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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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happy lass have imissed something, you got ur visa, is that right!!!! wicked congratulations!!!! yuippee, yeah im sure it'll take a while for you to settle in back at home again

keep checking that it's real hahaha : ) and that certainly was very quick : )



good luck to everyone else too : )



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Just adding my stats as still in shock


Lodged 23/10/09 in person at australia house, london

Payment Taken - 23/10/09 by debit card

Email received - 27/10/09 granting visa and asking for passport to be submitted for stamp. Got until 03/07/10 to validate by entry into oz (expiry of medicals).



I was advised i would get an email from case officer within 7 days and was keeping an eye out for that and I just got one email saying it was granted. In complete shock.


Submitted 40Sp/47SP/Form 80/UK police checks/birth cert/ passports for both of us/ austalian citizenship for sponsor/ Sponsors financial accounts/ sponsors current employment contract and payslips/My P60 and bank accounts showing I have money and showing transfers between us/ house insurance / council tax bills/ mortgage documents/ 4 stat decs/ 2 personal statements/ 40 photos/wedding invitations/cards/holiday itinieries/bt and gas bills (one for each year 2006-2009). / skype history showing we are apart for 4 months and in contact. Only certified passports/ birth certs/ p60's/ and 888 forms. If anyone needs any assistance please ping me. Still in shock at how quick this was. :biggrin:

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Here is my partner's info:


application form submitted by special delivery (Royal Mail) to Australia House, London, around end of Aug, 09. Payment taken and case office assigned within a couple of days. Advised on 07/09 to get medical and police check and send in form 80. Medical done on 26/09, police check received and sent in on 07/10, visa approved today (26/10).


No interviews, no requests for further information, no migration agent required. We are delighted!

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Here's my timeline -


Medicals - Sept 15th


Lodged Applications - Sept 16th


Email Requesting Australian Police Check - Sept 21st


Australian Police Check Received and Sent to London - Oct 7th


Visa Granted - Oct 8th (6 hours or so after they received the Australian Police Check).


All in all it took 3 weeks and 3 days from when the apps were received in London and most of that was waiting for the Australian Police Check to come back. We fly out in 25 days so it's all systems go :eek:

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Applied for: 47sp Application for Subclass 309 De Facto Partner visa (Offshore) - London


Application Submitted: 27th October 2009

Case Officer (C/O) Email: 29th October 2009

Visa Granted: 29th October 2009 (2 days!!)


We sent a fully front-loaded application including Police checks and medical, Evidence like photos and cards and joint statements, certified copies of passports/birth certs etc, 4 stat decs (2 from Aus, 2 from UK), two thousand word statements from each of us regarding history of our relationship, plus a statement from myself as sponsor describing how I was going to fulfill sponsorship obligations, included copies of bank accounts and budget.


We were not asked for anything else, nor were we contacted at all until we received an email 2 days after application stating that we were successful!

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Yeh!! same as me.....its a fab feeling.... have a wonderful time in Oz. Ive sent my passport in on saturday to get stamped so hopefully will get that back this week.!




Applied for: 47sp Application for Subclass 309 De Facto Partner visa (Offshore) - London


Application Submitted: 27th October 2009

Case Officer (C/O) Email: 29th October 2009

Visa Granted: 29th October 2009 (2 days!!)


We sent a fully front-loaded application including Police checks and medical, Evidence like photos and cards and joint statements, certified copies of passports/birth certs etc, 4 stat decs (2 from Aus, 2 from UK), two thousand word statements from each of us regarding history of our relationship, plus a statement from myself as sponsor describing how I was going to fulfill sponsorship obligations, included copies of bank accounts and budget.


We were not asked for anything else, nor were we contacted at all until we received an email 2 days after application stating that we were successful!

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Yesterday the 49 days I was given for medicals and extra evidence of living in the same house was up. Despite having had the infromation for about 4 weeks I had not heard from my CO and was contacted yesterday when the time limit was up.


No good news for me yet though. Medicals were reffered as expected and they now want more information..........................



"Before giving an opinion on whether you meet the health requirement, HOC has asked that you provide the following further information:

A Current assessmenr by a neurologist is required regarding the applicant’s epilepsy please. Report dated 14/1/09 indicates Dr **** was to review the applicant in February 2009. Please forward further report addressing physical examination findings, diagnosis, management needs (including surgery) for the next 5 years and prognosis."


I've been given a further 49 days for this which ends on Christmas Eve so no visa for me this year.

