad rush to get flights to validate at easter, though I have till Oct to to do it. Only time I can do it really given hubby is a teacher and I'll be having babs mid July.
  10. Carla you are aware you can not pay by personal cheque? You can only pay by debit or credit card. Or by Bankers draft, which you get from the bank and pay for. If you send a personal checque your application will be returned.
  11. Yesterday the 49 days I was given for medicals and extra evidence of living in the same house was up. Despite having had the infromation for about 4 weeks I had not heard from my CO and was contacted yesterday when the time limit was up. No good news for me yet though. Medicals were reffered as expected and they now want more information.......................... "Before giving an opinion on whether you meet the health requirement, HOC has asked that you provide the following further information: A Current assessmenr by a neurologist is required regarding the applicant’s epilepsy please. Report dated 14/1/09 indicates Dr **** was to review the applicant in February 2009. Please forward further report addressing physical examination findings, diagnosis, management needs (including surgery) for the next 5 years and prognosis." I've been given a further 49 days for this which ends on Christmas Eve so no visa for me this year. Which means we wont be going to visit family in Aus at Easter as planned :no:
  12. Keep telling myself we're nearly there. Had my medical Monday, the doctor was lovely, told me he had no issues with my having epilepsy and he was going to say so on the forms he sends back. He said they are looking for those who wont be able to work, I do and have done even even before I had surgery and the epilepsy was much worse. And who's medical care will cost a lot. Well I've had brain surgery here in the UK so Aus wont have to do it which has made things much better:smile: Got my xray fri, had some problems getting a date and my police check arrived this morning got to pick it from the post office in the moring. Got a ton of bills addressed to DH to mail with the police check, then we wait.
  13. Thanks guys, I was going to change the bills to joint names but they wouldnt let me without me sending my original marriage certificate!! No way was I sending that to a random mailing centre for British Gas etc.. Anyways I've gathered up council tax bill, (his names on that one, thought I'd sent it but oops) tax credit award notice's, DVLA letters, and bills etc. Think I'll ask my elderly, very sweet next door neighbour to write us a stat dec saying she knows we are living together. They said no photos, videos, emails or letters to each other. Can only assume they want offical stuff like the bills, HMRC & DVLA etc. They have given me 49 days for all of this which seems long to what others are given, can only assume thats because of the postal strike just about to hit us.
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