Which means we wont be going to visit family in Aus at Easter as planned :no:




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Thanks Happy Lass! and Thanks Sin, hope you enjoy oz also :)


The BF sent his passport off yesterday to get stamped, the CO said she usually turns them around in 1-2. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited to be going home!


Goodluck to all those waiting/applying, theres hope yet! :)

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I've been given a further 49 days for this which ends on Christmas Eve so no visa for me this year.

Which means we wont be going to visit family in Aus at Easter as planned :no:

I'm sorry to hear about the delay, Shel; that must be quite frustrating. Here's to the hope that the next bit is much faster and that you will be able to get your visa and come over in time for Christmas :hug:


Best of luck :)

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Ozburt, I mailed my passport in to them on Monday 2nd nov and got it back on thursday 5th - sent in a special delivery envelope but obviously was at work went they sent it back which was Thursday so I picked it up this morning from the local delivery office......what a relief now to have a lovely reddy/orange visa page. yeeeahhh!!


Thanks Happy Lass! and Thanks Sin, hope you enjoy oz also :)


The BF sent his passport off yesterday to get stamped, the CO said she usually turns them around in 1-2. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited to be going home!


Goodluck to all those waiting/applying, theres hope yet! :)

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Congrats SIN - youre official! :)


Yes, we also got the special deliv. envelope back quickly! Sent on tuesday 3rd, Received it back on Friday 6th!


the BF was well chuffed, but was a little dissapointed it wasnt more pretty! LOL


Think he was expecting a green & gold blinging visa page...!

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hah....i thought the same....I was like...this looks like a flimsy sticker...plus it doesnt have a time limit on it so I thought they would have the 2 year temp time limit on it......Its all go go go now... 10 weeks left here now...woo hooo........good luck with everything too. :-)

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Hi All


Just an update...I got my offshore de facto visa granted yesterday!! Very excited now! So here's my timeline:


6th October 2009 - Application submitted in person at Australian High Comission front loaded with Meds and Form 80, payment taken there and then and email from Case Officer recieved the same afternoon

8th October 2009 - Police Certificate submitted

12th November 2009 - Visa granted!


5 and a half weeks in total, no further info requested and no interview. Sending my passport in today for the visa label to be attached. Then it's time to get organising for our move to Brisbane in January.


Just need to tell my mum that the visa has been granted and we are definitley off, not looking forward to that!!


Good luck everyone else. The application process is far less paiinfull than I ever imagined.

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Janie, good luck and good luck telling your mum. I totally understand where you are coming from as I was so scared. My parent were pleased as they know I am unhappy here without my man but still sad. My mum is positive and she says "its not like years ago when people went on the boat and we never saw them again"!! They just feel it is so far away. I am dreading saying bye to them and my friends, going to have christmas here but dreading that day as know they will be upset but I have to make a conscious effort in my head to look at it like I am only away for a while and be home soon. Sometimes I think I look it it like their comparison to the boat but know I will be back soon. As i said, good luck with it and get her on skype with a webcam ! makes such a difference! sin:hug:



Hi All


Just an update...I got my offshore de facto visa granted yesterday!! Very excited now! So here's my timeline:


6th October 2009 - Application submitted in person at Australian High Comission front loaded with Meds and Form 80, payment taken there and then and email from Case Officer recieved the same afternoon

8th October 2009 - Police Certificate submitted

12th November 2009 - Visa granted!


5 and a half weeks in total, no further info requested and no interview. Sending my passport in today for the visa label to be attached. Then it's time to get organising for our move to Brisbane in January.


Just need to tell my mum that the visa has been granted and we are definitley off, not looking forward to that!!


Good luck everyone else. The application process is far less paiinfull than I ever imagined.

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Guest donnabeer74

Application lodged today (18/11/09) - Personal Character form 80 completed but no medical/police checks yet

Payment taken today (18/11/09)


Husband only applicant and 1 of our children is already and Aussie and we are applying for the other to be Aussie by descent


Ours is a difficult case as my husband has had 2 heart transplants so will be shocked if the govt say yes straight away, keeping our fingers crossed tho


Email from immigration 20/11/09 requesting Andrew (my husband) go for medicals and get police checks completed. Booked him in for medical 24th November but unfortunately he was taken into hospital of the Saturday with pneumonia. Informed immigration and had a lovely reply wishing him well. Was going to Oz for Xmas on 6th Dec but this has now been postponed so planning on getting medical done as soon as Andy is up for it.

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